General Hairloss Questons (fue Or Fut, Etc.)


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I was wondering if the FUE or FUT is better, or if this is something that depends on each person?

I'm 27 now and my hairline is starting to get pretty weak, especially on the side where I part it. It is very noticeable when it's damp and in heavy lighting, but I think I still have a few years until its full on bad.

In that regard, are hair transplants something you get as you progressive start to thin out and eventually bald, or do you have to have a lot of hair loss before getting a transplant?

Thank you!


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There is no better then the other.


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I was wondering if the FUE or FUT is better, or if this is something that depends on each person?

I'm 27 now and my hairline is starting to get pretty weak, especially on the side where I part it. It is very noticeable when it's damp and in heavy lighting, but I think I still have a few years until its full on bad.

In that regard, are hair transplants something you get as you progressive start to thin out and eventually bald, or do you have to have a lot of hair loss before getting a transplant?

Thank you!

If you're unconcerned with the linear scarring and wearing your hair longer to conceal this, FUT first and then FUE is ideal. If you have stabilised your losses on finasteride and only have hairline issues with a stronger donor FUE is very workable long term.

If you go FUE, stick to Europe and doctors who use a manual punch (if you can afford it). Far more experience with the procedure and many tend to specialise in it over FUT.


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If you're unconcerned with the linear scarring and wearing your hair longer to conceal this, FUT first and then FUE is ideal. If you have stabilised your losses on finasteride and only have hairline issues with a stronger donor FUE is very workable long term.

If you go FUE, stick to Europe and doctors who use a manual punch (if you can afford it). Far more experience with the procedure and many tend to specialise in it over FUT.

Do you know if US doctors are good for FUE?


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Do you know if US doctors are good for FUE?

Konior, but he has a one year waiting list. Also Dr. Cooley.

Would strongly advise you to travel if you want FUE though, no US surgeon has the reputation of the top end European surgeons for FUE. Feriduni, Erdogan, Keser, Lupanzula, ******** are some of the best.


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Konior, but he has a one year waiting list. Also Dr. Cooley.

Would strongly advise you to travel if you want FUE though, no US surgeon has the reputation of the top end European surgeons for FUE. Feriduni, Erdogan, Keser, Lupanzula, ******** are some of the best.

Hmm...are those doctors in Turkey? Are any doctors in the Chicago-land area good?


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Hmm...are those doctors in Turkey? Are any doctors in the Chicago-land area good?

Erdogan and Keser for Turkey and Belgium for Lupanzula, ******** and Feriduni.

I think Konior is Chicago, but again its a long wait.


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Thank you. I really appreciate the great help. My hair loss isn't bad yet, but my hairline is starting to get a little high and my "side part" area is getting thinned out. My crown area is getting...light. So my main issue was wether hair transplants are something I should get as I bald, or once it is bad and I have already lost a lot of hair.
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Thank you. I really appreciate the long wait. My hair loss isn't bad yet, but my hairline is starting to get a little high and my "side part" area is getting thinned out. My crown area is getting...light. So my main issue was wether hair transplants are something I should get as I bald, or once it is bad and I have already lost a lot of hair.

Ideally you would get on finasteride, wait 6 months or so to see if your losses stabilise and maybe improve a tad and then get a transplant. Otherwise you may have issues with enough donor hair long term and will definitely have to choose a doctor competent at filling in thinning areas without shock loss and donor management skills for long term. Erdogan is big on this.

If I was in your position I would hop on finasteride and book in with Erdogan or Feriduni to cram as many grafts as possible and then forget about hairloss.


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Ideally you would get on finasteride, wait 6 months or so to see if your losses stabilise and maybe improve a tad and then get a transplant. Otherwise you may have issues with enough donor hair long term and will definitely have to choose a doctor competent at filling in thinning areas without shock loss and donor management skills for long term. Erdogan is big on this.

If I was in your position I would hop on finasteride and book in with Erdogan or Feriduni to cram as many grafts as possible and then forget about hairloss.

I really don't want to get on finasteride because of the side effects. I know not everyone gets severe sides, but I just don't like the idea of taking an alpa-reductase inhibitor. Such an important enzyme in the body.


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I really don't want to get on finasteride because of the side effects. I know not everyone gets severe sides, but I just don't like the idea of taking an alpa-reductase inhibitor. Such an important enzyme in the body.

