Getting propecia in the UK


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Hair today... said:
Thanks for all the info guys.

I think I'd like to try the 'real' propecia drug for the first month before considering the generic stuff. Just call it 'buyers doubt' if you will.

So if you have a prescription are Boots the cheapest at about £29, which is a tenner less than the price at inhousepharmacy?

Does anyone know if Boots pharmacies tend to stock this instore or do they generally have to order it in?

I'm not sure, I think I read on here a while back about someone paying more at one of the Boots stores. I think prices might differ in certain stores. The prices on their site could be for their online prescription service only.


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Radio said: need no prescription, but need you to fill in and fax them a disclaimer form (it is on their website)

I don't use finasteride, but I second Radio's recommendation of QHI. They are a first-rate operation. You can find lower prices if you hunt around, but they have genuine Merck finasteride for a reasonable price, and they're a quick and reliable source. They fit the bill for what the original poster is looker for.

Also, as Radio has already said, you should look for Proscar instead of Propecia. Why pay 5 times as much for the same thing?