Hair Essentials vitamin pills?


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I don't know about zinc poly... whatever. I have used zinc before.. maybe it helped some. I can't recall honestly. ... I have no idea who makes it. The 'essentials' company from what I can tell from their website makes products that all end in essentials. No, I'm not friggin part of the company. I just thought it would be kind and helpful to post about something that I know works to give encouragement for some people :D


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I've been using Hair Essentials for past two months, and didn't see any effective results. I e-mailed them asking for refund, but they never reply my e-mail. I called them, but the call was forwarded to voice mail automatically. I left them message to call me back, and they never call me back. So my suggestion is you better consult with your family doctor, and "DO NOT buy Hair Essentials from NaturalWellbeing".


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I actually got a three month supply of it and used it but didn't work for me. I think all the reviews in their website are fake. I spoke to my hairstylist and she didn't know about it and says all the ingredients can be obtained separately at a much lower price. Also, be careful with the "natural" notion as it can still affect your hormones and result in side effects. Just that we don't about it as they don't undergo any trials and treating consumers as guinea pigs.
They didn't refund me and always the phone hangs uppp when I try to reach them..

The Natural

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The number of fake nics used in this thread to bash Hair Essentials is alarming!

That stated, I gather that this product is not much different from the other herbal hair loss options out there: People who are in the early stages of hair loss might see some benefit (i.e. less thinning) over time.


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Might as well save money and get biotin and saw palmetto. Hair Essentials is way too expensive with no proof that it's better than any other hair supplements.

The Natural

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$35 - $40 a month is not expensive if this supplement is all one plans on using. Dare I say that you'd fair much better with the herbs and vitamins contained in Hair Essentials (vitamin A, C, E, biotin, iodine, zinc, selenium, saw palmetto, fo ti, etc.) than just biotin and saw palmetto alone.


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The biotin supplements I take has all of those in it anyways. I get it for $12 from a local natural foods store. You could get biotin supplements and buy foods that have all of those vitamins in them naturally for a cheaper price.

All I'm saying is, I've had the same results without Hair Essentials....and I have saved money.

The Natural

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Be interested to know the effect of miliacin on one's hair. Keep us informed, if you ever decide to try it!