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Couple hairloss stories from last night.....

I was talking to a female friend, and somehow she started saying that her boyfriend is feeling very insecure about his hairloss, blah blah blah... I haven't seen him for years, but in his facebook pictures he looks like advanced NW3.

Anyway, there were a few of us in the conversation and I kinda wanted to keep the conversation going just to get different opinions on the subject. All the guys agreed that hairloss brings a certain insecurity. Then I was explaining to my female friend what an male pattern baldness is, she looked at me and said, "oh, you mean like your hair" :smack: .

I just thought it was funny the way she pointed out that I have an male pattern baldness :punk:

On a more positive note, a friend with an NW4 got laid. He looked around, picked the most desperate looking girl, went over and after 3-4 hours of BS he pulled her in... Hairloss doesn't stop anyone from getting laid.


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Tell me about it.

My mate is bald at 20, has a wierd shaped head, is short, yet gets more girls than any of us simply from his self confidence and simply isn't afraid of getting turned down, propositions one girl after the next.


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Hammer87 said:
Tell me about it.

My mate is bald at 20, has a wierd shaped head, is short, yet gets more girls than any of us simply from his self confidence and simply isn't afraid of getting turned down, propositions one girl after the next.

People cannot grasp that on this forum...never have. I don't understand why.


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Some people would rather wallow in their own self pity than take positive steps to change things.

And i'm not knocking you ali, but that really is not the most inspiring tale i've ever heard. NW4 pulls desperate girl, who was probably a porker too. lol, still, better than nothing :)


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Not the greatest of stories.... Anyway, if you are good looking, you can pull most women, regardless of you being bald or not........


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Indeed. I think we men are actually lucky that intrinsic qualities are more important to a woman than they are to us. That is, women care more about our personalities than we do about theirs.


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Cassin said:
mj9 said:
Not the greatest of stories.... Anyway, if you are good looking, you can pull most women, regardless of you being bald or not........

I would say personality and confidence means just as much.

Oh yeah that's very important, especially if you want to keep a woman for longterm... If you are good looking but don't have a personality, then you can pull a woman but she will be gone after a few dates...


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Cassin said:
mj9 said:
Not the greatest of stories.... Anyway, if you are good looking, you can pull most women, regardless of you being bald or not........

I would say personality and confidence means just as much.

Definately. It's when guys who lose their hair lack all self confidence because of it, become shy, depressed etc. Then can't pull a girl...'Oh it's just because she saw my hair!'. No it's more like because she probably thought you lacked social skills and were boring.


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Petchsky said:
Some people would rather wallow in their own self pity than take positive steps to change things.

And i'm not knocking you ali, but that really is not the most inspiring tale i've ever heard. NW4 pulls desperate girl, who was probably a porker too. lol, still, better than nothing :)

She wasn't an absolute "porker", but I wouldn't do her. I have to admit I've been with worse girls in my "sleeping around" days.... (this part sounds so arrogant and sexist)

To be honest, it was my mate's sheer persistence and arrogance that got the girl. I personally would give up after 10 mins if I don't feel any chemistry. I presume some women might like that extra interest a guy shows in them, but I wouldn't try so hard... Most of the women I've been with kinda fell from the sky... effortless....

Here is another tip for you... Stop feeling sorry for yourself, grow some balls and talk to women...

PS: the girl I talked to last night had to go home and get up for church :whistle:. I think she really fancied me, there was a glare in her eyes but I just didn't fancy her at all... these days I always end up talking to "I'll introduce you to my mom" kinda women... I might try the pick the desperate chick tactics next time I go out...


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ali777 said:
these days I always end up talking to "I'll introduce you to my mom" kinda women...
were you not trying to get a piece of some bisexual chick recently.........


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mj9 said:
ali777 said:
these days I always end up talking to "I'll introduce you to my mom" kinda women...

were you not trying to get a piece of some bisexual chick recently.........

I met her the other day.. Long story.... it ain't gonna happen :(

I'm probably gonna see her next week, but I don't have any hopes.


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I might try the pick the desperate chick tactics next time I go out...

Story of my life man. I seem to be magnetically attracted to women with emotional and psychological problems. Nothing's hotter than a girl who starts sobbing while she's f*cking your brains out.

Hans Gruber

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Cassin said:
Hammer87 said:
Tell me about it.

My mate is bald at 20, has a wierd shaped head, is short, yet gets more girls than any of us simply from his self confidence and simply isn't afraid of getting turned down, propositions one girl after the next.

People cannot grasp that on this forum...never have. I don't understand why.

much easier to lay the blame on one obvious factor than a myriad of more complex hidden ones,i guess.


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Hans Gruber said:
Cassin said:
Hammer87 said:
Tell me about it.

My mate is bald at 20, has a wierd shaped head, is short, yet gets more girls than any of us simply from his self confidence and simply isn't afraid of getting turned down, propositions one girl after the next.

People cannot grasp that on this forum...never have. I don't understand why.

much easier to lay the blame on one obvious factor than a myriad of more complex hidden ones,i guess.

No doubt...


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Avery said:
I might try the pick the desperate chick tactics next time I go out...

Story of my life man. I seem to be magnetically attracted to women with emotional and psychological problems. Nothing's hotter than a girl who starts sobbing while she's f*cking your brains out.

the same here.... that bisexual girl mj9 is referring to is like that. I think she's too much work and I can't handle her, but I am attracted to her and would love to be with her...

It's strange that we intentionally go for the challenge instead of the clean cut girl we could introduce to our parents.

I guess we are programmed to go for the forbidden apple, and challenge ourselves. Blame it on Eve.


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Avery said:
Damaged women are interesting, that's all. They aren't as fake.

Yeah definitely... They are interesting and exciting...

After uni I was with a "normal" girl for a couple of years. She had a good job, sex was great, I think she loved me as well, but I was always bored with her. She was just there, she never excited me. Damaged girls on the other hand are a real challenge, you never know what's around the corner....

Could it be the same reason why some good looking and successful women go for complete losers? They feel like they've done enough to sustain the family but they want fun in their lives as well, so they go for the mystery item?