Getting amazing results with my regimen, but have questions?


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hmmm interesting . im gonna buy some more casue it was an amazing product in the gym. im natural bodybuilder

I remember when taking purple wraath compared to other bcaa supplements it made your skin tingle and blood rush to your head due to the beta aline

you could also smell it in your sweat im def buying more now and running it for a month or two


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anyone who doesnt know what bcaas are and how important they are for tissue repair... google will be your friend

theres now a sh*t load of amino acids which have been discovered to do crazy things

e.g d-aspartic acid

bcaas and eaas are the building blocks of protien


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We should keep this thread bumped or haveit moved to the Success Stories section.

This guy is getting awesome results with 'experimental treatments'


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see. just my point. people ignore stories like this and only want to talk about finasteride and min.


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I would NOT have it moved to the Success Stories section yet. Not to be cynical, success for now cosmetically does not mean success, but this is what minoxidil does. But IMO if you truly have male pattern baldness then without finasteride you will begin to see yourself back at where you started in a few years, but for now the Min is doing what it does.

Would be interesting to see your report in a year or two as so many ruin their hair thinking Minoxidil alone without finasteride is somehow elevating male pattern baldness.


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As far as finasteride goes, my use of Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root extracts take the place of it. Even though they aren't as powerful as finasteride they still do block DHT to some degree and offer another possible option for those like me who are paranoid about sexual side effects, permanent or otherwise.

That being said, like I mentioned earlier I WILL try finasteride if I feel things are headed south despite my regimen, and I won't wait long to get on it after I get that feeling either... lol. I consider finasteride to be the "ace up my sleeve" and don't want to show my hand prematurely, if at all. ;)

I have to believe that minoxidil alone hasn't caused my rapid results. Either way though we'll see how it goes over the next few months and beyond as my mane grows out.


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Here are a few more pictures from today... trying to have fun with my hair while it's still short-ish... I call this hairstyle the "Half-Bieber" haha.





One thing I have noticed is that I'm FINALLY starting a shed. The strangest thing about my results is that until a couple weeks ago i didn't shed at all. Like in March and April I could run my hand repeatedly through my hair and not one follicle would come out, in the shower or otherwise. Now I'm getting what I'd call a normal amount of shedding for the average person, a dozen or so in the shower and several dozen throughout the day.

The follicles are funny looking because you can see the progress since January... they start really thin at the tip and then get much thicker as you go down the shaft, but then get thinner again (and lighter) as you approach the root. From what I understand this quick taper towards the root is due to a new, stronger follicle forming that sucks the nutrients from the old, bad folllicle.

If anything, since I haven't shed at all until now, I hope this means that my regimen is REALLY starting to work its magic and my hair will get even thicker once this shed is done.


Oh and by the way, how old do you guys think I look? :)


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Hey man thats amazing results im seeing there! Im new to this, and im about to start a regime, and obviously im going to use yours, so, to just to make sure, your regime consists of Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root and rogaine?

I compared the old and news pictures, and you do look younger now! Congrats! :)


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SlowlyReceding -

Click"View My Regimen" under my posts and you'll see everything I'm using. It's a bit more than just the anti-DHT herbs and Minoxidil.

And thanks for the comments!


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hairrific said:
I would NOT have it moved to the Success Stories section yet. Not to be cynical, success for now cosmetically does not mean success, but this is what minoxidil does. But IMO if you truly have male pattern baldness then without finasteride you will begin to see yourself back at where you started in a few years, but for now the Min is doing what it does.

Would be interesting to see your report in a year or two as so many ruin their hair thinking Minoxidil alone without finasteride is somehow elevating male pattern baldness.

Could you explain what you mean by people ruining their hair? I don't understand what you're trying to say -- do you mean that taking min without finasteride ruins their hair, that they think it ruins their hair...?


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marker20 said:
hairrific said:
I would NOT have it moved to the Success Stories section yet. Not to be cynical, success for now cosmetically does not mean success, but this is what minoxidil does. But IMO if you truly have male pattern baldness then without finasteride you will begin to see yourself back at where you started in a few years, but for now the Min is doing what it does.

