Getting A Tan Without f*****g Up Your Skin


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wassup my bald b****s

so as we all know a balding brother needs some colour to pull the look off

but the sun is terrible for your skin right?

is it possible to tan your skin without f*****g it up

i got no interest in fake tanning or any other high maintenance bullshit like that

i like that handsome ruggedness look and dont mind a few lines, i just dont wana look like a leather jacket

jason statham, 50 years old, looks f*****g great. always seems to be tanned, and has done for the last 20 years. doesnt seemed to have done him any harm


kelly slater. same thing. 46 years old. been out in the sun his whole life surfing. looks great still


is the sun really that bad?


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Statham doesn't look tanned here. He looks as red as a Cap Cod lobster:


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I sometimes think (like everything) it really depends on genetics. How are your parents’ and grandparents’ skin? Wrinkled as f*** or pretty good?

As you show in your pics there are definitely people who spend a lot of time in the sun who still look good. Others get fucked up by it and get that lizard look. If you try sunbathing or being outside in the sun a lot maybe just take a bunch of photos to mark any rapid skin damage. And use sunscreen obviously.


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On a serious note though: I started planning my holidays around tanning some 5 years ago, i.e. when I started shaving. It does look better, but my skin has suffered. Tanning salon is even worse (and doesn't look nearly as good either), so yeah, I envy guys with hair or guys like Pep...
The thing is though: if I could choose between perfect skin and a full head of hair, I'd go with the skin. I'm more obsessed with it than my bald head.Have you checked out faceapp? I truly find myself quite handsome with that one filter, even with a shaved head. It's actually frustrating seeing myself like that...


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You can go outside a half hour a day. Thats about it. Some self tanners look more natural today.


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You should go outside naturally and not for the sake of getting a tan. I stopped sunbathing because most people will look ugly and fucked up if they went sunbathing in their 20s/30s. My sister, for example, is very good looking but was sunbathing 24/7 in her 20s. Her face aged like crazy.
What I do is, I go running in spring/summer outside a couple of times a week and get some sun. That's all. You will regret f*****g up your skin just to look "good".


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Use lots of sunscreen + Vitamin C Serums + Retin-A

Be careful with Retin-A as it can make your face very sensitive to the sun


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what ethnicity are you? Im Mediterranean decent so I tan up fairly nicely. Like Jason said, during the warmer months I usually run to get some color. Depends on you really


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I was thinking of experimenting with those tanning cloths or self-tan lotions they have. I hear they're pretty good nowadays and look natural. I love the way I look with a tan (I have green/blue eyes so it really brings them out), but I noticed a few years back that it does make my skin look a bit leathery despite me having amazing non-wrinkled natural skin for my age, so I want to avoid that.


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watched iron man recently and the bald arabs with dark scalps on there looked good

yinsen rockin the high class bald jew look, i actually look like him sorta

his wife is fine too, however he is 6 foot something
