Hair Multiplication may become cheaper faster than expected


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Dr. Gho will not be the one to release hair multiplication.

OK, maybe he will, but I think all the facts would suggest otherwise. Gho is a private surgeon working mainly by himself. I think the people that really nail down hair multiplication are going to be a big company like Intercytex, that have both the funding and the manpower to do some serious research.

Another note on hair multiplication - lots of people say it's very close, some say it will never happen. Personally, I think that it probably will happen at some point, but I think it's pretty useless trying to guess how many years it will take before it is a real option. For one, we have no idea what kind of problems researchers are having, and no idea how the clinical trials are going (although we do know that researchers insist it does work). The second reason I think it's useless to guess at a timeline is that for all we know, one little problem could be holding up the research that could be solved in a blink of an eye. So when it comes to HM, my guess is it could be released tomorrow, could be released in 20 years. But hey, the longer it takes, the bigger the amount of improvement we'll see! :lol:

It's definitely an interesting time to be losing your hair.


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fallout boy said:
what do they gain from saying 5 years from now?? its not making us give them any money or anything? just wondering what you see the advantage to that being.. maybe something i dont know about .

all it does is give us hope and hope is free my friend.

Hope is fine, but this it toying with people over fabrications and a false timeline for the possibility of hair cloning. Saying hair cloning will be available in our lifetime is one thing, but setting due dates that have long since passed many times over is just cruel. :wink:


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We are closing in on 10 years since this thread and not any sign of progress. I wanna scream!


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Wow this is sad. It is crazy that they do not have more or better treatments than this wretched curse. Like when you really think about it it is crazy. Peoples hair is falling off their ****ing heads and nobody can do anything about it. I am so sick of this. I think everyone is full of it. From Follica to histogen to the rest of them. They are not on the verge of anything. Someone working on these blogs in the trenched will find a better treatment than these jerkoffs.


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My Regimen
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The only side is wonky hair growth..... Who gives a f***. Gel is cheap and bed head rocks.
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No one knows how long its going to be just be thankful when or if that day happens in your life time. I think its going to be longer then people think usually everyone understates the amount of time and things dont work out like planned.

uncomfortable man

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Why wait for something that may never come when you can poke holes in your head and give yourself scalp massages today!