I'd like to see this too. Maybe you can set up a fake hotmail account for them, then get a user name on a feminist forum, post one of their comments there, then give them the passwords and see if they will take it from there.
Fact is, people prefer to get stuff for free instead of actually trade (pay) for it. They accept trading as a necessity for most goods, but any time the word marriage or soul mate are brought up, people throw all that out the window. They think they should be loved unconditionally by their partner now matter how bad they let them selves go in any way. They think their partner should treat them not only like a perfect 10, but one who is much higher than them.
I know lots of guys who say it is normal to pay for the first several dates, and that they are supposed to be able to settle than down once the relationship is finalized. I know women who said, "he acted great when we were dating, but then he stopped chasing me and just turned into a home body." Both sides put their best foot forward in the beginning, and then soon let it all hang out, and 2 months later say, "things just aren't working out anymore.". You can postpone the inevitable by waiting for sex or starting out as friends, but that can lead to disappointment when things don't go how you want later. People need to have a relationship questionnaire that asks both partners what they expect of each other in a year from now, and if they would be happy in a year if the relationship were exactly how it is now, with the same activity level in every way. If not, what would they expect would have changed in a year. If they talk about that, I bet a lot of people rethink what they are going into. Or some would lie. Some guys would think they are happy with how it is now, and think some changes are so expected that they are not worth ruining the romance by mentioning them as expectations.
Many people don't want to admit how demanding they are. They will tell their partner "whatever you want is fine with me", but that is just a test. If you don't do what they want, they dump you. No matter how many details you ask for, they will not admit what they expect of you.