hair loss/thinning in asian males?


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Hi guys, I'm asian (chinese) too, thinning from the back and all over the top. Hairline is intact, but the thinning is bad. I notice that thinning all over the top is more common in asians suffering from male pattern baldness rather than the typical Norwood scale.

I'm not sure about the link between diet and male pattern baldness. I have quite a healthy diet, while my younger brother (who basically eats anything) has thick, healthy hair.

Just started on finasteride and nizoral, wish me luck!


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sublime said:
Does anyone adhere to a mostly asian diet?

Generally, but I've never eaten a whole one. The eyeballs aren't very tasty.

But you can floss your teeth with their pubes afterwards.


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Anyone know if the pattern is different in asian men then other ethnicities?

If there are any other asian men on this board, can you tell me if your hair started to thin all over then started to hit the temples and crown?

from what i've read, male pattern baldness doesnt really affect the sides or the back (not totally sure though)

When I first started to notice a change in my hair, I noticed that my hair began to thin everywhere (very dry and brittle) including the sides and back drastically.

well, drastically is relative as most asian men have thick porcupine like hair in their teens.

Is this just the beginning stage?


Hey OP! Fellow Asian here. Are you still on these boards? Any chance we can get an update?