Hair Loss Pain - Some Guys Have it Worse.


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I know this is a deep and awkward topic, and I'm not trying to minimize anyone's struggle with hair loss.

I was thinking about the psychological intensity of losing hair.

Hair loss is about appearance, and we live in an appearance hierarchy. Hair loss is appearance pain.

Some guys, despite their hair loss, still do well on the appearance hierarchy. They might be taller, they have something flashy to "fall back on" (you know what I mean, ex. strong jaw, color of their eyes), they have the "golden ratio" in their face or physique, etc.. They're still ahead of most guys. The pain they feel from losing hair is more of an "annoyance" - they still do very well on the appearance hierarchy because of other aspects of their appearance. Basicly, even with their hair loss, they still got lucky with their appearance overall.

The "appearance pain" from hair loss is hardest on guys who had a "sub-par appearance" to begin with. They had preexisting "appearance pains" even before their hair loss - this could have been due to being shorter, having an overly plain face, or generally deviating from the golden ratio, etc. - and the hair loss intensified these pains. Due to being overwhelmed, the pain would feel exponentially worse.

Of course, these categories are not an exact science. Some guys are "somewhere in the middle." Othes fluctuate between both categories as their body fat % fluctuates. It's a sliding scale. The point is that placement on the appearance hierarchy is still the issue.

uncomfortable man

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You are addressing an issue that most people wouldn't acknowledge, either because they are not in a position to even recognize it let alone analyze it, or they don't want to admit to themselves that looksism exists and are effected by it. However, I think most people are aware of this hierarchy if not on a subconscious level. Your logic holds. If hair loss takes you down lets say 3 points (out of 10) then a seven is still better than a four, right? There are so many people on this site who want to downplay the personal testimonies of suffering due to hairloss and play the devil's advocate, but you must always remember that these same people who try to make you feel guilty about feeling down are on this website for the same reason you are. They don't like to make distinctions amongst the various stages of balding because they don't want to come off as being critical or arrogant. They would just as soon have you believe that an nw2 is just as bad as an nw7...bullshit, right? Hell yeah, some guys have it worse and there is nothing wrong in admitting that, especially if you feel that other guy is YOU!


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Lifesnotfair sums it up well.
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It doesn't matter how ugly or good looking you are; in either case, hair loss makes you uglier, and it's the actual "getting uglier" that's responsible for most of the psychological suffering rather than "being ugly". Think of a good looking dude whose lifestyle was to bang chicks left and right, losing his hair and becoming ugly. Now he may still not be totally hideous but he is forced to change his lifestyle. The life altering effects make hair loss almost like a disability. Do you think this dude would suffer any less than you? How often do you see a douchebag with a bald spot?

That's as far as "psychological intensity" goes. There's no such thing as "pain being more like an annoyance."

@ UM: I agree norwood 2 is not the same, but after that it's all the same, you have to shave it all off. A norwood 3 does f*** all for me, what can I do with that at the age of 19? nothing, you can't do anything with it, so it's no worse than norwood 7.

uncomfortable man

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worthlessstrands said:
@ UM: I agree norwood 2 is not the same, but after that it's all the same, you have to shave it all off. A norwood 3 does f*ck all for me, what can I do with that at the age of 19? nothing, you can't do anything with it, so it's no worse than norwood 7.
As much as I feel for your situation, as with anything, it is all relative. If you were an nw6 by the age of 24, then you would be looking back at your nw3 as your "glory days". That is just the way it works.


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worthlessstrands said:
It doesn't matter how ugly or good looking you are; in either case, hair loss makes you uglier, and it's the actual "getting uglier" that's responsible for most of the psychological suffering rather than "being ugly". Think of a good looking dude whose lifestyle was to bang chicks left and right, losing his hair and becoming ugly. Now he may still not be totally hideous but he is forced to change his lifestyle. The life altering effects make hair loss almost like a disability. Do you think this dude would suffer any less than you?

That's as far as "psychological intensity" goes. There's no such thing as "pain being more like an annoyance."

@ UM: I agree norwood 2 is not the same, but after that it's all the same, you have to shave it all off. A norwood 3 does f*ck all for me, what can I do with that at the age of 19? nothing, you can't do anything with it, so it's no worse than norwood 7.

