Gyno or body fat?


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My nimples have been super sensitive the last week (nothing to do with gyno). Anyways yesterday as I was getting out of the shower my nipple was bleeding. What the hell is that sh*t??? :lol: :lol: Something to be concerned about??? I don't know.........


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Don't rub it so hard.

Just kidding, but I don't think gyno would result in bleeding, just sensitivity.


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Rarely you could get milk from gynecomastia, not blood. If you cannot account for the bleeding, for example if there has not been any injury to the area you should see your doctor ASAP.


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I see that you're still on 1mg propecia. How was your gyno resolved? Did you go off propecia for awhile and take medication for gyno or did you take both medications at the same time?


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why some of the guys on the board seem to immediately dismiss anyone that thinks they're experiencing side effects.

Put simply?

Because people on the f*****g internet are completely and utterly insane. Panic and conceit don't make for an objective viewpoint.


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Because people on the f*****g internet are completely and utterly insane. Panic and conceit don't make for an objective viewpoint.

I agree but neither does someone who makes a diagnosis sight unseen.


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True enough.

But what can really be said? Go see a doctor if you really feel you have a side effect or if this kind of thing scares the sh*t out of you. In Deaner's case, I experienced the same effect before I got into shape and I'm fairly certain it's not from Finasteride.

Kevin fretwell

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Add me to the chest fat club . I think a little chest fat is inevitable along with a bit "puffy" nipple in responce but don't jump to conclusion that its gyno until your chest starts drooping then you got it and better stop a.s.a.p .


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Well, isn't there a possibility this sorta thing only goes so far as well? Like, it'll stabilize, or even reverse WHILE on finasteride, as the body adjusts? Fairly early in treatment, it's understandable your hormones will be completely outta whack, so this thing seems more likely. Or am I just fulla sh*t here?


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I need to chime in. I've been on finasteride for almost three months now, and I can't feel any bumps. The nipples aren't burning or itching, either. However, there is one thing concerning me, and that is that the flesh around the nipples seems to be overly sensitive. Not sensitive as in burning, but tender.

Why do I know this? I have a younger sister who is into the "charming" habit of giving people purple nurples. (or as she calls them, "teety tweesters"). She gave me one four days ago on my left pec, and to my dismay, it continued to feel slightly painful if something pressed against it for days afterward, even very slightly at this point. Not bad pain, but a slight ache, a dull tenderness, like somebody hit you hard.

This does not sound like the kind of gyno-related sensation that you guys describe, but I would like to know if you think this is anything I should worry about. Again, there are no tangible lumps that I am able to find.
Incidentally, the sexual sides are long gone.

P.S. At three months I can't tell if my hair is benefitting. Fallout is exactly where it was pre-finasteride (approx. 200 a day), but still full coverage. I'm hoping for stabilization.


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Guys, i have a confession to make...I to have a excess fat on my chest and puffy nipples, but dont worry guys. I found a remedy for the puffy nipples. Here are some instructions: 1) Pinch the tip of nipple with 2 fingers and give it a good counterclockwise turn. Repeat on other nipple. Works great for more puff! On a side note, if you have a chick do it...the feeling is so much more pleasurable. There is 1 side effect though... watchout for over excitement, cuz you might accidently drizzle out some watery ejaculate from the penis :freaked2:


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Yea, my nipples are getting slightly puffy (really only noticable when sitting down), but there's no pain, no sensitivity, none of that sorta crap. It seems like just excess fat. So is this the classic elevated estrogen water-retention chest-fat crap? I'm definitely noticing I'm a little fatty around the chest region these days, mostly the last couple weeks. Also, how big would the "lumps" get if another form of gyno were to surface? I don't remember how my nipples/nipple region felt BEFORE I started noticing this garbage, so I have no comparison.



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Maybe we should be photographing our chests as well as our heads to monitor the progress of finasteride treatment ...

Kevin fretwell

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DontWannaBeLikeMike said:
Guys, i have a confession to make...I to have a excess fat on my chest and puffy nipples, but dont worry guys. I found a remedy for the puffy nipples. Here are some instructions: 1) Pinch the tip of nipple with 2 fingers and give it a good counterclockwise turn. Repeat on other nipple. Works great for more puff! On a side note, if you have a chick do it...the feeling is so much more pleasurable. There is 1 side effect though... watchout for over excitement, cuz you might accidently drizzle out some watery ejaculate from the penis :freaked2:
Sounds like you have premature ejaculation problems buddy .They have stuff to help that


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Deaner said:
Well, isn't there a possibility this sorta thing only goes so far as well? Like, it'll stabilize, or even reverse WHILE on finasteride, as the body adjusts? Fairly early in treatment, it's understandable your hormones will be completely outta whack, so this thing seems more likely. Or am I just fulla sh*t here?

That would be good to know. I think i am in the same boat as you deaner. I have definatelly noticed a 'puffiness' in the chest area.
But what can one do really? It is a concern, but i do not want to stop the finasteride though i don't want to have this 'side effect' continue or get worse. I work out so maybe i'll just have to stick to that and hope for improvement or that it will diminish.

This is so crazy :roll:


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Well, I haven't even started using finasteride yet but I have a little fat on my chest and round my waist.....which really doesn't make a lot of sense given the fact I walk everywhere, do 5 hours or so a week of weights at the gym and play football 3 times a week (that's FOOTBALL American boys - the one where you use your feet to control a ball, hence the name.... :wink: ). I also have quite a low-fat diet, save for the odd chocolate bar....I take a protein smoothie after a work-out but don't see any reason why this should be an issue.

So, maybe, just maybe, genetics plays a large part in this !? I know plenty of super-fit guys that still have the body fat 'problem'. Maybe, in my case, I've been building mass and now I've got it, I need to start using lower weights and more reps !?!? God only knows, but it's v annoying....