Going crazy or balding?


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Hey I am 18 years old and I think my hair is thinning or I am going bald. People are saying I am just paranoid, but I am unsure. I am thinking of starting rogaine jor something like that ust in case. Would this be wise or not? Here is some pictues of my hair. Am I just going crazy? My hair looks so much thinner compared to what it use to.



Yes, sorry to say it like it is, but you are thinning. Rogaine is definetly an option for your case. Also think about spironolactone cream and maybe in a few years, when you feel you are fully developed, Propecia. Good Luck!


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what is spironolactone cream and what is procepia? and will stuff like rogain/spironolactone cream effect my horomone levels? And is there a particular type of rogaine i should get?


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Another fear I have is that this is just kind of a phase or something(this has all happened within the past 2 months) and that if i start rogaine I will have to use it for the rest of my life and that it might just be a phase.


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Rogaine is not heroin. The hairs that are depeneded on rogaine are the ones that it actually regrow or thickened up. If you quit it everything you have REGROWN will fall out, but not hair that would be there with or without rogaine.

Propecia and spironolactone cream are anti androgens. Yes propecia will slighlty affect (increase) your testosterone levels, but it is currently supposed to be the most effective treatment in the market right now. spironolactone cream is a topical DHT inhibitor but its effectivness is doubtfull. I use it anyway.

Since you are only 18, you could start with minoxidil(rogaine), topical spironolactone cream and nizoral. The latter is a shampoo you will have to use 2-3 times a week. Later on you could add propecia.

I dont think it is a phase. Unless you have been through really stressfull periods, your thinning seems like you have male pattern baldness. Try to check your family history. Is your father bald? Your uncles? Your grandfather? etc.

Anyway the bad news are you are probably balding. The good news is you have caught it early, and the chances say that IF you treat it, you can and will save your hair.


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Where can I pick up topical spironolactone cream and nizoral, and how long will I have to wait till I add procepia. Reason I am concerned about horomones is that I have a high estrogen and low testosterone level (I also have gynecomatia), and I dont want anything lowering my testosterone or raising my estrogen.

I'm also adopted so I do not know if any of my relatives are bald.


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theres loads of options to you if you dont want to use propecia.
revivogen and spironolactone being one of the most obvious combinations
though theyre both messy to apply. theres pros and cons and differing
opinions on almost everything just have a look through the boards and
product reviews on here and see what you think its all part of the fun!


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m_campbell said:
Another fear I have is that this is just kind of a phase or something(this has all happened within the past 2 months) and that if i start rogaine I will have to use it for the rest of my life and that it might just be a phase.
I dont think its a phase mate. And yes you may well have to use these products for the rest of your life. :(


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where can i pick up spironolactone cream and nizoral? They sell that stuff at walmart or am I going to have to order it online? and how long do I have to wait till i start procepia?

Far Too Young

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You don't have to wait any time to try Propecia. If you're 18 it's fine. You probably will want to see a Doctor before inititiating treatment. It has a very low risk of low libido, decreased ejaculate, gynecomastia, etc., but if you are naturally vulnerable to those conditions I would hesitate. If you buy it from an American pharmacy you're going to need a perscription. You can get it online from international pharmacies without one. Generics and proscar are equally effective options. Just read through the boards about them. You can pick up 1% nizoral and rogaine from Wal-mart or any drug store.


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Ok I just went out and bought some nizoral and some rogaine. I was reading the rogaine box and it said rogaine doesn't help with receding hairlines or frontal baldness. What will I need to do for that? and does procepia raid or lower your testosterone levels?


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In most cases of male pattern baldness, the hairline is the most aggressive and most noticeable area of the head. Rogaine does work for the hairline, they just have to use that disclaimer to protect their *** from our sue happy world. Almost everyone on this board uses rogaine on the hairline and from my experience it is effective.
Most studies conclude that finasteride use can increase resting testosterone levels but decrease sex drives. However, most report no side effects.
I hate to pressure you, but since you want opinions here's mine. I agree that finasteride use is the most important aspect of any hairloss regimen. finasteride attacks the issue internally and addresses the antibodies that are destroying your follicles. I can understand that you may think you are too young to begin the treatment and I do not believe me (or anyone else on this board) is qualified to give a definitive answer as to the possible effect on development resulting from finasteride use.
Based on your concern, I would talk to your doctor and do more research on finasteride's possible effects on development. In the mean time, start to use rogaine and nizoral. Evaluate the results from rogaine after about 6 months of use (remember hair grows in cycles).
In time, once you have either sufficiently answered the question (for yourself) of finasteride's effects on development or have waited long enough that you are out of any growth stage, then add finasteride. If you are willing to use spironolactone then you should be willing to take the risk with finasteride. Good luck and remember that hairloss is just an image issue and you cannot let it define you or control you. Good luck.


