Gettin A Transplant At 19 Read My Story Please


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balding at 8 firstly

receeded temples plus corners and high hairline = disaster

1.5 years
Getting a transplant soon to fix my hairline and ultimately make my forehead smaller! Pics attached


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nWo Wolfpac

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balding at 8 firstly

receeded temples plus corners and high hairline = disaster

1.5 years
Getting a transplant soon to fix my hairline and ultimately make my forehead smaller! Pics attached

Its always a risk at your age. With a hairline like that at 19 you will probably be bald by 30. Dutasteride can keep the hair you have but that might only be for a few years. 3 years after your transplant you might lose the rest of your hair and will be forced to shave so hopefully your scars wont be too noticeable. It's a gamble.


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Its always a risk at your age. With a hairline like that at 19 you will probably be bald by 30. Dutasteride can keep the hair you have but that might only be for a few years. 3 years after your transplant you might lose the rest of your hair and will be forced to shave so hopefully your scars wont be too noticeable. It's a gamble.
yheres no way my hairline is that bad now that iwill risk going bakd by 30... idk what youre takjkng about but it isjt right man. My dad is 60 and has hair on his head

nWo Wolfpac

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yheres no way my hairline is that bad now that iwill risk going bakd by 30... idk what youre takjkng about but it isjt right man. My dad is 60 and has hair on his head

You cant judge how long it will take you to bald by comparing yourself to your father. Sometimes the father will have great hair until 70 but his son will be bald by 25. It's just the way it is. From what I've noticed is that usually when teenagers have a hairline like yours they are bald by 30.


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You cant judge how long it will take you to bald by comparing yourself to your father. Sometimes the father will have great hair until 70 but his son will be bald by 25. It's just the way it is. From what I've noticed is that usually when teenagers have a hairline like yours they are bald by 30.
that’s a very broad statement by you. for all you know i could keep my hair plus transplanted hair thanks to dutasteride for the next 3 decades


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I don't think it's that bad, not at all. Personally I would wait a couple of years to see if you will recede further before going for a hair transplant


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thats what im f*****g talking anout genius.. why is it. A bad idea if i already stabilized my hsir loss for a whole year and want to fill in my natural big temple areas?
And say what exactly?

I don't even know why you started this thread, you;d have to be an idiot to get a hair transplant at such a young age.


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can anyone here tell me if it would be a terrible, catastrophic event for me to get a SMALL hair transplant at 19, if i stabilized my hair loss since 17 with my regime.


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I realized alot of people on this forum are not risk takers like I am. Oh no godforbid i get a small baby transplant, whats the worst that can happen? it doesnt have same density as my native hair? boohoo! thats why i take dutasteride so all my hair stays thick and nice for the transplanted hair aswell... some people just arent smart enough i guess to get a hair transplant early and over with and stay on meds forever... their fault


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And say what exactly?

I don't even know why you started this thread, you;d have to be an idiot to get a hair transplant at such a young age.
i dont understand why you dont give factual reasons to not get a h.t. at 19, you are just saying your opinion and calling me an idiot Lol.


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Im getting a transplant at freaking 19 of coirse i am. I literally have been taking dutasteride sincd 17. Glad my penis still works

Your penis won’t work as well on the medications I am going to recommend... Would you still go on them?