Hair regrowth journey -- Join me?


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So I posted a few months ago regarding my hair loss. Despite posting photos, I was criticised and told that it was nothing. That I was only here for attention so I could feel better about myself. It sucked. So, about 2 weeks ago, I finally decided to go to a Doctor. (General Practitioner). He told me that it does look like I have hair loss, and that it will most likely be male pattern baldness. Just in case, he had me do a blood test to ensure that my thyroid was functioning correctly, as it can sometimes cause hair loss when it's not. Blood results came back, turned out my thyroid was functioning normally, and that the most likely reason for my hair loss would be male pattern baldness. There is a hair loss clinic in Australia called Ashley and Martin hair studios. I looked at some reviews, all they do is give you a stronger version of Propecia and some other herbal stuff. Needless to say I didn't call them because they charge $4,000 for a treatment which lasts 8 months. I'm not exactly rich, so I can't keep going there twice a year for a treatment.The doctor prescribed some Rogaine and Propecia in hopes that they will help to regrow my hair. It took me a while, but today I finally walked to the pharmacy and gave them the scripts. Turns out they were out of Rogaine and they had to order Propecia. I must admit it was a little nerve racking walking into the pharmacy. The lady who took the script smiled a little.. I don't know why. That annoyed me as I suffer from social anxiety and having someone find it remotely amusing pissed me off. The order will come in tomorrow, I will pick it up then. I'll keep this post updated on the treatment, posting photos etc. I will post photos of how my hairline looks like now. The temple areas have unfortunately receded. The left temple area, the hair is very thin. Thinner than the right side.Front pics.

Left temple, which is just terrible. I've started the habit of brushing my hair down on it. It makes me feel like crap. Having hair loss and social anxiety is absolutely terrible. Especially with the ladies. I can't bring myself to date someone to later tell them that "Yeah, I'll go bald" I'm 6'0. By the way. OH and the MOLE you see? That was COMPLETELY covered in hair when I was younger. I never even knew it was there until my hair started to thin. Everything past the mole was FULL OF HAIR!

left temple 2 m.jpgleft temple.jpg

Right temple. Receding but hair not as thin as the left temple. I hate getting haircuts now. Because the barber knows that I only get a long fringe cut to cover my hair loss. I used to spike my hair up. Now I can't.

right temple.jpg

I also hate having to shower because I can see all the hair that falls out when I shampoo or condition my hair. It's horrendous. I loved having a good shower after a tough day at work or uni. Now I dread it. I'm 20 years old by the way, turning 21 this month. As I said, I will keep you guys posted. I hope I don't get any side effects from the Propecia. The Rogaine apparently makes hair very thick. Unfortunately the doctor gave me a really weak version, according to the pharmacist. I'll see you guys later.

EDIT: One more thing. For anyone wondering why i'm not accepting my fate and just getting a buzz cut. My headshape isn't the best. The back is sloped and it moves up to the top of my head. It doesn't protrude out like it should, it's flat. So I look super goofy with short hair. Almost comical. The bridge on my nose kinda stands out a bit, and it's a little curved also. I hope that gives you an idea of why going 0 on the clippers will be bad for me. I love my hair. Hopefully with 21st century medicine, something comes up. Speaking of which, any new treatments being tested?


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I had to look up your old thread to refresh my memory. You did get plenty of crap in that thread. Take comfort in the fact that you are at least now doing something about your hair loss. You are still young and early in the hair loss process so you are in a good position to benefit from propecia.


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I had to look up your old thread to refresh my memory. You did get plenty of crap in that thread. Take comfort in the fact that you are at least now doing something about your hair loss. You are still young and early in the hair loss process so you are in a good position to benefit from propecia.

Hopefully I'm not too late. From what I've read, very small amount of people experience side effects. I also have a booking with a dermatologist in a few weeks. I just hope I don't receive more crap from people. I asked the new barber I went to to guess how old I was.. he said "29?". Asked him if it was my thinning hair and receding hairline from the temples, he laughed and said "yeah, couldn't tell that you were 20. very young to be getting hair loss".

