
Group buy: Pyrilutamide KX-826 Kintor topical Anti-Androgen


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is this like ARV-110 or what's the difference
Pyrilutamide is a non-steroidal anti androgens (NSAA), ARV-110 is a selective androgen receptor degrader (SARD). NSAA’s bind to the androgen receptor (AR) such that it is incapable of transcribing/expressing AR target genes in your DNA. SARD’s hijack your cell’s protein degraders by instructing them to destroy AR’s. It is hoped that SARD’s would be more effective than NSAA’s.


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Pyrilutamide is a non-steroidal anti androgens (NSAA), ARV-110 is a selective androgen receptor degrader (SARD). NSAA’s bind to the androgen receptor (AR) such that it is incapable of transcribing/expressing AR target genes in your DNA. SARD’s hijack your cell’s protein degraders by instructing them to destroy AR’s. It is hoped that SARD’s would be more effective than NSAA’s.
Thanks for your clarification. Which of them is the Kintor way (NSAA / SARD)?


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Thanks for your clarification. Which of them is the Kintor way (NSAA / SARD)?
Kintor has two prospective therapies in their pipeline for treating ΑGΑ, one is an NSAA (pyrilutamide), the other is a SARD (GT20029).


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@BetaBoy of all this unpronounceable stuff, what do you think is the most promising? Could you rank them?
The AR degrader should basicly be the best way possible to stop hairloss, there actually no better way to stop it then that .
Blocking the AR its the oldest mathod.
Killing the AR its new approuch and if its works you should be able to keep you hair for life , in theory its spouse to keep working forever


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From what I remember - these 2 drugs have a long serum half life and are mainly targeted at prostate cancer so assuming it really does "work" , you will eventually end up with side effects - aka dick not working and more...just like with oral anti androgen


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Read the report. At the lower tested dosages the drug did not go systemic.


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Read the report. At the lower tested dosages the drug did not go systemic.
This does not mean anything, we need to know the serum half life of the drug as it will accumulate over time in blood and eventually cause side effects even using the lowest amounts..and for hairloss you need to use this all the time, as long as you want to keep hair

Any drug that is targeted at prostate cancer needs to have a long serum half life to even work, so that you cannot have have a prostate cancer drug which will be at the same time side effects free for hairloss usage

We already did enough testing with topical flutamide and bicalutamide for hairloss to know these issues by now, this Isn't a new concept


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This does not mean anything, we need to know the serum half life of the drug as it will accumulate over time in blood and eventually cause side effects even using the lowest amounts..and for hairloss you need to use this all the time, as long as you want to keep hair

Any drug that is targeted at prostate cancer needs to have a long serum half life to even work, so that you cannot have have a prostate cancer drug which will be at the same time side effects free for hairloss usage

We already did enough testing with topical flutamide and bicalutamide for hairloss to know these issues by now, this Isn't a new concept
Yes it means something. If it's not detectable in the serum at any point, how is it building up? RU was detectable in the blood at every point, immediately, up to months away. This isn't at all at the tested dose.


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And why exactly is this not detectable in blood ? what is the serum half life ?
I smell BS here, they are saying that it works for prostate cancer but its not detectable in blood ?
Of course if they use tiny amounts eventually they won't detect any amount but that's true for any drug then.. plus if you use tiny amounts it won't work for Hairloss either

don't forget that Kintor is a mainland Chinese company and more often than not they aren't afraid of making bold and false claims to boost they stock

And for RU58841, the serum half life is one hour..not months.


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And why exactly is this not detectable in blood ? what is the serum half life ?
I smell BS here, they are saying that it works for prostate cancer but its not detectable in blood ?
Of course if they use tiny amounts eventually they won't detect any amount but that's true for any drug then.. plus if you use tiny amounts it won't work for Hairloss either

don't forget that Kintor is a mainland Chinese company and more often than not they aren't afraid of making bold and false claims to boost they stock

And for RU58841, the serum half life is one hour..not months.
It's the concentration my guy, the prostate cancer dose is going to be up to 100x more then the tested dose for hairloss, which is 5mg topically. Who cares if Kintor is a Chinese company, the phase 1 trials were done in the USA and phase 2 was greenlit for Androgenetic Alopecia already using the same data.