Totally disagree being on it myself and considering the studies, but it's not the end of the world. To be honest though when your hair starts to gets to the norwood 3 vertex and beyond level and has a seriously negative effect on your looks you'll probably change your mind.

Most doctors will tell you the same, but as long as you have a strong donor they will likely be happy to operate. Obviously you'd need to be prepared for future surgeries and have the money to to so.


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FUT scar is overrated. Dont be mislead by people who have no experience in regards to FUT.

A competent surgeon such as Konior, Rahal, H&W and many others should be able to produce a pencil thin scar in most cases

I am able to have shorts sides, back and routinely have low fades without exposure.



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Hmm...from what i've been researching here it seems that if I get a hair transplant while i'm kind of young (i'm 27) and still losing hair, i'll still lose hair in DHT prone areas and it'll be unbalanced. I take it minimal surgeries is better for minimal scarring etc. so in that case it would be best until I lose as much hair before I absolutely can't stand it and THEN get my transplant.

At this point, I can either hop on finasteride to slow it down as much as possible or just wait until I lose a lot of it to get the transplant.


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Hmm...from what i've been researching here it seems that if I get a hair transplant while i'm kind of young (i'm 27) and still losing hair, i'll still lose hair in DHT prone areas and it'll be unbalanced. I take it minimal surgeries is better for minimal scarring etc. so in that case it would be best until I lose as much hair before I absolutely can't stand it and THEN get my transplant.

At this point, I can either hop on finasteride to slow it down as much as possible or just wait until I lose a lot of it to get the transplant.

First of all, get the f*** on finasteride right now. Seriously start making calls to derms/hair transplant surgeons in your area today. If you get sustained sides (aka sides that persist after the first few weeks and you can minimize the initial ones by stating on a micro dose every few days and working your way up to 0.5mg every other day) then just stop taking it and you have like a 99.something% chance of recovering and going back to the way you were. A very small % of the small % of guys who get sides have them persist long after stopping, if you're gunna get a hair transplant then you're already taking pretty significant risk as it is, I've never understood the hesitancy to tack on the low finasteride risks along with it, but anyway...

The thing is, you don't know how far your loss will go. That's why finasteride is so crucial on younger hair transplant patients, it halts the loss for a long f*****g time (lots of guys have been on it 15-20 years and maintained their hair). This is even more relevant for us today since there's a lot of promise in the regenerative medicine field, if you can halt native loss for 15+ years there is almost assuredly going to be an alternative available to continue halting it, maybe even reverse it. The phrase "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" has never been more relevant than with hair loss.

Once you have it halted on finasteride (I suggest taking it for around 2 years before getting a hair transplant and confirming it has halted loss and you have no sides) then you can better plan your hair transplant. Lots of ethical docs strongly advise against doing the crown on younger guys because of how unnatural it looks when the circle of loss widens and there's a patch of transplanted hair in the center plus then you're chasing the loss and the crown is a black hole for grafts so you'll kill your donor supply, which is another reason for you to get on finasteride NOW. Trust me you don't want a thin/exposed crown when you're young. Also, it doesn't take much at all to go from a Norwood 2.5 to a full blown Norwood 3 where you lose all styling options and become a full blown sub human baldcel with no frame to your face. Take finasteride before that happens, trust me.

Finally, as far as a hair transplant, no you don't have to wait until you're super f*****g bald unless you're in the midst of a massive aggressive shed and are looking like you're heading to Norwood 6-7. The results are more of a home run the more native hair you have to support it.

The decision between FUE or FUT in my opinion (assuming you're going to a top Doctor for both, FUE takes more skill to pull off a great result so choose your Doctor carefully) comes down to donor graft supply and your best guess as to future loss based on your age, amount of loss and the pattern of it plus your family history of loss/pattern. Konior confirmed to me that the best way to max out donor is to FUT first until you can't anymore then switch to FUE to fill in as needed from there. So if you think you're heading for a Norwood 5 eventually (you have to plan as if finasteride will abandon you and no other treatments will surface), it's better to FUT first since you'll need 8-10k grafts to get a decent looking result over that area of scalp and FUE doesn't usually get more then 6k grafts out of a donor. If there's no history of that in your family and your crown/midscalp aren't miniaturizing then FUE is a good option (if the person doesn't want the thin strip scar, they can still do FUT if they want obviously). Or if you absolutely cannot abide by the strip scar then you can do FUE and just take your chances of running out of donor, and it would be smart to go conservative on the hairline rebuild.


