If you guys are serious Id help.
You guys should put together a dating website experiment where you make a page and have the guy request no women over 120lbs. See the reactions, but also get all the "no bald guy" one before hand to throw it together.
Id say make 2 guy pages, one bald and one with hair. Maybe even the same guy with hair added/removed and see how much angrier women are towards the bald guy. See if they attack him with "no big girls baldie" remarks.
Then maybe some man on the street videos. You get girls in groups. Have one guy with hair sleek in next to the group and hang out mic'd. Let a bald guy come over and start flirting. Then when he leaves see how they talk and record it (blur the faces of course). Then have the planted guy start flirting with the same women.
You have to really play all angles with the same women. This would be a great site to organize it because you have different countries and states with different women/populations to see how different the world view is.