Good looking and loosing hair.


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Same boat bro. My hair has taken a turn for the worst past 2 or so years and actually got my first "hmm are you losing hair?" from a friend I hadnt seen a long time recently. But ya girls consider me good looking also (prolly sound just as assholish). I cant really say I can see much a difference in how girls think of me since its not that noticeable. Good looks are more than just hair too. If you have nice eyes and facial bone structure decent muscle mass and a bmi under 12% then girls will always think your are good looking. Don't lose the confidence and you wont lose more than the fake way too made up pretentious sl*ts you find at overly expensive clubs even if you go completely bald. Keep working out (girls drop trou for abs, so if u got those your golden unless your completely busted) buzz your hair and wait for pool season to do some more damage. You can get a drug called finasteride (its what is in propecia) for pretty cheap and it should stop you from losing any more hair. Ive used it for 2 months and I dont get any side effects.

edit: do some research though if you are interested in drugs and be very very careful about online pharmacies. Most docs know about propecia and its ingrediants so ask them if you are curious then research methods on how to get it cheap.


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nuno2k said:
At least I'd rather take it like a man and buzz it off for good (or until there is a cure).

ah, the words of someone in the early stages of hair loss. sup brah, let's see how you feel in a few years.

enjoy pool season!


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Buzz buzz buzz. I only did mine a few days ago... I consider myself good looking. No one else does, but they're all delusional...

Anywho... =) my eyes have always been my saving grace. My ears, not so much, I have extruding ears, and well diffuse thinning hair working against me... some breakouts with acne. But from my experience, hair isn't the number one physical attribute in attraction. Not to say it cant be important. And a bad comb over... or clear bad attempts at trying to cover it, is definitely not attractive and brings attention to it. But as has been said, eyes, well-built structure (don't need to be massive just fill out, look good for your height and build, and most women dont want to go out with Lou Ferrigino anyways). But confidence is attractive more than anything. Ive lost mine with my hair; vying to get it back, slowly am.

Get on finasteride or something, do research, try keep what have or grow some back. And if you have the right face and head for a good buzz, even if your hairs thinning or receding it can look sharp and attractive. OF COURSE - go to the gym then. Facial hair helps blend a nice buzz too esp if thinning. Buzz your hair if it worries you or gets worse; Im so glad I did. Now - remember if you go on nothing, you'll keep losing hair. And will go lower and lower in a buzz... so... just look into finasteride and mino and stuff =)

uncomfortable man

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I've been told I'm good looking by some gay guys on this forum :gay: (jk, guys). Women will say that a good looking man will still be a good looking man with or without the hair, but always seem to slip in how they would look better with hair. So by that logic, no matter how good looking you are going bald will take you down about two points (out of ten). Other factors can influence the outcome, but unless you're black, you're attractiveness will take a hit from hair loss.


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treeshrew said:
nuno2k said:
At least I'd rather take it like a man and buzz it off for good (or until there is a cure).

ah, the words of someone in the early stages of hair loss. sup brah, let's see how you feel in a few years.

enjoy pool season!

So true. There was a model looking guy in my chemical engineering class. He had pretty pretty girlfriends. But I spotted him diffusing on top. He was even wearing a hat because it bothered him a bit. I told him about propecia, and he said he did not care enough about hair loss to get on it. He said looks don't matter, and he does not need his hair to get women. He also said he could not spare $20 per month for cut up proscar. I told him he may think that now, but eventually he will learn how much looks matter and will regret not getting on propecia sooner. I don't know if he ever got on it.


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Is it something in the air that you breathe in the US or why so many of you keep rating other ppl in 1-10 scale? I had never heard of that until I got on this forum. You're talking about THE scale like it's totally normal to do that.


