women and bald men
There are plenty bald and balding guys at my university. Some are bad looking, but those are the ones that would be bad looking even if they had hair. Attractive is attractive regardless. If you have a good face, keep in shape, grow some facial hair, smile, talk to a girl, you have more than a decent shot. A lot of girls, even younger ones love that rugged manly look. The thing not to forget is, baldness makes you MORE of a man. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep your hair, but losing it certainlty doesnt make you LESS of a MAN. And the bottom line is, women (the ones that matter) want MEN, not long haired baby boys who live with their mother, and freak out about their hair everytime a gust of wind knocks it out the configuration they spent hours sculpting with gel.
My main problem with balding is the lack of choice. However, considering the many things in life that we dont get to choose, balding is on the bottom of that list. I have a beautiful girlfriend, and have had many of them. I have been honest about my balding with everyone one of them, and they did not care. Why? Because I keep in shape, have a good body and am confident. I knew I WOULD be bald, so I didn't put all my efforts into something I knew wasn't going to last.
You have many attributes that balding brings out. Many guys with long, golden locks, have flabby guts and acne ridden faces. WHen you bald, you gotta work for your body, and like anything you have to work for, you are more satisfied with it than anything that was just "given" to you. So many "hot" guys have absolutely no personality, brains, or charm, because they never had to WORK for the p*ssy. When you are bald, or thinning, and get it, you know you got it because YOU got it, not because your HAIR got the girl.
Who F**cks the girl? You're hair? Or you?
Hair doesn't make you rich.
Its what's in your head, you're heart, and between your legs.