gamestop is not my haven anymore


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I don't have time to be into more than one game at a time. Once upon a time I was good at Halo, call of duty, and rainbow 6. Now I only have time for destiny.


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It was pretty bad

why is your before pic worse than the afters?

Mine pretty much is your before pic when its too short. I recently got my hair cut since my scabs and everything fell off and healed. My GF asked me "why is the top still so long?"
Simply because if its any shorter there is NO HAIR.

Seriously without seeing what the girls looked like there is no real judging if your statement is even true. Its the internet, you could simply put up pics of you with your hot cousins and we wouldnt know the diff. I had a friend do that to me a couple of times.

Maybe the girls were just asking if you had a GF because they had bets going if a bald guy could land one?

I could say the same tho "I get girls with a thin head" but I KNOW they arent HALF as good looking as when I had a good head of hair. Some guys may think theyre beautiful by their standards but not me. Im not going to start dealing with early E.D. as well because I cant get it up with a lack luster looking lady.... LLLL lol

Hey man if you have zero issues with girls and get "what you find attractive" then I dont want to take that from you and I hope it continues for years to come, I only know from my circumstances and the people I Know. I remember an ex used to tell me "I wont care if you go bald, my dad is bald and my mom loves him..... will you stop loving me if I get fat like my mom?"

"Yeah I probably will, sorry, I saw pics of your young mom and dad and Id say bald and fat started about the same time and your mom was letting out a sigh of relief"

- - - Updated - - -

I don't have time to be into more than one game at a time. Once upon a time I was good at Halo, call of duty, and rainbow 6. Now I only have time for destiny.

Just finished Kingdom Hearts, Dream drop Distance last night (I love that series), I know Im late to the party but I just got a 3ds XL.
Going to trade it in for Monster Hunter 4U later on. Man I miss me some monster hunter!



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been playing FPS, and MMORPG since 9 years old. Don't plan on stopping any time soon.

Right now I play halo, BF4 and OSRS.


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been playing FPS, and MMORPG since 9 years old. Don't plan on stopping any time soon.

Right now I play halo, BF4 and OSRS.
you play on 360 or ps3?

if you guys wanna game (i play most call of dutys and ill get halo eventually) my xbox 360 gamertag is "Exodus2009"


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you play on 360 or ps3?

if you guys wanna game (i play most call of dutys and ill get halo eventually) my xbox 360 gamertag is "Exodus2009"

man you need to upgrade to a ps4 baby, hit me up with some bloodborne in a couple weeks