Hair loss and my mother

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uncomfortable man

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Ok, so now we know definatively that the OP is a flying fucl< face. You petty little sh*t. Hey metro, you should be more concerned about having that a**h** gene, like your mother.


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I remember a while ago, my mum was really slagging of bald men. saying how disgusting they were and how they lost all their attractiveness and so on, as if it was their fault.. I remember being in the back of the car listening. It was weird, as pretty much the only woman I have ever really heard slagging bald(ing) men of was my mum. I was thinking if this is what my mum thinks ( who is usually a very kind and loving person) then what do all the other women think? Luckily I wasnt to bothered by it, as I knew it simply isnt always true.

Another of my mums friends told me once that hair loss was repulsive..She had this really repulsive facial expression on her face as well, as if she was disgusted. At both times with my mum and my mums friend my male pattern baldness hadnt really become noticable to people. But it was still a dent to my confidence to hear grown ladies talk about hair loss like that, espeically my mum. Anyway as my hair loss proceeded I became more and more traumitized by it, and eventually talked to my mum about it.. And obvoiusly her attitude was completely differnt, 'oh its fine lots of men get it' etc.. It just goes to show how women always have a nice side and a real side. I always find those comments so sh*t, 'oh dont worry, many men go bald'.. its not like i will feel better if i have cancer or aids just cos others have. It doesnt make my problems any less. To be honest, if going bald was impossible, then being bald would be sought after. But its not.

Its strange, becuase I remember being a kid and not really valuing people according to looks - instead it was pretty much who was kindest. Well thats how I think I pretty much was anyway. Through adolesence we start to look at the world differently. We begin to be brainwashed by society to know how we should value things, and exterior becomes a lot more important. When I was young I never differentaed between ugly or beueatiful. Well perhaps extremes but still.. Although it may be society that changes the way we look at others, it might just be puberty.. As we become sexualy active and aware, we begin to look at people in terms of their sex appeal and attractiveness, so it could be explained in biological terms instead of social terms..


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uncomfortable man said:
Ok, so now we know definatively that the OP is a flying fucl< face. You petty little sh*t. Hey metro, you should be more concerned about having that a**hole gene, like your mother.

Uncomfortable, I know how you feel and I respect your feelings. Yes, baldness can be depressing and yes, people can be cruel towards bald men/women. You have every right to be angry. But you shouldn't see this out of context. I mentioned his baldness only because I was angry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful towards other bald men.

Anyway, I take back what I said (again, I was angry at the time) and I apologize. Am I forgiven now?

Let's take about genes, it's far more interesting...


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Hope4hairRedux said:
I remember a while ago, my mum was really slagging of bald men. [...]

We shouldn't be too harsh on our mothers. Most women simply don't know how hard it can be to suffer from male pattern baldness.
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