Hair loss and my mother

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This is probably the weirdest thing ever posted on, but I'll post it anyway.

When I was a teenager, my relationship with my mother was... difficult. We argued constantly. As soon as she found out about my hair loss and how distressing it was to me, she started using that against me.

She would constantly make these vicious remarks: 'Oh that guy has really great hair, he's not bald at all', 'your brother has fantastic hair', etc.

Or she would give these stupid suggestions: 'maybe you should wash your hair with blue soap' or 'maybe you should eat more cucumber to help with your hair loss' (I don't know if she was being mean or genuinely stupid). How sick was that?!!

Instead of following her advice, I did my own research and found out about finasteride. It saved my hair and 13 years later, I'm still a NW2. One day, my mother asked me how I did it and I told her I was eating lots of cucumbers! :woot:

Anyway, our relationship is much better today. We don't argue anymore and things are much more quiet at home. That's the beauty of finasteride: it doesn't just regrow hair, it also improves family life. :)


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That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard.
U didn't need finasteride to solve those issues with ur mom, she just needed a shrink.


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wow some mom.. i would of told her thanks for her fked up genes that, and that you were going bald because of it.

or maybe it was your dads genes? :shakehead:


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:woot: Well, my mother is a complicated person, but she's no Norma Bates. And, believe me, I was really stupid in those days - not even rebelious, just stupid.

(I'm still stupid today, of course, but at least now I know how to take care of my hair :woot: )


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scub said:
wow some mom.. i would of told her thanks for her fked up genes that, and that you were going bald because of it.[...]

Thanks for your replies, guys.

Now that mention it scub, I think the bald gene theory is crap. There is no gene responsible for male pattern baldness, it's just a nice, euphemistic way for scientists to say 'we have no idea what causes male pattern baldness'. No one has even seen a gene, it's just a theoretical concept - let alone find out which gene is responsible for male pattern baldness!

It's a bit like erectile dysfunction: before v**** and the discovery of the role of nitric oxide, experts thought ED was purely psychological. Well, it's not.

All men in my family are bald (I'm not, simply because of finasteride) but my brother has the thickest, fullest, most gorgeous hair I've ever seen. How does the gene theory explain that?!


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metropolis said:
scub said:
wow some mom.. i would of told her thanks for her fked up genes that, and that you were going bald because of it.[...]

Thanks for your replies, guys.

Now that mention it scub, I think the bald gene theory is crap. There is no gene responsible for male pattern baldness, it's just a nice, euphemistic way for scientists to say 'we have no idea what causes male pattern baldness'. No one has even seen a gene, it's just a theoretical concept - let alone find out which gene is responsible for male pattern baldness!

It's a bit like erectile dysfunction: before v**** and the discovery of the role of nitric oxide, experts thought ED was purely psychological. Well, it's not.

All men in my family are bald (I'm not, simply because of finasteride) but my brother has the thickest, fullest, most gorgeous hair I've ever seen. How does the gene theory explain that?!

Umm... the gene skipped him.
If its not genetics, than what is it?
A number of the genes responsible have been identified.


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metropolis said:
I think the bald gene theory is crap. There is no gene responsible for male pattern baldness,

All men in my family are bald (I'm not, simply because of finasteride)

Nice way to contradict yourself.

uncomfortable man

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And the moral of the story is having hair and not going bald will keep you in good graces with all sorts of assholes, even your mother.

uncomfortable man

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A better solution would have been for your mother to take some kind of a drug that makes her less of a b**ch, hence improving your family life. But the fact that the only reason your mother treats you with any respect (even love) is because you were able to maintain your hair speaks volumes for how much of a c*** your mom really is.


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I didn't get the impression that his mother treated him poorly because of his hair loss. I thought that their relationship was better now because she had gotten some sort of help.


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I feel sorry for the OP. Last week I finally told my mother about how hairloss is affecting me and that I want to get a hairtransplant done (I'm 24 now btw). She started crying and said it reminded her of her teenage years when she had paralysis on the left side of her face for about 6 months and how it made her feel. Since I'm still a bit short on money she has offered to pay for the hairtransplant which I refused politely ofcourse, instead I will pay the money I loan back within 6 months. I'm so happy I will finally get some work done as you can understand.