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if he REALLY DOES feel that way and thinks that way and wasn't just bs'ing you .. then guess what .. he will continue banging the hot chicks because he's right .. he doesn't need hair to get women .. especially if he's 'model looking' as you say .. the face counts for a lot, hair or no hair .. and most importantly, having that attitude he proclaimed counts for even more ..

edit: you mentioned he was wearing hats because it bothered him .. how are you sure that's the reason he was wearing the hats .. did he tell you ? .. if this is true then he probably was bs'ing you and just trying to save face by saying he 'doesn't care'

CCS said:
treeshrew said:
nuno2k said:
At least I'd rather take it like a man and buzz it off for good (or until there is a cure).

ah, the words of someone in the early stages of hair loss. sup brah, let's see how you feel in a few years.

enjoy pool season!

So true. There was a model looking guy in my chemical engineering class. He had pretty pretty girlfriends. But I spotted him diffusing on top. He was even wearing a hat because it bothered him a bit. I told him about propecia, and he said he did not care enough about hair loss to get on it. He said looks don't matter, and he does not need his hair to get women. He also said he could not spare $20 per month for cut up proscar. I told him he may think that now, but eventually he will learn how much looks matter and will regret not getting on propecia sooner. I don't know if he ever got on it.


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uncomfortable man said:
I've been told I'm good looking by some gay guys on this forum :gay: (jk, guys). Women will say that a good looking man will still be a good looking man with or without the hair, but always seem to slip in how they would look better with hair. So by that logic, no matter how good looking you are going bald will take you down about two points (out of ten). Other factors can influence the outcome, but unless you're black, you're attractiveness will take a hit from hair loss.

Basically, if you are a 10 with hair, you at worst will be an 8 or 9 without it. Hair is not the full equation, but it matters.
I find a hair piece takes me up a full point, and I suspect fully bald I'd drop a point from where I am now. That can be a huge hit in the caliper of women you can get and the happiness in life. But yeah, women mostly just say that to mean if you are super hot and out of their league, they will still take you without hair, and if you were ugly before, having hair won't makek them want you.


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dude77 said:
edit: you mentioned he was wearing hats because it bothered him .. how are you sure that's the reason he was wearing the hats .. did he tell you ? .. if this is true then he probably was bs'ing you and just trying to save face by saying he 'doesn't care'

He was in my classes for 3 years. I don't remember him with a hat when he had a full head of hair, though I did not go to class much. I did not spot the diffusing until after he got the hat. I suspected it because he wore it all the time, even indoors. Then he lifted it once to vent some heat, and I spotted the diffusing because I was waiting for him to lift it.

Yeah, maybe he just started liking hats. Never said anything about the hat. I just infered that.

This guy had perfect everything, like the next brad pit. So I'm sure he is right he can pull women while bald. But I just know it will hurt is ability a bit at least with the very pickiest one. But if he is not super super picky, he probably won't notice the difference. Fact is 9's date 10's all the time. There just are not enough 10's for the 10's to meet often, and who is going to turn down a 9?


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ghg said:

Pretty ironic that you posted a pic of Hogan with his everpresent (cover my baldness) bandana.

uncomfortable man

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You went to greater lengths to cover your baldness, didn't you S.A.F.?


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Yeah, we're both trying to fool the public.


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i think it depends on the person. balding can look different on different people. look at prince william. all the females used to be crazy about him, i had read articles about prince william, sexiest man alive. now hes losing hair and no one thinks hes goodlooking anymore. at least from what i see on the internet.


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jimjohn said:
i think it depends on the person. balding can look different on different people. look at prince william. all the females used to be crazy about him, i had read articles about prince william, sexiest man alive. now hes losing hair and no one thinks hes goodlooking anymore. at least from what i see on the internet.
I've never thought he was good looking but he was available and is the future king. Now he's been with Kate Middleton for like 5yrs so he's not seen as available so the papers no longer go on about it, but I've heard from people who frequent the top London clubs and when either him or Harry go out they are swamped by girls like rock stars.


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s.a.f said:
ghg said:

Pretty ironic that you posted a pic of Hogan with his everpresent (cover my baldness) bandana.

So, what's Hogan? A 5? 4? Does the money give him an extra few points? Can the money make him a 6? Everyone who uses a scale of 1-10 on humans should be castrated. What if you have a child and he/she is only a 3? Are you gonna kill him?


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Are you talking to me or CCS?


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To anyone who thinks it's cool to rate other ppl.