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You are very young so going on finasteride is not good but you could take a low dose save money and still get some effect.

ie take 0.5mg or even 0.25mg of finpecia.

Rogaine says not frontal area but other products such as Spectral that use minoxidil say it is good there. Consensus in the forum i've see is that anything with minoxidil in it is the best you can get for hairline


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Hey campbell, your situation is very similiar to mine. I first noticed hairloss at when I was 17 and a half (I'm 19 now), I just now decided to start treatment, two years later. Luckily I still have alot of hair, so I believe I will be able to keep it and possibly regrow what I have lost over the last two years.

You are the only one that could know if you have hair loss or not. When I first started losing my hair, I thought it was just a phase as well, that it would eventually end. It never did.

My advice to you is this. Keep the Rogaine (Minoxidil, which is the active ingredient of Rogaine) stored away for a while. Go to http://www.unitedpharmacies.com and order generic Propecia, called Finpecia. Propecia, Proscar, Finpecia, Fincar, and various other simliar drugs all contain the active ingredient Finasteride. Finasteride basically lets you keep your hair as long as you take it. Cut all the Finpecia tablets in half, and take half a pill a day, which is .5mg. Doing this will decrease the chances of side effects, but still be just about as effective as the regular 1mg dose, there are some studies that say it is just AS effective as 1mg. This is what I am currently doing. Doing this will also save you a crap load of money.

Nizoral. It is an important part of any regimen as it has been shown to have an affect similiar to 2% Minoxidil in regrowth properties and clear away some DHT from the scalp and also reduce dandruff and inflammation of the scalp. Get this and use it once every two days.

Go to froogle and search for Tricomin. Tricomin is a copper peptide that has been shown to enlarge the shaft of the hair follicle and enable a better environment for hair to grow. Get a bottle of that and apply it once in the morning and once at night. Search for it and see how to apply it here on the forums. Don't use to much, if you use it right, one 55 dollar bottle could last you up to 6 months, which is not bad at all.

If you want even more in your arsenal, go for topical 5% Spironolactone. I have heard it tends to be difficult to apply with longer hair, so apply it once at night one hour after Tricomin. It is similar to Finasteride but it is used topically, adding this to your regimen will only further increase your chances of holding on to all of your hair and even having regrowth of already lost hair. You can get Spironolactone from http://www.minoxidil.com , you will have to e-mail them first and request a prescription for it, they will send you a form via e-mail that you have to fill out and mail to them along with a one time fee of 20 dollars so that you may obtain the prescription for spironolactone. Once you do that you can order as much stuff from Dr. Lee as you want.

Later on down the line, say 8-10 months after performing this regimen, evaluate your progress. Take pictures every month of your hair and see how it is doing. If you feel that you want even more, add the Minoxidil back into the mix. If I were you, I would either get Rogaine foam or Spectral DNC, I would go for the Spectral DNC over the foam, but that's just me.

Oh yeah, I also wanted to add a little bit more. If you are not already, adapt a healthy diet (avoid as much processed food as you can, such as chips, sweets, soda, etc., drink alot of water), and get to the gym. Check out http://www.bodybuilding.com for alot of information. There are alot of morons there, but also alot of quality informants too. Start taking a multi-vitamin everyday, along with at least 2 tablespoons of flax oil.

Good luck man, I was in your position and I know what it feels like, but know that you can and will keep all of your hair and possibly more if you start treatment right now. Don't wait till your in your 20's, it could be to late by then. Just remember it's not bad taking this stuff, you didn't choose to start losing your hair, it's genetic. Every person in this world has their problems, so don't sweat it.


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Actually having gynecomastia and high estrogen levels, you should DEFINATELY see a doctor before taking propecia.


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Don't use rogaine...you don't want to be using that for the rest of your life. It makes things so difficult...imagine backpacking around the world and applying that sh*t in public bathrooms and then having it drip down your face as you sweat...I hate that stuff!

Just use propecia...it's so much easier and it'll probably do the trick on it's own. If it doesn't, then think about adding rogaine later down the track.

If you start now, you're committed for life.


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Skaff said:
Don't use rogaine...you don't want to be using that for the rest of your life. It makes things so difficult...imagine backpacking around the world and applying that $#iT in public bathrooms and then having it drip down your face as you sweat...I hate that stuff!

Just use propecia...it's so much easier and it'll probably do the trick on it's own. If it doesn't, then think about adding rogaine later down the track.

If you start now, you're committed for life.

not that big a commitment really. we have to brush our teeth everyday, and wash ourselves and our hair. its not much different than that