Faith11 just nailed it, TOPICALLY ! I cannot stress this enough, you gotta go topical with anything. Everybody is trying to solve their hairloss internally....that's a long hard fought battle. Hit it directly at the site man. Here are some guesses I have about 99% of hairloss sufferers.
1) I bet none of them experiment with a topical application, (SawPalmetto, GreenTea, Oils, B6,Zinc, AzaliecAcid, whatever else)
2) I bet none of them try LLLT
3) most of them always think negative
4) even if they try something they don't give it an honest lengthy try
I'm always up to try new things, because then I can rotate my regime, to change it up. I'm going to research more on the GreenTea. Perhaps put it into a bottle as a pre-rinse before shower, who knows. Anything extra can help. When somebody gives their experience or idea on this forum, I look into it.
I keep hearing people saying "show pix or I don't believe", then i'll show my pix then they say "those pix are fake". So its whatever. I think Saw Palmetto and Green Tea has a place, and id like to see if their is a way to effectively apply them topically.