Hair Follicle Neogenesis Clinical Trial


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Been balding for so long, since my teens, now i'm 29. My hat has become part of me, part of my identity, concealing my ugly hair loss, thank god in my job I can wear a hat when ever I want. Minoxidil, finasteride, part of my daily routine. I'm used to my low self esteem, brought by hair loss. It's very sad. Antisocial personality due to hair loss, I have to act friendly every day, I have to hide my sadness. Every new study just makes me feel bad, instead of giving me hope. This is just another study that makes me face palm about hair loss and treatments. We're going to Mars before we get our hair back, ladies & gentlemen. Just keep calm and wait for Game of Thrones season 8, that's all we have left.


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Oh please kill me, right now.

Lol that’s how I feel. It’s getting about time to pack it in if there’s not at least an alternative maintenance treatment out soon. Hairline and vertex are both so fucked.


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I wouldn't put much stock in a dermatologist's opinion on that. Past history says most skin doctors (and even a lot of hair & hair transplant docs) know less about the status of this stuff than we do.

They aren't stupid but they just don't obsessively follow this. We do.


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I was told by a well respected dermatologist that follica is a long ways from being made available.

Unless he is directly involved with the optimization study dont trust his opinion that much

First iteration of Follica = Minoxidil + Wounding Technique

They raised money last february. More than enough for a pivotal trial.
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