I'm not saying the drug is side free, but just saying that I don't see the logic behind fear mongering that a drug will go systemic and build up to cause sides when it's not detectable in the serum at any point after usage. It could be that the drug wont be as effective as RU at it's tested dose.


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To go give the RU equivalent, 20 mg topically applied is sufficient to give side effects - basically you won't be able to sustain an erection on that day, and that's with a serum half life of one hour and I assume that this Kintor new drug is even more powerful which means more side effects at even smaller amounts, unless its properties are to be immediately eliminated by the blood, which we know it does not since it will be sold as a prostate cancer drug


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To go give the RU equivalent, 20 mg topically applied is sufficient to give side effects - basically you won't be able to sustain an erection on that day, and that's with a serum half life of one hour and I assume that this Kintor new drug is even more powerful which means more side effects at even smaller amounts, unless its properties are to be immediately eliminated by the blood, which we know it does not since it will be sold as a prostate cancer drug
I don't know what you want me to say mate. Maybe you should tell your expertise to the scientists running the trials, because clearly you have this figured out and their data is incorrect.


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Well they haven't tested this drug for Alopecia..they assume that a tiny amount of 5mg will produce no side effects but we know its not going to be effective for hairloss since skin absorption is very uneven..some guys with thick skin will need a lot more to be effective to stop hairloss , also depending on the area to cover and some less and you won't be able to dodge the systemic effects eventually..this has already been tested by us here with tiny amounts of enzalutamide.


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I don't know what you want me to say mate. Maybe you should tell your expertise to the scientists running the trials, because clearly you have this figured out and their data is incorrect.
Just say what the serum half life of the drug is


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I smell BS here, they are saying that it works for prostate cancer but its not detectable in blood ?

I don't understand where you got the idea that either pyrilutamide or the AR degrader (GT20029) are being used for the treatment of prostate cancer? Kintor's prostate cancer drug is called Proxalutamide (GT-0918) which is being administered orally at doses of 50mg+ up to 400mg, while Pyrilutamide is a topical antagonist with a dose of 0.5mg going forward as the main dose that will be used in phase III.


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Well they haven't tested this drug for Alopecia..they assume that a tiny amount of 5mg will produce no side effects but we know its not going to be effective for hairloss since skin absorption is very uneven..some guys with thick skin will need a lot more to be effective to stop hairloss , also depending on the area to cover and some less and you won't be able to dodge the systemic effects eventually..this has already been tested by us here with tiny amounts of enzalutamide.

Yes they have. They have completed phases 1 and 2 in China and phase 1 in US, with phase 2 undergoing for Pyrilutamide. The only adverse reactions recorded by the researches were mild and all of these were instances of contact dermatitis. I understand the skepticism, but Kintor is moving very fast, they have even already released sales forecasts once it gets approved in China and additionally forecasts as to when it gets approved in the US as well. They are also treating this drug as a "first-in-class", meaning they believe it is a novel approach and not just a similar DHT blocker to what we already have in the market. The entire idea around the drug, as per their reports, is to create an alternative to finasteride, emphasizing the sexual side effects occurrences that finasteride creates.

All of this is to say, Kintor is banking hard on this drug and it's moving fast and they seem very optimistic as to both its efficacy and safety profile. It could all end up the same way as Finasteride and people could end up having sexual sides again, but so far nothing in their reporting and conduct seems to indicate this is a possibility. We should know for sure in 1/2 months time once they release their detailed phase II report.


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Well they haven't tested this drug for Alopecia..they assume that a tiny amount of 5mg will produce no side effects but we know its not going to be effective for hairloss since skin absorption is very uneven..some guys with thick skin will need a lot more to be effective to stop hairloss , also depending on the area to cover and some less and you won't be able to dodge the systemic effects eventually..this has already been tested by us here with tiny amounts of enzalutamide.
What are you talking about man. It's completed phase 2 and is green lit for phase 3, it passed both safety & efficacy primary end points for hairloss. Phase 2 is also starting in the US this winter.