How about an average looking dude who works hard to get nice chicks then goes bald and has to struggle to get average chicks?

And I agree with UCman there is a definatle sliding scale with hairloss, a NW3 may be bad but compared to a NW6/7 its a minor inconvienence.


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s.a.f said:
How about an average looking dude who works hard to get nice chicks then goes bald and has to struggle to get average chicks?

And I agree with UCman there is a definatle sliding scale with hairloss, a NW3 may be bad but compared to a NW6/7 its a minor inconvienence.

That would be me. Well at least some of it. Average looking guy in good shape who goes bald and looks like ***.


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My Regimen
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The holy trinity has spoken. Case closed.


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I completely agree with the simple arithmetics... 10-3 is still more that 7-3... no doubt about it. may I add something to the theory - this scale is not linear but logarithmic (e.g. the distance between 10-7 is little but the distance between 7 and 4... this is huge)

p.s. yeah, life is not fair.


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some of users considers themselves as cool. Yeah losing hair with pride and confidence. But the real deal is that they/he/she/be continues in this forum preaching that balding is cool.


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My Regimen
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Are you high or something? You're not making any sense.


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ghg said:
Are you high or something? You're not making any sense.

if high is insane for you then yes. i'm insane. insanity is an effect of male pattern baldness for me. for me and for the majority. look at the pedophiles. most are male pattern baldness sufferers.


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if high is insane for you then yes. i'm insane. insanity is an effect of male pattern baldness for me. for me and for the majority. look at the pedophiles. most are male pattern baldness sufferers.

This is terrible but hilarious.

I think it's more to do with the fact that most pedophiles seem to be middle aged white males. And once your 40 half of us have lost some hair.

Insane isn't the majority it's still niche.

The numbers thing is bullshit though, If your sensitive to something like losing your hair then your sensitive to it, no matter what you had before. We never focus on what we have now. That goes for a 10 who is now supposedly a 7 or a 2 that's now a negative 1. If you started a 7, and now your a 4, then you most likely spend your time thinking about how good you had it at 7. Then you get hit in the face with a baseball and become a 3 cause your nose is crooked.. then you get rosacea, now your thinking about how good it was at 4 now that your a 2.. Yadda Yadda.


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IBM said:
insanity is an effect of male pattern baldness for me. for me and for the majority. look at the pedophiles. most are male pattern baldness sufferers.

That's sig worthy


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'Why did you f*** my child!!!???'

-'Calm down love, I'm going bald all right?'.

if high is insane for you then yes. i'm insane. insanity is an effect of male pattern baldness for me. for me and for the majority. look at the pedophiles. most are male pattern baldness sufferers.

Yep. You clearly are insane. I'd love to see you try and do a study on this. If anyone ever needed to be explained the difference between causation and correlation....... :woot:

uncomfortable man

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IBM, I hope your not trying to confess to something that we don't want to hear.
IBM said:
some of users considers themselves as cool. Yeah losing hair with pride and confidence. But the real deal is that they/he/she/be continues in this forum preaching that balding is cool.
Let me ask you a question, do you think that it is impossible for a bald person to be "cool"? Let me follow up that question with another question, which do you think is worse - Accepting your baldness for what it is or obsessing and constantly hating yourself over something that you can't change? I don't think that anyone should be proud of going bald (like being proud of your nationality) since nobody can control those things, but I don't think it is right to go around hating yourself either. Don't we already have enough people trying to convince everyone that bald is bad?


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uncomfortable man said:
As much as I feel for your situation, as with anything, it is all relative. If you were an nw6 by the age of 24, then you would be looking back at your nw3 as your "glory days". That is just the way it works.

Spot On! I've said this several times that people with NW1-3 wasting their times on these forums have biggers issues to worry about. Most of the genpop can't even tell that you are balding at those stages, they'll just assume you have a bigger forehead or something. I've been a NW6 since 25, and I can absolutely assure you that you can't compare that to even a NW4. NW5+ is just horrible, and if only I could get my hair back to a NW3. I'd forget these forums for a good year or two and just live my life.


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NW3 as glory days? As a matter of hair NW1 is glory not 2 nor 3.


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IBM said:
NW3 as glory days? As a matter of hair NW1 is glory not 2 nor 3.
