I get what the O.P's talking about,to put a different perspective on it, my friend is ghetto and is white and he gets major punannay.
That's his m.o., get high, get drunk, get laid, sleep, repeat.
Although his major disadvantage besides his bad habits, is his friends, they always steal from him and ask him for his stuff like beer, cigarettes etc.
He's always pawning his stuff,if he has it at the time, for that next high, or secondary to him, eat!
If he does manage at the end of the month to get some money, he gets his stuff back, but he pays the pawn shop double the money he received from the pawn shop to get his stuff back.
If he borrows money from the mon__ store he pays 20% interest,with no grace period or anything like a normal credit card. It's all a trap, that's why they call rap music about drugs, trap music. Most people with habits are caught in the trap of continous use due to their addictions.
If your poor you might 420 but if your rich----- lines. Drug use is as prominent in the suburbs as it is in the ghettos, it hits all races, genders, classes, etc.
Even most of these rockstars and popstars are on something, hollywood actors, etc. Heck some of these more prominent people are dying from overdoses or comitting suzie,there would be a large list of people who died from drug related deaths in the last ten years, if we were to take the time to write em down, it's all a who's who of people, some nameless, faceless famous, infamous, it's a widespread epidemic.