had to drop finasteride... whats next?


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just time. I actually finally accepted the fact that it would never be the same again, then months later, it got better again.

Sounds like your body eventually recovered on its own, naturally. Be glad you are no longer suffering from permanent problems... enjoy your life.


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Mew said:
just time. I actually finally accepted the fact that it would never be the same again, then months later, it got better again.

Sounds like your body eventually recovered on its own, naturally. Be glad you are no longer suffering from permanent problems... enjoy your life.

Thanks. I would like to add that I believe changing my lifestyle played a big role. Healthy diet, vitamins&omega 3 supps, workout regimen, sleep. People should take care of their bodies!

optimus prime

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I'm thinking of dropping finasteride also. Been on it 2 years and I had great success.

My sides are watery semen and it is starting to bother me.

Is it realistic to maintain hair without using finasteride. I'm a crown and defuse thinner.


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why don't you try dropping the dose to .5mg and then maybe .25 mg? you can still drop a considerable amount of dht at such a low dose... maybe the sides would not be as bad

this brings up the age old question:

does a drop in sides mean the same drop in the blocking of DHT and therefore less hair?

like if you have terrible sides... then you cut the dose in half... sides are half as bad... does this mean 50% as effective as before?

optimus prime

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b0ngman said:
why don't you try dropping the dose to .5mg and then maybe .25 mg? you can still drop a considerable amount of dht at such a low dose... maybe the sides would not be as bad

this brings up the age old question:

does a drop in sides mean the same drop in the blocking of DHT and therefore less hair?

like if you have terrible sides... then you cut the dose in half... sides are half as bad... does this mean 50% as effective as before?

Well yes...I imagine if you have a drop in sides then that means DHT is on the go again. However, i was thinking, if you take 0.25 a day (hopefully all sides go) but still cutting back some of the DHT and then start using topical to fight the rest.


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quick update...

Still using foam, spironolactone cream, tricomin (shampoo cond and spray) and prox. Correction from before - I have always only been using prescription prox, NOT prox-N.

When I run out of tricomin and spironolactone cream, I think I will drop sprio cream and just use the tricomin spray. Foam will still be used to be added to random smaller areas.

Prox is doing all the work on the temples, and nizoral, tricomin, and foam are covering the rest. I need to keep something on the whole area. Currently, hair is exactly the same, no loss, no gain. totally happy though :)


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@inland, its been a month since you last posted, have you had any hair loss in the meantime?


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Broken said:
@inland, its been a month since you last posted, have you had any hair loss in the meantime?

Nope! Its now been almost 9 months since stopping finasteride, and I think my hair is better than ever. It looks like it did when I was 21. I will be 27 soon :)

I just cut my hair real short and even at a #6, I cannot see any scalp.


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That's wonderful inland, fantastic news about the finasteride recovery and the hair results - good work! :)

Oh, and internal results without finasteride, optimus? I believe your best shot is Densiti, possibly with beta-sit and borage oil thrown in for good luck. Equol may... be... amazing! I really hope it proves itself as finasteride deserves to have it's days numbered.


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Hoppi said:
Oh, and internal results without finasteride, optimus? I believe your best shot is Densiti, possibly with beta-sit and borage oil thrown in for good luck. Equol may... be... amazing! I really hope it proves itself as finasteride deserves to have it's days numbered.

Or just quit masturbating. That is proven to work too.



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dougfunny said:
Hoppi said:
Oh, and internal results without finasteride, optimus? I believe your best shot is Densiti, possibly with beta-sit and borage oil thrown in for good luck. Equol may... be... amazing! I really hope it proves itself as finasteride deserves to have it's days numbered.

Or just quit masturbating. That is proven to work too.


I don't mean to be rude man but do you even know what equol is?


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Hoppi said:
dougfunny said:
Hoppi said:
Oh, and internal results without finasteride, optimus? I believe your best shot is Densiti, possibly with beta-sit and borage oil thrown in for good luck. Equol may... be... amazing! I really hope it proves itself as finasteride deserves to have it's days numbered.

Or just quit masturbating. That is proven to work too.


I don't mean to be rude man but do you even know what equol is?

Somehow I don't think you are the one that comes across as rude. :whistle:

Anyway, yes I've read about it: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3607815.stm

Assuming it actually works, I do not see why men would not get the same side effects from lack of DHT that they do from finasteride.

Here is how I suspect it will play out: Odds that:
a. it will not work at all: 40%
b. will be up to 25% as potent as finasteride and therefore only make a small difference: 58%
c: best case scenario where it works as well as finasteride: 2%

and remember we do not even know if men getting sides from finasteride are getting them from less dht or more estrogen.

for all we know this could have worse side effects because there will not be the increase in testosterone that you get with finasteride.

better to stick with something that has actually been tested and proven to be safe.



