Gyno or body fat?


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Do you guys think alot of reported gyno cases on this site are because of an increase in body weight and such? Like, finasteride can supposedly increase body fat, and I'm pretty sure it's done that to me, I'm a little sloppy around the mid section and upper chest these days, could be a result of a more than sloppy diet as well. But like, do you think because people on finasteride expect side effects, things like this may make them feel like they're getting b**ch tits, when really they';re just packing on some extra lbs. in the chest area?
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I think some of it may be a slight increase in body weight, but it's more of a mental thing. For whatever reason, the sexual and gyno side effects that come with finasteride are blown wildly out of proportion by a lot of people, especially if you sit around reading hair message boards all day. It's all in their mind's eye. If you read the studies, a highly small percentage of people get these side effects. If you didn't know any better and were basing your rationale strictly on people on these sites, you'd peg it around 15% or so. It's all just a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you will.



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well, the thing is most people start balding around the same time their metabolism begins to slow. Antiandrogens can also cause weight gain. I went from 180 to 200 over the past 5 years and my chest was nothing like it used to be, even working out. I thought i might have been getting gyno from topical spironolactone, but the last month ive dropped back down below 190 and with the loss in weight, my chest has regained its definition. In other words I think you both make good points. just 10 extra pounds can make a big difference in chest fat. I still think the spironolactone contributed to my weight gain somewhat.


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That is a good point. There probably is some overestimation of the problem because of the effect of obesity. Fat men/boys often have a lot of fat on the chest giving the appearence of breasts. Also those who really have gynecomastia have the size of the breasts exaggerated by superimposed fat/obesity. For them, it's better to lose the fat than to do something extreme like a mastectomy. For an individual, the way you tell if gynecomastia is present is partially by the appearance of the nipples and areola (are they developed) and by the firmness of the underlying tissue; a developed breast is a firmer underlying mass that can be felt within any fat that may be surrounding it and it is separate from it; just like it feels on a woman. So if there is no exaggerated development of the nipple and areola and there is no underlying breast felt, then your left with fat hanging from your chest.


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I tried it for 15 monthas well.. It was very hard for me to make weight for my boxing matches at this time.. I really didnt know why, because it took it when it first came out, and people just starting taking it and didnt know about estrogen increases etc... I thought that it was just because i was getting older, and it wasnt easy to make weight anymore... BUT when i got off finasteride it came off much easier and my body looked much more cut than it was when i was on propecia...Its really simple, if you block DHT, testosterone needs to convert to something, and it will convert to estrogen and its metabolites as well... Once this happens, you can get all the side effects of estrogen increase, like gynoe, fat around waste, being irritable, ming fog, etc... I hated propecia for the simple fact that it was so hard for me to lose weight, and i just didnt feel right on it..but didnt know this until i quit


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well ill post in here cuz i dont wanna do a panic post..but in relation to your topic i am realising that my upper chest area, nipples and such, have become slightly more fattier than when before i started finasteride. I have been on it for 5 months now and i'm 25.

I dont have any of the pain associated with GYNO, but just my 'nipples' seem to protrude more ( conical shape) and the whole chest area seems like it's carrying more fat.
It is obvious that there has been a change, and i know i'm not being paranoid.

I am really skinny and don't put on weight at all, and do workout. So i dunno. I'm a bit worried, but not sure what to think or what to do.


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I'd say I'm apart of the "chest fat" club, but I really can't say for sure.

Just after I started finasteride, I stopped working out. So it really could just be a result of the lack of exercise.


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I had the added chest/abdomen fat before I started finasteride. Just a little puffiness around the nipples, right? Just the little pocket of fat above you hip bones, right?

This is where fat collects in men. Perfectly normal.


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Hey Deaner,

Just because you're a sloppy f*** it doesn't mean the rest of us are.