My dad was well withi his late 30 when he REALLY started to shed.


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Hopefully I'm not too late. From what I've read, very small amount of people experience side effects. I also have a booking with a dermatologist in a few weeks. I just hope I don't receive more crap from people. I asked the new barber I went to to guess how old I was.. he said "29?". Asked him if it was my thinning hair and receding hairline from the temples, he laughed and said "yeah, couldn't tell that you were 20. very young to be getting hair loss".

My dad was well withi his late 30 when he REALLY started to shed.

If you know you are losing your hair and you want to stop it, then do something about it. Don't waste too much time thinking about what I or anybody else on here has to say. You don't have to validate your hair loss to anybody on here.

Word of advice. Don't over think the use of finasteride. Just take it like you would a daily vitamin and go on about your day. I take when I start my day so I really have no time to sit around and think about sides. I would even stay away from here for a few weeks if you need to. Good luck.


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It's not too late. When you use nothing for a long period of time, it might be too late. I regrew Everything after only losing hair (temples, yes temples only) for a year. (20). I gained ALL of it back with 2% minoxidil (prescription back then). But guess what, I stopped for 5 years. Now I have 6 cm (had 7cm). I used 5% for about 20 years. Then I increased to 30% with .5 liq finasteride in it. 4 months did this. Check out my hair now (just got a haircut Thursday (23rd). Buzzed on side and backs. I hope someone can edit the image to see what a crewcut/buzzcut (complete) would look on me. I do have thick hair. And 1cm grew back in. But see for yourself.

How long did it take for you to grow back? I'm on finasteride and Minoxidil 5%. % days now. Don't really notice a difference, but 5 days is too early to tell...


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Bro you don't have to worry about what everybody elses says, if anything people are jealous because they didn't start at your age. Trust me, not talking about this particular forum, but I got a lot of crap when I told older bald people I started propecia. I am 18 years old.
Why did I do it? It's MY hair, after all, I felt it was getting weaker and was shedding like a maniac. The forum told me I was fine but I know I wasn't. It's your hair after all, your the one who feel it.
You are in a good position so good luck with your treatment.


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Bro you don't have to worry about what everybody elses says, if anything people are jealous because they didn't start at your age. Trust me, not talking about this particular forum, but I got a lot of crap when I told older bald people I started propecia. I am 18 years old.
Why did I do it? It's MY hair, after all, I felt it was getting weaker and was shedding like a maniac. The forum told me I was fine but I know I wasn't. It's your hair after all, your the one who feel it.
You are in a good position so good luck with your treatment.

Thanks. I'm afraid I've lost tons of hair. I think i've started too late :( I will post some updates in a bit.

- - - Updated - - -

I've been taking Propecia and minoxidil (temples) for 7 days now. Had good and bad days of shedding. Mostly bad. I feel like it's not working for me. I don't know what other options I have. It's getting to me during work and Uni. I can't seem to focus on anything, not even my studies. I'm constantly checking my hair in the mirror at work and brushing my hair down with my fingers. I will try Nizoral 2% next time I have a shower. Here are some pictures.

Side effects: Didn't notice a drop in libido. Maybe a little? Can still go though. First time I noticed some watery semen. No much to report.

ALSO, I will include some pictures, top shot from the back of my head. I don't know if I'm being paranoid. I think my crown is starting to thin as well? I seriously can't deal with this right now. I'm angry. Very angry as I'm posting this.

Left temple. This is the worst. Not only is it receding, my hair is super thin.

left (2).jpgleft.jpg

Right temple. Not THAT thin. But still receding.

