Fuk Revita

Follically Challenged

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liquidfirex said:
quit bloody bickering.

The question here is, is revita helping with hairloss or hindering?!

I'd personally like to know, having just got some yesterday.

It's too early to tell. For anyone.


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Follically Challenged said:
Optimist said:
[quote="Follically Challenged":f1342]You're the boob who's letting his hair fall by the wayside to test out apple poly for us, right? lol

:oops: ..yes. But hey, that actually has a serious study showing its efficacy rather than a laundry list of ingredients found in old wives cures.

Anyways, keep us updated on how its working for ya.

coper peptides, procyanidin b-1 (found in your apple poly), caffeine, and ketoconazole in it. not to mention spin traps. i don't know who these old wives you know of, but they sound like some pretty knowledgeable b****s.[/quote:f1342]

Yes it is nice to know that some of those ingredients may have some scientific backing (procyandin, caffeine), although far from anything solid, but there is no evidence that there is a high enough concentration of any of those ingredience in Revita or a proper carrier to deliver them. Also, we don't know if they cancel each other out. You can't just mix a bunch of ingredience that are rumored to help hairloss together and say that because of all the ingredience, it covers all the bases. There needs to be a study that shows that Revita has an effect. It really is not hard to do, just get 100 guys and have some use it and others a placebo and then compare.

Kinda dangerous for the snakeoil salesmen to do it though, so don't expect it from Revita.


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Follically Challenged said:
liquidfirex said:
quit bloody bickering.

The question here is, is revita helping with hairloss or hindering?!

I'd personally like to know, having just got some yesterday.

It's too early to tell. For anyone.

If you watch carefully enough you should have reversed miniaturization or stopped hairloss progression within a few weeks. Treatments don't just suddenly turn on after a certain number of months. If it has an effect you should see small changes as soon as the product has gotten into the system.


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Optimist said:
Follically Challenged said:
liquidfirex said:
quit bloody bickering.

The question here is, is revita helping with hairloss or hindering?!

I'd personally like to know, having just got some yesterday.

It's too early to tell. For anyone.

If you watch carefully enough you should have reversed miniaturization or stopped hairloss progression within a few weeks. Treatments don't just suddenly turn on after a certain number of months. If it has an effect you should see small changes as soon as the product has gotten into the system.

I somewhat agree.

Effects, for better or for worse should be noticeable within a short period of time.

Some people say you need to wait 1 year and above, sometimes up to 2 years for Finasteride to show results of any kind.

Do you seriously think in that time that there is no effect on your biology that is measurable?

To say that Finasteride in the last 10 or so months has not produced any positive results would be true.

To say that Finasteride in the last 10 or so months has produced nothing more than furious shedding would be true.

To say that the rate of shedding increased rapidly within a month or two would also be true if not sooner.

Everything we do, rub on, ingest, etc has an effect measurable to the human eye not over periods of months upon months or years but virtually instantaneously.

The human body responds quickly and it lets you know for better or for worse.


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I guess people should throw nizoral out of the big three.... if i had a hammer it would be hitting you on the head. :?


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Matgallis said:
I guess people should throw nizoral out of the big three.... if i had a hammer it would be hitting you on the head. :?



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there was this feature article in Sun (the British tabloid) of a lady who did not shampoo her hair for 6 months, her before and after pics showed very significant differences, but she is not bald, just limp thin hair and some shedding. that inspired me to do the same thing. i haven't been using shampoo or soap for the last 3 months now. i used to miss shampooing during the first month but not anymore. i discovered that massaging lemon extract to my scalp before taking a bath makes it cleaner than shampoo or soap. my scalp looks and feels healthier now more than ever, no itching. there are days when i wash my hair with mineral water (no, not evian). some days i pour some detox tea extract and let it stand for a few minutes then rinse with mineral or just tap water, but never shampoo or soap on my hair. i take a bath 2-3 times a day and i just wash my hair in the shower just the same minus the shampoo.

result: my hair is a lot thicker and blacker. and i like it better i intend to continue just washing my hair with tap or mineral water. no shampoo. it looks great. had i known these shampoos only cause limp and thin hair, i would have abandoned them a long time ago. the only thing i miss now is the smell of the shampoo. but im saving money on shampoo and gaining something up there.

before anyone reacts violently, i am not advertising the no-shampoo regimen nor am i bashing Revita shampoo. just sharing what i discovered for myself. so i dont expect anyone to fire his katyusha. you may call my regimen stupid, but it works wonders for me, so i really dont give a hoot.