Anyway Wonder Boy as long as you're wondering about stuff I'm going to wonder along with you. I was wondering why some of the guys on the board seem to immediately dismiss anyone that thinks they're experiencing side effects. What's up with that? Could it be because the thought of side effects makes them uncomfortable? Could it be because they're numbskulls that think "hey, I'm not having any side effects therefore anyone that claims side effects is just imagining it." Could it be because they're morons that think the percentage of guys on this forum that have side effects should equal the percentage in the clinical trials, as if this forum is a double-blinded study in itself? Or could it be that they possess the skill of remote viewing and are able to actually see the chests of these guys and see that they don't have gyno?

And as long as you're wondering about all of the people that are talking about a negative aspect of the drug I was wondering why you don't wonder about all of the people that are positive about finasteride. Like, aren't some people just imagining that finasteride has helped their hair? I mean if a guy can imagine that his nipples are getting bigger surely he can imagine that he's growing some more hair. They can't all be right. Some of them must be imagining that propecia is helping them. Why don't we harp on all of the guys that say finasteride has helped them? Some of them have to be full of sh*t.

I have lifted weights 3 to 4 times a week for several years. I bench press every week. I'm in top condition. I am lean and have not gained or lost a pound since I started finasteride. I have shaved my chest for years so I look at it every single freaking morning in order to shave any hairs around my nipples in addition to all of the times that I'm being vain and looking at my pecs in a mirror. I can now say without question that my nipples/areolas are puffier and they've begun to protude, something which they never did before. Now, you can call that what you want. You can call it gynecomastia or not. I don't care. The fact is that my chest has changed since I started finasteride.

Now Deaner, I know as you read this, if you've even taken the time to read everything instead of gloss over it, that your brain is starting to hurt and you're looking for some way to rationalize all of this and come to the conclusion that my chest really hasn't changed, that I'm imagining all of this. If your brain starts to hurt too much just let me know and I'll let you suckle on my breasts a little. I can't promise any milk though.

I'm not going to dismiss anyone or try to talk anyone out of thinking that they have gynecomastia, especially when I'm on the f*****g internet and I can't even see them. It's not something you should f*** with. If after observing yourself you think you have gyno then you should go see a doctor asap. It's a fact that finasteride plays with your hormones.


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Calm down for f*cks sakes, get off finasteride then if it's making you into a moody girl.


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No way, my nipples are starting to turn me on.


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helpmefindmyhair said:
Why don't we harp on all of the guys that say finasteride has helped them? Some of them have to be full of sh*t.


We do....we bust Deaners chops all the time :lol:

On a serious note. Nobody should just assume they have gyno becuase of a little excess fat....Do what I did. Learn everything you can about it, watch it for a week then get to a Doctor.
Unfortunately my Doctor said "yup that's gyno" after feeling the lump in my chest. :(


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What do you mean watch it for a week? And what kinda lump in your chest? ...


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What I mean is keep an eye on it to see if it gets worse. Actually even if you suspect it you should go to a Dr. preferably a Endocrinologist. Gyno is not to be messed around with.

The lump is just above the nipple and the shape and size of a lima bean (a little bigger than a dime). If you know anything about gyno you know there is usually a lump associated with it. You didn't think gyno is just excess body fat on the chest did you? That's only one type.
THere are three types of gyno

fatty glandular

look them up if you'd like to educate yourself about it. actually here's a good link to read up about it.


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So there shouldn't be any lumps WHATSOEVER under the nipple/slightly above the nipple in your average fully developed male? I ask this because I can find a bit of tissue underneath and slightly above the nipple (little lumpy fatty sh*t), but it's nothin' much at all. Now I don't know what to think...


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Everyone has that -- it's normal. It's the inside part of your nipple. An easier test for gyno is to lift your hands up so your pectoral muscles are stretched out a bit and to see and feel if there are any noticeable bumps.



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it's usually something you don't guess about. You'll know if there is a real lump under there. There's usually some tissue that's kind of squishy. You may even find something the size of a small BB (gland). This is normal.


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So basically if I lift up my arm so my pectoral is flat, and feel around, I should feel a noticable bump, not just some squishy tissue here and there? I'm pretty sure I'm just gaining some mad weight in the stomach and chest, but you can't be too certain. Thanks guys!