Would be interesting to see your report in a year or two as so many ruin their hair thinking Minoxidil alone without finasteride is somehow elevating male pattern baldness.

Could you explain what you mean by people ruining their hair? I don't understand what you're trying to say -- do you mean that taking min without finasteride ruins their hair, that they think it ruins their hair...?

The chart of the study below show that by week 100 most souls were back at baseline and by week 115 they were worse than those who did not use Min.!! I for one like many panicked men when first seeing the surprise and shock of our thinning hair went out and bought some Minoxidil. Most do not take finasteride because foolishly they think finasteride somehow will make someone less of a man. Many think they have dodged a bullet. Then we relaxed feeling somewhat satisfied to some extent THINKING that we were doing something good for our hair by addressing the issue. Many do not realize that Minoxidil is temporary if you truly have male pattern baldness. Min. only grows hairs that are still healthy enough to do so, it does not address the most important cause of male pattern baldness and prevent hair loss and halt DHT damage . Time is very important because the more DHT damage that occurs, the less of a chance you have to hold on to remaining hair. It is easier to keep the hair that you have, and almost impossible to grow hair back damaged by DHT. If it were not so you would have no bald guys walking around. Get on finasteride first thing before any more damage can occur is the motto.


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but some of us don't want to risk the possible long-term, short-term or even, although rare, PERMANENT side effects which include never being able to use your dick to do anything other than piss.


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ukmale24 said:
but some of us don't want to risk the possible long-term, short-term or even, although rare, PERMANENT side effects which include never being able to use your dick to do anything other than piss.

Many people lock on to this idea, it is macho stubbornness. Where did you hear that, the locker room, the internet? Not from a double blind scientific study. Ask yourself how many men have erectile dysfunction and do not do any finasteride. LOTS! Thus the market is huge for Vigra and Cialis which is indicated for the treatment of erectile dysfunction or ED.

Seeing a bald spot on me gave me instant erectile dysfunction and made me instantly impotent. Got on finasteride... life is good, back to normal.


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Well regardless, my regimen is producing great results as-is. And like I said, I have finasteride in my back pocket and won't hesitate to try it if things start to deteriorate. No offense guys, but I'd prefer that my thread wasn't used as a front-line battleground for the finasteride vs. no finasteride war. ;)


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Firstly your results so far are awesome and this is more than worthy of being moved to Success Stories. Congrats :)

I wouldn't get too defensive about the finasteride thing, people are just telling you your best chance of saving your hair as we all know minoxidil is only a short term solution. Plus you did start a thread saying you had questions, then didn't really ask any, so I guess people are assuming you want to know how to keep your result.

Personally Saw Palmetto scares me more than finasteride. It's not well studied for male pattern baldness and the fact it's natural and has that 'supplement vibe' does not make it safer than finasteride. Use the forum search feature and search for saw palmetto side-effects.


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Thanks Hairhoper!

Oh I'm not getting defensive, I just don't want to see people arguing with each other and this thread deteriorating into some kind of flame war. And you'll notice that I did ask 3 questions in my original post which have basically been answered.

I'd pretty much like to use this thread to post updates at this point, or to answer questions others might have for me. :)

I have no real stake as far as finasteride goes. If my regimen keeps working without finasteride, great. If not and I need to try finasteride, great. That's all I can really say haha.


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Fair enough, good attitude and yes sorry for calling you defensive, it's totally reasonable to not want your thread to turn into a finasteride battle. :)

Will be interested to see your progress. Good luck!


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Yes there probably might be many charts out there like yours as any graphic artist can do a chart, animated or not.

The chart I posted is cited from a reliable scientific study as referenced at the bottom from a medical journal. Where is yours from?

The Minoxidil chart is in keeping with the thread and tends to scientifically back up what the poster of this thread has stated to be his own personal experiences so far with MIN which I never doubted at all.

To edit the bad news part about Minoxidil out of the chart would be taking it out of context, oh well, oh hell. :)


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So I got my 85-95% Saw Palmetto this week. I'm excited as to whether it will halt hairloss on my hairline and temples!

Btw Paladine, would you say Nettle is really important or do you think i'd be okay with just the Saw Palmetto?