LOL. I should have made this it's own thread.
I admit that I'm toying with false realities now,
but I was just thinking how much of a positive difference would occur had male pattern baldness "victims" began balding noticeably during early toddler years
I couldn't help but wonder, how many of these doting mothers would commensurate in unison and fly into an uproar
and how many of these same devoted mammas would aggressively organize up in arms
and rapidly fire their single-minded demands(s) at all the right people in all the right places;
for the worthy purpose of achieving better solutions to treat their bundle of joy's Androgenetic Alopecia
and perhaps even a touch of their own maternal conceit.
In these modern times where the basic rule of ethics prevail by continuing to prioritize children and mother/women issues.
Something tells me both mother and child would do fine if they were to wake up in my matriarchal-pseudo world.
I suppose I pulled this zany piece from my subconscious slipstream mostly to reiterate the ongoing frustration felt here maybe as a underlying result of society's ignorance/denial
and it's malign and misaligned insistence that the plight of the bald man is still just an old traditional and funny myth.
"Out in the real world" once boys hit their late juvenile year their mammas just better play that their litte darlings inherited a damn good sense of humor.