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barcafan said:
OP isnt very bright, is he?


I'm not very bright but if the best you can come up with is this kind of crap, you are much more stupid than me.


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metropolis said:
barcafan said:
OP isnt very bright, is he?


I'm not very bright but if the best you can come up with is this kind of crap, you are much more stupid than me.

Nah.. Barcafan isn't a dumb guy.
You're going to get piled on around here for suggesting that male pattern baldness is not due to genetics, simply because you're wrong. He might have put it a little better, but he's right.


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Dutchguy21 said:
I feel sorry for the OP. Last week I finally told my mother about how hairloss is affecting me and that I want to get a hairtransplant done (I'm 24 now btw). She started crying and said it reminded her of her teenage years when she had paralysis on the left side of her face for about 6 months and how it made her feel. Since I'm still a bit short on money she has offered to pay for the hairtransplant which I refused politely ofcourse, instead I will pay the money I loan back within 6 months. I'm so happy I will finally get some work done as you can understand.

24 may be a little young for a transplant. If you lose hair behind the transplanted hair, you're either going to have to pay for more and more transplants, or look really freaky.


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ClayShaw said:
[...] You're going to get piled on around here for suggesting that male pattern baldness is not due to genetics, simply because you're wrong. He might have put it a little better, but he's right.

All I was trying to say was this:

a) Gene therapy is still in its infancy

b) Saying that a disease is caused by some faulty gene is not saying much at all

c) In the case of male pattern baldness, we've been hearing the bald gene theory for decades and so far this has brought us, balding men, no benefit whatsoever

d) No one has ever actually seen a gene


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metropolis said:
ClayShaw said:
[...] You're going to get piled on around here for suggesting that male pattern baldness is not due to genetics, simply because you're wrong. He might have put it a little better, but he's right.

All I was trying to say was this:

a) Gene therapy is still in its infancy

b) Saying that a disease is caused by some faulty gene is not saying much at all

c) In the case of male pattern baldness, we've been hearing the bald gene theory for decades and so far this has brought us, balding men, no benefit whatsoever

d) No one has ever actually seen a gene

A) True.

B) Scientists actually believe its caused by many genes, not a single one. Bryan may correct me on that.

C) See A, above, either yours or mine.

D) Not sure what that means.


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This is a touchy subject, I wanted to write but I've somehow managed to control my fingers till now.

Reading the original post, I can see how his mother was feeling frustrated that her son didn't turn out to be the way she wanted and that lead to resentment. This resentment wasn't necessarily directed towards him, but she subconsciously blamed him for his perceived "imperfections". It was a mixture of guilt and anger.

The fact that he turned out to be a decent adult male lessened that resentment and now she enjoys a healthy relationship with her not so "imperfect" offspring.

(I told you it was a touchy subject)

uncomfortable man

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ClayShaw said:
I didn't get the impression that his mother treated him poorly because of his hair loss. I thought that their relationship was better now because she had gotten some sort of help.
Where did it say that? Metro's mother only loved him on the condition that his hair was still good. How vile is that? One thing I can tell you from experience is that being bald brings out the a**h** in people. There are so many people who hate us baldies and consider us to be subhuman. Nobody knows this more than a bald man. All he has to do is go outside and try to live his life and the assholes just come out of the woodwork. What makes this story sad is this particular a**h** happens to be his mother. I don't care how good their relationship is now- it is still conditional and hence not real. What if he actually went bald? He probably wouldn't even be on speaking terms with her. God, I hate people.


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metropolis said:
barcafan said:
OP isnt very bright, is he?


I'm not very bright but if the best you can come up with is this kind of crap, you are much more stupid than me.

What kind of crap? lol

barcafan said:
metropolis said:
Subject: Hair loss and my mother

barcafan said:
OP isnt very bright, is he?


I'm glad that you're 20 y.o. and already a NW3. I'm 32 and still a NW2. Stupid bastards like you deserve to be bald. Have a bad day.

Nice PM i got from this douche nozzle.

I may go bald earlier than you mate, but you've been irreparably damaged by your mother
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