didn't think so lol
didn't think so lol
I won't ever post a picture of me public here. Too paranoid and not interested in people picking apart my looks or saying that my nostrils are at the wrong angle looldidn't think so lol
You are wise. There sure are a lot of people on here to like to be judgmental.I won't ever post a picture of me public here. Too paranoid and not interested in people picking apart my looks or saying that my nostrils are at the wrong angle lool
Be careful about posting a picture of yourself around here. Copeforlife should be around any minute now to tell you that your mandible is set at the wrong angle and that your eyes are placed too far up your head.
Welcome to HairLossTalk.com. This place is kinda fucked.
*If thou HAST a vagina I shall protect thee
I've been here about a year now.There are about 5 trolls that you need to put on ignore, everyone else is pretty much ok.
I've been here about a year now.
So i'm getting to know all of the A-listers.
Only 5 you say??? Are you sure about that???
Thou hast
Thou hast mich
/very few of you will get it, but that's ok/
Thou hast
Thou hast mich
/very few of you will get it, but that's ok/
To be honest,
I’ve never went in a community that is so toxic as this one here, kinda the same as league of legends, and a little bit worser then on youtube. I am a youtuber and never got so much hate then here, at a hair loss forum... like whut? It doesn’t make sense... AT A HAIRLOSS FORUUUMMM ?! People... it’s crazy and silly. Laughing with mental health problems? What is so funny about that? You must have a sick mind to find people that are having mental issues funny. It’s not. Where is your logic? In your ***?
I have bad OCD yes, also have lost a lot of people ( death ) and being mentally abused by my parents. I get easily anxious, easily. It turns my world upside down. Do I like it? NO. I am 26 years old and have it since I was 11. I’ve been to so many psychologists, psychiatrists, but it’s all one big mess here in Belgium. And I am going to start tomorrow with new therapy. I am TIRED. And I just wanted to share my story on this forum to see what other think about it. If I have to worry, to expand my knowledge, to know more about hair loss and how much is right and stuff. And I just get bashed like this. It’s too crazy for words. Only a few who commented here are really pure. You just DONT treat people like this, not at all. It says more about yourself then the person.
There are about 5 trolls that you need to put on ignore, everyone else is pretty much ok.
This is too funny. Outsiders are NOT prepared for impact section.
There should be a pop-up disclaimer before posting here for the first time.
why do you generalize? Maybe just look deeper into things that are useful then trolling. There are different forms of anxiety.@Dreamsdolive how are you able to put videos of yourself doing some weird sh*t for thousands of people to see on Youtube when having anxiety?
ya, real and fake.There are different forms of anxiety.
ya, real and fake.
She's having anxiety like a girl craving for attention is having anxiety.
Something like this: https://www.instagram.com/p/BaMQfZQFo3y/
I offered her help since I live in Belgium and could suggest some addresses but I haven't received any PM.
That tells you everything you need to know. When I was anxious, and I mean having panic attacks that made me want to jump out the window, if someone from my country on a forum could have pointed me towards people who could help me, I would have jumped on the occasion and sent a message in a heartbeat.
That girl is not anxious or depressed.
Much love, xx, Bear
Yeah, you're as anxious as this girl: https://www.instagram.com/p/BaMPMwJBIi1/
I think it's no wonder that almost everyone on the forum responded the way they have, great humor towards such suspicious behavior.
Were you born an a**h** Bateman or did you have to work on it?
I'm with you, I could smell the bullshit a mile away.OK, you're an obvious troll, someone anxious would look for help, not react like that.
I reported you, I suggest other members to do the same.