Fund. Fund. Fund.


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Fellow baldies

if you have ever had the misfortune to have to visit another forum dedicated to another medical condition chances are is that that community was involved directly or indirectly in funding research.

I do not need to tell you that a hallmark of the 21st century is the way social media has enabled small groups to have an impact. You have seen it.

It is therefore continues to surprise me that a community such as this with many people who are willing to spend so much time and effort in discussing the science, which is advancing at a frustrating pace to say the least, has not yet implemented such initiative.

let us not discuss the pros and cons, we have done so many many times before, and clearly the cons consist of small monetary cost and some effort while the pros ranges from 'could be useful' to potentially game changer.

Have a foundation first, collct the money, then democratically decide where to spend. Either on speeding up forthcoming solutions (think piloscopy) or funding research that is underfunded, or providing prize award.

one thing is for sure. Next time you complain (rightly so) about the lack of attention from the medical or investor community, you t least can show that you have tried to do something ...

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Sorry for typos, typing from ipad...


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I'm all for new generation methods. Replicel and lauster jahoda are on a right track and their works have already shown some promise and I think the involvement of 3D printing would be the ultimate step for the battle. Needless to say we all like to speed the things up, and we probably can in some way.


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Just the othe day I was one click away of purchasing a domain name for this very cause. But it wasn't gonna be a foundation, it was gonna be a council.


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My Regimen
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All of you are overlooking a greater obstacle than just money:


Suppose a collaborative effort did come through and you raised a ridiculous amount like 10 million dollars or even 100 million. What good is that money going to do when the actual treatment and you're self worth is going to be fvcked by governing bodies like the FDA telling you you can't live a normal life until the treatment goes through 10 years or more of clinical trials?

How many of you have 10 years (or more) of your life to piss away on waiting for a cure?


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All of you are overlooking a greater obstacle than just money:


Suppose a collaborative effort did come through and you raised a ridiculous amount like 10 million dollars or even 100 million. What good is that money going to do when the actual treatment and you're self worth is going to be fvcked by governing bodies like the FDA telling you you can't live a normal life until the treatment goes through 10 years or more of clinical trials?

How many of you have 10 years (or more) of your life to piss away on waiting for a cure?

No one.


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All of you are overlooking a greater obstacle than just money:


Suppose a collaborative effort did come through and you raised a ridiculous amount like 10 million dollars or even 100 million. What good is that money going to do when the actual treatment and you're self worth is going to be fvcked by governing bodies like the FDA telling you you can't live a normal life until the treatment goes through 10 years or more of clinical trials?

How many of you have 10 years (or more) of your life to piss away on waiting for a cure?

You are so right, hellouser. The FDA is probably THE biggest obstacle hindering us from getting our lives back, perhaps even more so than finding the cure in the first place. Our best "hope" lies in finding a medicine that already exists for different usage, that also works for baldness, much like the new discovery about AA. Finding a brand new cure would have to go through years of trials, and we don't have the time for that, unless they manage to grow brand new follicles. But of course by then we will be old, and things won't matter as much... We are really in a pretty hopeless place here... :shakehead:


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Not entirely true for Europeans I think. We don't have the FDA but the EMA. If I read it right they can also accept clinical trails done in other countries. Japan has now a way faster clinical trials system and Europe and Japan aren't in bad terms meaning that if they test this there and it is approved there in let's say 3 years there is a chance the EMA says: ok you are allowed to place clinics here to do the procedures. Meaning that if we have the money we are cured...


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Not entirely true for Europeans I think. We don't have the FDA but the EMA. If I read it right they can also accept clinical trails done in other countries. Japan has now a way faster clinical trials system and Europe and Japan aren't in bad terms meaning that if they test this there and it is approved there in let's say 3 years there is a chance the EMA says: ok you are allowed to place clinics here to do the procedures. Meaning that if we have the money we are cured...

Let's hope so... Now we just have to find the damn cure first of all! If there was somewhere I could donate money to hair loss research and know that the money were spent right, I would in a heartbeat... But I don't think there is?


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Let's hope so... Now we just have to find the damn cure first of all! If there was somewhere I could donate money to hair loss research and know that the money were spent right, I would in a heartbeat... But I don't think there is?

You could always buy shares of replicel but you won't know if it is spent right. That's the main problem here, we don't know where we can send money to in order to speed up the process, making us sitting ducks. Let's just hope that we are closer to a cure then we think.


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All of you are overlooking a greater obstacle than just money:


Suppose a collaborative effort did come through and you raised a ridiculous amount like 10 million dollars or even 100 million. What good is that money going to do when the actual treatment and you're self worth is going to be fvcked by governing bodies like the FDA telling you you can't live a normal life until the treatment goes through 10 years or more of clinical trials?