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I agree with gimme 100%. You need to start on finasteride and see how things go over the course of 1-2 years. Chances are you will halt your hairloss; there's a decent chance that you will improve your hairloss; and there's a small chance you experience sides and stop finasteride. If you do stop, you have a very, very high chance of a full recovery from the sides (can't recall the exact numbers from the study, but as gimme said, those who experienced persistent sides are 1% of the 1% of the 1%).

After a period of being on finasteride, reevaluate and you may want to consider a hair transplant to both improve/reinforce your existing hair.

There are only a few people who know I am on drugs for hairloss. My male friends sometimes ask me what they should do (Norwood’s 1.5 to 2.5). I always tell them not to make the mistake I made - waiting until the hairloss overpowered my desire not to take finasteride. Ask yourself: if your hairloss became 10% worse, would you try finasteride; what about 20% worse, would you try finasteride? If it became, 50% worse then what? If the answer is yes, then don't wait until it becomes worse, start it now! There’s no sense in waiting for it to be X% worse and then starting!


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Sorry it took me so long to respond! I didn't realize I was getting such awesome responses.

Have you guys heard of Dr. Choe in Virginia? I'm currently in Virginia for school and he's the only one I can see at the moment, but i'm originally from Chicago so hopefully in 4 years when I finish school I can get him for the transplant (which might end up happening in 4 years).

Maybe I can see Dr. Choe for my initial consultation just to seek some medical expertise and have him oversee the finasteride experience, then once i move back to Chicago get it from Konior?


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Sorry it took me so long to respond! I didn't realize I was getting such awesome responses.

Have you guys heard of Dr. Choe in Virginia? I'm currently in Virginia for school and he's the only one I can see at the moment, but i'm originally from Chicago so hopefully in 4 years when I finish school I can get him for the transplant (which might end up happening in 4 years).

Maybe I can see Dr. Choe for my initial consultation just to seek some medical expertise and have him oversee the finasteride experience, then once i move back to Chicago get it from Konior?

Go with Konior. He's basically the best you can do especially if timing is not important, he has a year long wait list at the moment so keep that in mind with your future planning. Get a finasteride prescription from that Doctor nearby and start off really slow, like .2mg once every 3-4 days for the first few weeks before moving up towards .5mg every other day/every 3rd day. Lets your body make the adaptation without overwhelming it.


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Go with Konior. He's basically the best you can do especially if timing is not important, he has a year long wait list at the moment so keep that in mind with your future planning. Get a finasteride prescription from that Doctor nearby and start off really slow, like .2mg once every 3-4 days for the first few weeks before moving up towards .5mg every other day/every 3rd day. Lets your body make the adaptation without overwhelming it.

Can you please take a look at my situation?

I just turned 27, pretty humid when I took that pic. Didn't wash my hair that day


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Can you please take a look at my situation?

I just turned 27, pretty humid when I took that pic. Didn't wash my hair that day

Yeah bro you're right in that zone where if you stop it with finasteride you're good to go, but if you let it keep receding you'll regret it and will go from a guy with a high but passable hairline to a baldcel. I was where you are now and decided not to take it, progressed to a Norwood 3 and now I gotta get a transplant to get a hairline back. You could get one where you are but I think some docs would advise you to mull over just how much your current hairline bothers you. Being 31 and stable on finasteride for 4 years is a good place to be for a little hair transplant though if you wanted to close the temples a little bit. Who knows, the finasteride might give you some good regrowth as well.


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Yeah bro you're right in that zone where if you stop it with finasteride you're good to go, but if you let it keep receding you'll regret it and will go from a guy with a high but passable hairline to a baldcel. I was where you are now and decided not to take it, progressed to a Norwood 3 and now I gotta get a transplant to get a hairline back. You could get one where you are but I think some docs would advise you to mull over just how much your current hairline bothers you. Being 31 and stable on finasteride for 4 years is a good place to be for a little hair transplant though if you wanted to close the temples a little bit. Who knows, the finasteride might give you some good regrowth as well.

You're a great and helpful man. Looks like microdosing finasteride is a good option, I just have to look into it a bit more. DHT is a very important hormone in the body...i'm playing with fire here.