
Get your girlfriend to cut your hair. (Advice)


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All the women I know seem to have a natural ability to cut hair, so tell them what you want and get them to do it for you. Either that or get a hairdresser to cut the sides and do the front yourself to conceal your hairline. Works brilliantly for me.

Don't get a female hairdresser to do it. They are entirely unsympathetic to hairloss, or recession, and don't cut to cover these things (no idea why). A male hairdresser is more sympathetic but not necessarily as good.


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I'm with you on the female hairdresser. I've been going to the same one for about a year and she does a really good job. My thinning just started to become noticeable and last time I was there she was like "wow you're really thinning right here." No kidding! I have to go back today b/c my hair is so long, but I'm a little worried. ::sigh::


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If your avatar is any indication jimothy, I would ask the girlfriend to take a cosmotology course or two before she comes at you with the scissors again. :lol:



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Very cheeky! she actually was a hairdresser. The indie hair thing is mega popular in Britain, I'll have you know. :)


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I have to disagree about females being naturally better at cutting hair. THe best stylist I ever had was this gay asian guy that worked for Visible Changes in Houston. I swear with this guy's talent he had to make a pact with the Devil. No matter whether I had gone weeks without a cut, or woke up with bed hair, I looked great at all times.
All my worst haircuts have come from women, and yes they do seem to be clueless about trimming in such a way as to minimize the appearance of thinning or recession.


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I think it is more deliborate than clueless.

yeah, but saying women can cut hair is like saying they can cook, or that they are clean. They are no different on average than men. It is just a big stereotype. I know because I met the exceptions.

One good thing about having your girlfriend cut your hair is you can say you think she has really good tastes and you just want her to cut it the way she thinks would look best. Then you don't have to worry about her saying you are making a big deal out of your hair by doing a comb over or shaving it.

but I already know the ideal length for my hair. it is 1 inch on top and 1/3-1/2 inch on the sides, faded. I do it myself and it looks good, though I mess it up every third time. hair styleists don't make big errors, like cutting holes, but they do fade wrong to give a less than perfect curve. So it is a gamble either way, and I prefer to save money and do it myself.


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jimothy said:
Very cheeky! she actually was a hairdresser. The indie hair thing is mega popular in Britain, I'll have you know. :)

(Sigh) I used to have indie hair. Goth girls would swoon when I flipped my fringe. I remember styling it after David Bowie from the cover of his album Low. Best days of my life, and they ended far too soon.

I don't see the point of wanting to regrow your hair if all you're going to have is a crew cut. Hair is about sex and experimentation. It can be a great statement about who you are. I think that's why I'm finding the loss of mine so hard to take.


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jimothy said:
Very cheeky! she actually was a hairdresser. The indie hair thing is mega popular in Britain, I'll have you know. :)

I was thinking you have hair like a band member in Oasis.


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many good looking men with hot girlfriends have crew cuts. 1 inch hair is normal.


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yes, women hairdressers cuts hair like crazy and make it really short and bad, male dressers seem to have more sympaty to us 8)

Angie #7

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I have cut hair for 23 years. I am female and let me tell you, from my experience, I have over 150 customers, I go from house to house cutting,and hilighting(many, many males also). I have had many of my customers for well over 15 years ++++. If you are a good, professonal, caring hairdresser you want all your customers to be happy and satisfied with their hair cut. I take pride in this and that is what my male customers tell me, they never go service from their male barber "Vito" like they had with me. You just need to find someone that is going to listen to what you want, you should also know how you want it cut and tell the stylist before she puts the scissors to your head, and if she doesn't sit you down in the chair first and ask you questions about how you like your hair RUN!!!!
Also the male customers always say that I'm better to look at than a barber anyday!


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I went to get my haircut and my old hairdresser wasn't there so I just decided to let someone else do it. She actually did a really good job. Since it was my first time with her she didn't say anything about my thinning hair, but I felt sick the whole time she was cutting it b/c I could see just how thin it has gotten. :(