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amen dougfunny, the moral here is TAKE finasteride &DONT B FAT!! and sleep 2.
and whats with hoppi? every thread i see him on he's plugging a different absurd treatment and he has a f*** load of posts lol.... he must works for merck!! :spam: :spam: :spam: :spam:


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dougfunny said:
for all we know this could have worse side effects because there will not be the increase in testosterone that you get with finasteride.

Actually, I expect there to be the same testosterone increase with equol use that you get with finasteride. The two drugs should have strikingly similar effects on sex hormones and related factors, even though they work in different ways.


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Bryan said:
dougfunny said:
for all we know this could have worse side effects because there will not be the increase in testosterone that you get with finasteride.

Actually, I expect there to be the same testosterone increase with equol use that you get with finasteride. The two drugs should have strikingly similar effects on sex hormones and related factors, even though they work in different ways.

Check out the article I linked to.

The US researchers found equol does not prevent DHT from being made, but it does stop it functioning.

If I remember correctly, the increase in testosterone from finasteride is from testosterone that ordinarily is converted into DHT but is not because of finasteride.

I could be wrong about this. I'm sure some expert will chime in.


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dougfunny said:
Bryan said:
Actually, I expect there to be the same testosterone increase with equol use that you get with finasteride. The two drugs should have strikingly similar effects on sex hormones and related factors, even though they work in different ways.

Check out the article I linked to.

I already did, even before I posted that previous comment. What they said about equol "not affecting testosterone" (or something to that effect) in that article is ambiguous, and can be taken in more ways than just one. What I suspect they meant by that is that equol doesn't bind to testosterone like it does DHT, so the androgenic effect of the testosterone in the bloodstream is unaffected.

dougfunny said:
If I remember correctly, the increase in testosterone from finasteride is from testosterone that ordinarily is converted into DHT but is not because of finasteride.

That's another of those ambiguous statements, although I think I know what you actually meant when you said that! :)

I'm now going to tell you precisely why it is that finasteride increases testosterone: when the brain "sees" less DHT in the body, it assumes that there's an insufficient amount of androgenic stimulation going on; that's because DHT (along with testosterone and estrogen) is a player in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular-axis (HPTA) which controls the synthesis of testosterone. So the brain sends the chemical signals (LH and FSH) to the testes, which tell them to start making more testosterone. THAT, in my opinion, is the specific reason why finasteride usage tends to increase the synthesis of testosterone a bit.


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Bryan said:
dougfunny said:
Bryan said:
Actually, I expect there to be the same testosterone increase with equol use that you get with finasteride. The two drugs should have strikingly similar effects on sex hormones and related factors, even though they work in different ways.

Check out the article I linked to.

I already did, even before I posted that previous comment. What they said about equol "not affecting testosterone" (or something to that effect) in that article is ambiguous, and can be taken in more ways than just one. What I suspect they meant by that is that equol doesn't bind to testosterone like it does DHT, so the androgenic effect of the testosterone in the bloodstream is unaffected.

dougfunny said:
If I remember correctly, the increase in testosterone from finasteride is from testosterone that ordinarily is converted into DHT but is not because of finasteride.

That's another of those ambiguous statements, although I think I know what you actually meant when you said that! :)

I'm now going to tell you precisely why it is that finasteride increases testosterone: when the brain "sees" less DHT in the body, it assumes that there's an insufficient amount of androgenic stimulation going on; that's because DHT (along with testosterone and estrogen) is a player in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular-axis (HPTA) which controls the synthesis of testosterone. So the brain sends the chemical signals (LH and FSH) to the testes, which tell them to start making more testosterone. THAT, in my opinion, is the specific reason why finasteride usage tends to increase the synthesis of testosterone a bit.

does finasteride increase LH and FSH 25% on lab tests?


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dougfunny said:
does finasteride increase LH and FSH 25% on lab tests?

According to the PDR (Physician's Desk Reference), testosterone, LH, and FSH are all increased by about 10% on finasteride. I think that neatly and elegantly sums it all up! :)


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Equol doesn't give the same sides as finasteride because it doesn't inhibit 5-alpha reductase. It sometimes gives mild estrogenic sides, but that is usually in those with low levels of testosterone, so the sides would be much easier to correct.

Not inhibiting 5ar also probably means that the treatment does not lose effectiveness with time and make the follicles more sensitive like finasteride apparently can, so of course that is also a big advantage.

Therefore equol has 2 huge advantages over finasteride. If we can get a good performance out of it, I think it is a much better option.