How many of you have 10 years (or more) of your life to piss away on waiting for a cure?
If we got the money, we can f**k fda and pay the smartasses to do the job in Japan.


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Biotech companies gather capital by emitting shares. Want to supply capital? Buy shares but only if you intend on keeping them. Theyre of no use if you buy them now and then sell them again before long thus negatively influencing their value.


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We don't necessary have to go through the FDA. We all know any sort of stem cell cure if many years away, more than 5 at least. So we can focus on something topical in the mean time and lobby hard for it to be sold as a cosmetic. That way we don't have to go through FDA.


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I think we can all agree that second to the actual realization of a " commercially acceptable" solution or better treatment( within a few years), our greatest challenge will forever be government regulations. Still in light of this hard fact I don't see at the moment how a special effort operative(s) by members here ie; a creative initiative with moving parts, would prove to be counterintuitive or a counterproductive measure. Yet again while we may never get closer anytime soon enough to help achieve our mutual goal due to the dreadful regulatory impasses and developmental timelines, etc., some of us may agree that whether it's through awareness and or capital ventures or both to energize progress within and out of our growing community and the hair loss industry, we will more prepared (contributorship, donorship, etc.,)to expedite our project's primary agenda. Now by raising the bar a little higher on the battlefront may provide better advantage to our community later. You Gotta Start Somewhere , If You Don't Want to Go NoWhere. Peace


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We don't necessary have to go through the FDA. We all know any sort of stem cell cure if many years away, more than 5 at least.

You're right about that, they're saying stem cell, hair cloning and all that good stuff is "AT LEAST" 10-20 years away... 20 years?! The worst part is when those 20 years have passed, I would not be surprised if they said "well only 5 more years now!"

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Let's just hope that we are closer to a cure then we think.

Sometimes I think that what if the cure has been developed in secrecy, and will be out one of these days, FDA approved and all? Wouldn't that be great? I would gladly sell my house and car and move into a small condo to afford the cure, whatever the cost might me. But then my brain catches up and I realize we are no closer to a cure than when Finasteride became available as a hair loss treatment some 20 years ago... There has been little to no progress in 20 years, so why should there be in the next 20? Sure, hair transplant surgery has improved but it still doesn't solve the puzzle for most of us... (at least those with little donor) But I am keeping my fingers crossed that some of these days we will have a major breakthrough. I would gladly be a guinea pig for trials if the treatment looked very promising (and somewhat safe)


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Guys as you all know negativity will not lead us anywhere. Everytime i bring ip the issue, most people agree that we should fund, but there are a few people who are too negative and start to spoil the effort.

I know hellouser is for the funding, from our previous communications. Regarding gvt regulations, well that is true that there will be delays in the US and in europe, but as idwalker said, this is not an argument not to fund.

If you think it's too late for you to enjoy your 20s and 30s with hair and all that, that this will never happen before your 60s, well join the club. Many of us have missed the opportunity already. But you know what, (1) don't spoil it to others who would appreciate a faster release and (2) don't underestimate your need for hair in your 50s and 60s.

Anyway, let us please not derail the topic. There are 100 threads wherw you can complain. This one ins for those who are up for the challenge.

also note that not all solutions need fda, some of the work is happening in asia, some is non-drug based, and remember when you have the money as a group you will be heard and plan B is do nothing and coomplain and be depressed for another 20 years...

i dunno which is better...?


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when you have the money as a group you will be heard and plan B is do nothing and coomplain and be depressed for another 20 years...
i dunno which is better...?

i totally agree

Hair loss puts us in a coffin alive, we need to get out of it somehow. I dont want to close my eyes and sleep and wait for someone to open it for me in 20 years, it will be too late to see the ****ing sun in 2034


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My Regimen
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If we got the money, we can f**k fda and pay the smartasses to do the job in Japan.

Japan really is our only hope. USA is a joke, that country is never going to bring out a treatment, let alone cure any time soon.


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Historically whenever the people of any democratic nation exercise their powerful voices in controlled and concentrated unison, they will often excel at placating outdated and obstinate governmental policy practices. All forms of protestation come with a price even though it's future rewards can be huge there is no promise that the original organizers/agitators will live long enough to finally enjoy their realization. Certitude belongs only to those who blindly rely on the Old Guard or governing bodies to ferry them beyond amber waves of grain to die much like their poor father's upon the fruitless plains.


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What if we got surgeons involved like Greco, Wesley, Cole etc? Even if we could produce something comparable to finasteride that would be worth funding. Ishrs gives research grants. Lets knock on their door?? I want to think big but lets be realistic. We can't compete with these biotech companies. They Might have the cure but it's not economically fit to release. Ok I'm done.


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Billions of dollars thrown at breast cancer research alone and we are no closer to a cure now than we were 50 years ago. The only purpose of medical research is to create jobs. That's all your money is going to do. Flush it down the toilet and it will do just as much.