Well Fox News did exactly the same about my neighbourhood:
This is all BS of course.
That's the thing, fox news cater for their people back home their reporter said as much. It tends to be a southern right wing religious type of group so they focus on this a lot.
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I'm truly astonished both of you are so dismissive of this trend. I guess it's just fatalistic acceptance? Or is it disingenuous denial?
It's called common sense, your point is irrelevant. You don't have experience of the country or any logic.
Btw I haven't gotten this information from FoxNews, and I'm not mindlessly following Nigel Farage's or Ukip's talking points.
No point denying it now! Out of all the things you could have said earlier, you chose to say Birmingham is a no go zone. That was your key point and it's such a ridiculous one it isn't even funny. Shows how little you know when that is the strength of your argument.
The facts are that the muslim population is growing in the UK at a significant rate. The facts are also that many (if not a majority) of the muslim population are, at best, reticent to integrate or assimilate into British culture for fear of judgment, and, at worst, intent on asserting their own autonomy under Sharia Law. There are many sources pointing to this fact. I will grant that much of this is attributable to poor economic conditions for immigrant Muslims, and if you can improve this, maybe you won't have as big a problem to worry about.
The muslim population is rising, well done on using google that is the only accurate thing you have said. The hispanic population in America is also rising, why aren't white americans doing anythere? Illegal aliens easily come through your southern borders like millions of them. These spics contribute significantly to poverty, lower education success and crime. In fact an American at uni labelled them as vermin. Yet you said white americans wouldn't stand for rubbish so why did they allow this? Oh that's right you don't care because you have ***** blood which you mentioned earlier. So it's okay to blame Europe for muslims going out of control but what of the hispanic population rising 4 times the rate of the rest of america's population? I see, this is irrelevant despite the fact it brings your country down. I've seen the programs on how they cross your desert and how you let them in.
You blame Europe for "bending over to muslims" but where are all the major terrorist attacks directed at? USA! So really, who is more under threat? Us from so called Sharia law or America from another 9/11? Muslims are only 2.6 million in the UK, America has 5 million at least. Then think how the hispanics and blacks are making whites a minority. We don't have that issue.
But hey, I guess if you spout anecdotes about walking around cities, then all of that data is rendered moot. :roll:
Statistics and headlines can be manipulated as you showed: Birmingham is a no go zone apparently. I am telling you I walk through here and other cities, so do millions of white people per day and there is no issue. So in this case it's not anecdotes. It's a fact. We walk through it, you don't. You have zero experience and knowledge on this. Your evidence is rubbish, at least present some proper stats.
If there are about 2.8 million in the UK, and 11% think killing is justified for insulting the prophet, you have over 300,000 people living among you who support Charlie Hebdo type of killings.
Stats are fun.
45,000 Americans die a year due to inadequate health insurance - what a stupid system.
67% of all homicides in the U.S. happened with a firearm - ban guns.
Why are so many blacks/hispanic on death row or in prison relative to their population? Racism.
It's time you acknowledge the matter is indeed complex for ANY developed nation. As Exodus said, it is very hard to stop people coming over from different countries despite measurable steps that are taken. There are laws and regulations that must be followed.
You have had a black President and with a name of Barack HUSSEIN Obama- not that there is anything wrong with this but ironic how you criticise whites here of losing their balls!
Fox news accidently called him Osama, some more trash news for you.
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i've heard of the muslims growing exponentially in europe . . . . . kinda like latinos here in america
its weird how only white people have this issue of being taken over by foreigners. most developed nations are white so thats where you would wanna go. there's east asia but the group culture makes it hard to join and i'm pretty sure the immigration laws are way tighter. white culture is more individualist it seems so that would make it easier to join
Funny you mentioned latin people, I was thinking why is this guy ranting about muslims and saying America would crush them because they are the best. Well, you didn't crush the millions that still come in. In fact Obama offered some kind of residency to illegal aliens, it was one of his election promises.