good hair transplant with Dr C,Westwood Hospital Group

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cowells42 said:
best uk hair transplant,WHAT A JOKE YOU ARE REALLY,YOUR TRANSPLANT IS A POOR JOB ,2 attempts and you have under 3000 graphs and a huge chunch of donor gone,AND WHY DONT YOU SHOW THE BAD SCAR THE WESTWOOD HAS LEFT YOU AT BACK???ALSO THAT YOU WORK ON BEHALF OF THE HOSPITAL GROUP??????
i urger anyone dont go to these butchers and swallow the £500 deposit loss as itll cost you thousands to repair their sh*t work.
Dr.Goldstone is a joke and he cant perform a tricho closure properly as he states and youll b left with a bad scar as i have and very very low density,ITS A NIGHTMARE THAT PLACE...................DONT GO THER.
I will post photos shortly i promise to back this up.
They put you in a small dingy room downstairs with no air and youll sweat for hours,theres no proper dissection,its all rushed and get you out for next patient waiting,they want to do 3 patients per day so how can they take the time to do a nice job???????????
you can't read either l had 3856 mate and that was at 57 years old at which time in your life the hair is finer and thinning ,and l had my h/ts with westwood not goldstone they are not the same person ARE THEY!!did you ever think that your expectations were to high and some people dont grow well?
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Boondock said:
I don't think he's a schill, I just think he's a guy who's received an average hair transplant and can't admit that fact to himself. Rather than face that reality, he chooses to vehemently defend what he had done and where he did it. Otherwise, he'd have to accept that he made a bad decision.

"No, the UK does have places where you can get a good hair transplant! It IS the right place to go sometimes! You DON'T need to go to the States."

The truth hurts. Denial is a little nicer.
typical yankee crap , always make sure they are in front of you never behind
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dudemoron you should read what you have written you had 2 bad h/t's in the usa done by american surgeons l take it? you have never had a h/t here in the uk ? so you know nothing about the clinics here or the results, your contradicting everything on here you had a bad h/t there not here, so stop making rude comments to me with your third party information!! they call it here *hear say*!you are making comments that you no nothing about that guest readers here in the uk that can't afford to go to H/Wong at £15000 a time to think they they wont have it done here and get pushed into sh*t clinics abroad ,so your helping no one .


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best-uk-h/t said:
you are making comments that you no nothing about that guest readers here in the uk that can't afford to go to H/Wong at £15000 a time to think they they wont have it done here and get pushed into sh*t clinics abroad ,so your helping no one .

If they cant afford to go to a decent clinic abroad then they should forget the whole idea altogether.
Sure there are sh*t clinics abroad but there are also good ones unlike here in the UK where there are only sh*t ones.

I agree with Dudemon and everyone else on here like with every hair transplant I've ever seen from the UK your hair transplant is poor, sorry to break it to you but it is!
And I'm sure that most guest readers on here can see that.


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s.a.f said:
I agree with Dudemon and everyone else on here like with every hair transplant I've ever seen from the UK your hair transplant is poor, sorry to break it to you but it is!
And I'm sure that most guest readers on here can see that.


Not everyone on here believes that all UK hair transplant surgeons are poor :)


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Well I've yet to see one that could be desrcibed as anywhere close to a world class job. Infact 99% of the time when were talking about UK hair transplant's the words butchered or botched pop up. :whistle:


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s.a.f said:
Well I've yet to see one that could be desrcibed as anywhere close to a world class job. Infact 99% of the time when were talking about UK hair transplant's the words butchered or botched pop up. :whistle:

Meh, based on my personal experience, to be honest I feel you're massively over-hyping the US clinics.

After everything I had read from the "American Evangelists" on here I was expecting to be really blown away when I approached the big US clinics for my second procedure, unfortunately I was completely underwhelmed.

I'll take Dr. Rogers over any of these so-called "world class" clinics.

