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What is your view on this instance.
Please comment.View attachment 40942
Uh hellouser I thought you wanted honesty, and hated the "hypocrites" who pretend they don't hate baldness (or in other words, are simply being polite and respectful).
Next time a good looking guy or a woman tells me something like "It's just hair" "Man up" or "Be confident" I may have a nervous breakdown
I had a breakdown a few days ago, first in my life it was terrible.
I'm sorry to hear that, hope things are better now.
Glad to hear that. I'm, as you would say, "redpilled" too, after going through ugliness and baldness and after years of suffering and rejection.
Yeah the SlyGuy is delusional. What's actually depressing is this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGXWDwQ51hU
Feel for him
Yeah the SlyGuy is delusional. What's actually depressing is this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGXWDwQ51hU
Feel for him
These comments make me depressed and sick. Women's hypocrisy never fails to amuse me.
After watching some vids on youtube and seeing how this white guy can actually pull the bald look very well (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCjOyTnrgAk) I read some comments.
"I don't think women really care. Women believe about you, what you believe about yourself. If you're totally cool with being bald, chances are, women will be totally cool with it too."
The guy then asks: "If you say women don't care... how many bald men have you dated?"
" idk if that's a fair question. I dated only a few men before marrying. Also, during the time I was on the market, I never had a bald man approach me."
The problem with fat women is that there are men (I am one) whose penis is engineered to NOT react if the body in your company is too fat. They might be smart, funny, whatever, but if HE says no, it is a problem.I've been on dates with fat women, and it's hard to feel anything. I don't feel anything. I'm giving them an honest shot sometimes but I feel no attraction.
I can tell that they go through life feeling no affection from people. It's a little sad. When I meet even a modestly attractive woman from online dating, the first thing she does is peck me on the cheek. That's what she's used to: affection. If I meet a woman who isn't that attractive, typically they might give a nod of the head or a handshake to start the date, which I assume is because they're used to that coldness.
I went out with a big girl a while back. She only discussed intellectual topics with me. I might be over-interpreting, but I couldn't help but think it's because she's never been able to relate to people emotionally and discuss fun stuff since nobody wants to have those conversations with a big person. Attractive girls are more likely to laugh, smile, talk about travelling, family, etc rather than how policy makers can have more influence over the application of international human rights law, because -- I think -- they're used to the privilege of being allowed to be emotional creatures.
ETA: This other girl I was talking to a while back off eHarmony, then stopped talking to, she was moderately big as well but with a few redeeming features (decent facial attributes, nice rack). Same issue, she kept talking to me about intellectual topics, her classes, organic chemistry (which I have not thought about since 2003), and how more people need to value intellectual aspects and she can't meet anybody as enthusiastic as she is. She told me her grade: 93%. I can't remember the last time anybody told me their grade. She did not talk much about personal issues.
That wasn't being polite or respectful.