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Riordan said:
there was this feature article in Sun (the British tabloid) of a lady who did not shampoo her hair for 6 months.


I didn't see that, have you got a link?


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there was this feature article in Sun (the British tabloid) of a lady who did not shampoo her hair for 6 months, her before and after pics showed very significant differences, but she is not bald, just limp thin hair and some shedding. that inspired me to do the same thing. i haven't been using shampoo or soap for the last 3 months now. i used to miss shampooing during the first month but not anymore. i discovered that massaging lemon extract to my scalp before taking a bath makes it cleaner than shampoo or soap. my scalp looks and feels healthier now more than ever, no itching. there are days when i wash my hair with mineral water (no, not evian). some days i pour some detox tea extract and let it stand for a few minutes then rinse with mineral or just tap water, but never shampoo or soap on my hair. i take a bath 2-3 times a day and i just wash my hair in the shower just the same minus the shampoo.

There is no scientific evidence nor merit to your post, your hair may seem thicker but its gunk and oil. I've been using nizoral for a couple of months now and my hair has never been thicker and cleaner than ever

If you really think logically rather than illogically, your odds of non-using shampoo should work against your favor rather than for.

These three products I've been using religiously are increasing my hair diameter and expanding my hair-line, so don't give me this bull.

Clinical studies + Science = Truth + Hair = happyness.

This hair-loss site is about science + screw the bullshit, so get that sh*t off the forum and go to some other snake-oil site.

Like the Radical right Evangelical Christian; you're sincerely wrong.

of a lady who did not shampoo her hair for 6 months, her before and after pics showed very significant differences, but she is not bald, just limp thin hair and some shedding. that inspired me to do the same thing.
Holy hell, how dim witted are you son? did you shoot heroin in your arm then snort coke, then after dinner did you hit your head then fall down the stairs, then later smoke a cig and a bowl. Then take some sleeping pills and alcohol, and then snort more coke and then, took extasy, then hit the crack pipe? I'm just guessing.

Do you wanna go bald? wanna be the funny bald dude who actually get laughed at and not with? Do you wanna polish everyday? You know I don't.


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JayMan said:
Cutsinger is God said:
JayMan said:
[quote="Cutsinger is God":e6a05]
Optimist said:
So until there is substantial evidence that this shampoo has merit, I say fuk revita.

I could not agree more with you Optimass. There is absolutely no evidence that shampoo of any kind regrows any hair especially this Revita. The best way to revitalize your hair in my opinion is to give it a nice drink of cool H2o. :D

Yes who can argue with an NW7?

Jayman, if you have evidence shampoo regrows hair than show it. Until then do me a favor and just shut up ok mate? You are an annoying little twit especially with that gay avatar of yours. When are you going to take that down I am outraged that nothing has been done about that yet.

lol! :hairy: outraged huh? here let me rub your horseshoe for you . there you go. it's okay.[/quote:e6a05]

LMAO!!! I want to rub the horseshoe next! Pick me, pick me!


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I would use revita, but I'm not convinced it is worth $40. I'd replace nizoral with it. I want something better, but can't find it on the web. I wish I could purchase my own ingredients.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I would use revita, but I'm not convinced it is worth $40. I'd replace nizoral with it. I want something better, but can't find it on the web. I wish I could purchase my own ingredients.

Thats pretty much how I feel. It may be good, but I need some clinical data before dropping $40.

Guy Legend

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Let me just say that I've been using Revita for about 6 weeks now and I've been shedding since day one of starting this product (prior to this, I shed at the most 1 or 2 hairs). Basically, the amount of hairs on my hands during showering has exploded since using this, but I believed it has lessened a bit recently. Usually, shedding is a great sign, so I'm optimistic.


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Guy Legend said:
Let me just say that I've been using Revita for about 6 weeks now and I've been shedding since day one of starting this product (prior to this, I shed at the most 1 or 2 hairs). Basically, the amount of hairs on my hands during showering has exploded since using this, but I believed it has lessened a bit recently. Usually, shedding is a great sign, so I'm optimistic.

Good news. Are you using anything else besides Revita?

Keep us updated.