To be fair, Dr. Rogers said to me himself that it's possible to get more density than he will do, but he's sincere, honest and has worked wonders on my hairline. He also has the courtesy to speak to me personally on the telephone and face-to-face, far more than I can say about the arrogance I received with some of the seemingly over rated "world class" bunch.

edit: Just to be clear, I am in no way endorsing the OP or the Westwood Group. In fact, my dealings with them a few months ago left me feeling like they would be more suited to selling double glazing or second hand cars. I also completely agree that there are some highly unethical and downright bad clinics in the UK, just as there are in pretty much every country.
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dudemon said:
best-uk-h/t said:
dudemoron you should read what you have written you had 2 bad h/t's in the usa done by american surgeons l take it? you have never had a h/t here in the uk ? so you know nothing about the clinics here or the results, your contradicting everything on here you had a bad h/t there not here, so stop making rude comments to me with your third party information!! they call it here *hear say*!you are making comments that you no nothing about that guest readers here in the uk that can't afford to go to H/Wong at £15000 a time to think they they wont have it done here and get pushed into sh*t clinics abroad ,so your helping no one .

I've had 1 bad hair transplant at one clinic, and 2 good hair transplants at a good clinic.

You are most definately a paid shill for the UK group. Stop posting BS stories about an hair transplant clinic that you've had a mediocre result from, imo. I bet the "bad" clinic that did my 1st hair transplant is equal to, if not better than the hospital group that you are trying to push so hard.

So, why do you do such things? Are you trying to "justify" your decision of getting mediocre results - a bit "post-purchase dissonance," as they would call it in the marketing world?? (btw, that means "buyer's remorse" to morons like you)

Or are you just a paid "shill" for the hospital group? Let me define shill for you, since you seem to be oblivious to its meaning.

shill: a person, usually paid, who advocates only positive values of a particular product, whether the product is a person, place or thing.

In your case, you are either trying to "validate" your decision of getting a mediocre hair transplant from a mediocre hair transplant clinin at best, or you are getting paid to talk about how good the mediocre clinic is that did your hair transplant: the hospital group.

You are the one who is going to give newbies here bad information about getting an hair transplant from a so-so clinic that usually produces mostly mediocre results.

They will get an hair transplant form the same place you went to and wind up like me - scarred for life: mentally, emotionally, socially, ...etc...every way you could possibly imagine - with no way to ever get their old life back. No, most of the vulnerable, unsuspecting young bald guys will go to your clinic (the hospital group) and wind up with a mediocre result at best and wind up exactly the same as me.

so, I'll say it again: GO AWAY! :spam:
who are you to tell me what sort of result i had ,so if you dont have your h/t in apple land its no good according to you,who the hell are you promoting ??? moron have you seen my before and afterphotos??? you don't no what your talking about !
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GeminiX said:
s.a.f said:
I agree with Dudemon and everyone else on here like with every hair transplant I've ever seen from the UK your hair transplant is poor, sorry to break it to you but it is!
And I'm sure that most guest readers on here can see that.


Not everyone on here believes that all UK hair transplant surgeons are poor :)

Hi, you wont get anything consructive from these pair, one's had a bad experience the other not sure of! just wants to attack people with rude remarks wether he as had a h/t who knows maybe he got thrown off msn, l met Dr Rodgers myself in 2006 he's rated high here ,Dr Westwood and he worked together some years ago and they must have done a few thousand h/ts between , problem now a year ago there were 14 h/t clinics in uk and there are 28 now ,so there's going to be a lot more crap posted about the good guys just to grab the trade


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best-uk-h/t said:
Hi, you wont get anything consructive from these pair, one's had a bad experience the other not sure of! just wants to attack people with rude remarks wether he as had a h/t who knows maybe he got thrown off msn, l met Dr Rodgers myself in 2006 he's rated high here ,Dr Westwood and he worked together some years ago and they must have done a few thousand h/ts between , problem now a year ago there were 14 h/t clinics in uk and there are 28 now ,so there's going to be a lot more crap posted about the good guys just to grab the trade

Norton and Bosely and Nobel have done more hair transplant's than anyone else, but their still butchers.
The fact is when a decent surgeon pops up in the UK and produces consistently top class work (with evidence to back it up) I'll be their #1 fan.
However that has'nt happenend yet and you can go on any forum and you'll still find nothing from the UK that comes close to what the best in the world can do, but what you will find is a majority of people who are unhappy with the work they had done in the UK.

But I would suspect that these new clinics are just amatuers like the surgeons you'll find at the hospital group.
The evidence speaks for itself go on any hair transplant forum and you'll find 100's of satisfied customers for each one of the big name clinics and yet as far as I've seen you 2 are the only people happy with your UK hair transplant's. And I've been on these forums for over 5 yrs.
You're trying to slate me when I have 99% of the evidence on my side!
And yet again you accuse ME of being a salesman when its YOU who is patheticly trying to promote an individual clinic.
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