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TOP VIEW BACK OF MY HEAD. I hope i'm being paranoid. If not, well i'm screwed. Please just confirm or deny this for me.

top (2).jpgtop.jpg

Front view. This just looks bad. It's very thin. No improvement. :sobbing:



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I won't add any pictures now. I'll wait till one month in. So far, it's bad news for me. What's worse is my mental health seems to be degrading along with my hair which really just sucks to be honest. I woke up the past few days with hair on my pillow. A fair bit of hair. Checked the crown and it seems to be getting thinner there as well. It's an attack on two fronts. Nothing new so far. I'll also keep an update on my mental well-being as I feel like it's something that I would look at in the future if by any chance SOME form of 'cure' (if you can call it that) arises. Propecia doesn't seem to be stopping the hair from falling, and Regaine (Rogaine) with 3 weeks of use has really done nothing.


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After lurking in this forum for couple of months, I'll deliver my first post here.
It sounds like you are getting really paranoid and obsessed with your hair.
I myself never worried about my hair and kind of let it go for too many years.
Starting the treatment couple of months ago, instead of me feeling more relief as I have started to do something about it, turns out I become more obsessed with it. And trust me, it doesn't make **** better no matter how much you worry.
This treatment we're going through is not a street magic trick that will grow your hair back in weeks.
Give it months before it starting to work. No point making ourselves miserable along the way.

Your shedding should mean a good sign of regrowth.
I started to see regrowth in 3 months mark. That's when you feel better.
Keep it up. Don't miss the finasteride dose. It will get better.


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It seems like you are thinning in NW4-NW5 area=( But you will be ok with big3, you need to stick with it at least 6-12 months to judge the results. So be patient.


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After lurking in this forum for couple of months, I'll deliver my first post here.
It sounds like you are getting really paranoid and obsessed with your hair.
I myself never worried about my hair and kind of let it go for too many years.
Starting the treatment couple of months ago, instead of me feeling more relief as I have started to do something about it, turns out I become more obsessed with it. And trust me, it doesn't make **** better no matter how much you worry.
This treatment we're going through is not a street magic trick that will grow your hair back in weeks.
Give it months before it starting to work. No point making ourselves miserable along the way.

Your shedding should mean a good sign of regrowth.
I started to see regrowth in 3 months mark. That's when you feel better.
Keep it up. Don't miss the finasteride dose. It will get better.

I Really want to believe you, but so far it's nothing. I just took a good look at it again. I think it's gotten worse. Just receded even more. I'm seeing 0 results as of yet, and whart I feared the most is happening., as Alex85 said, shedding in the NW4-NW5 area. I've looked at some posts stating that Propecia infact increases the rate at which you lose your hair. I'm thinking of stopping propecia.

- - - Updated - - -

Another Update: So far it's worse. Woke up, counted, 99+ plus hairs on my pillow. To be fair I hadn't had a shower in about 6 days because i'm so paranoid. Maybe it's the dead hairs just all clumped together? I hope so.

I'm afraid the picture I post at the one month mark won't show any results. And it's bumming me out. I wanted a second opinion at how bad it was. Showed my mum, no response there. Showed my sister told her how bad it was, she started laughing at me. She laughed at my hair loss. After walking out, pissed off, she had the audacity to say "It's not that bad". Never hated her so much in my life.

Mental health update:

Self-esteem essentially destroyed. Was walking on a work break the other day, started to get windy. It lifted my hair up and it was horrendous. I fear walking during strong winds right now. as I replied earlier to agaetis, I think I might stop taking propecia. It hasn't helped me at all. Side-effects I noticed recently have been I can't get it up as I used to back when I wasn't on it. But I can still get the job done. Yesterday, Noticed that my pectoral muscles were hurting a bit, hurt now too when I touch them or move my arms around. I do alot of lifting at work, I'm hoping it's because of that. I currently don't want to do anything. Attend university, work on my assignments. I don't even want to go out with my friends. Just lie here in my own wallow and misery. I dread to see the reactions of anyone I haven't seen for a while. Old friends, old school mates. Cousins in other countries I haven't seen in a while. It's really all too much. It's sad and pathetic to see my self in this light. I don't look forward to the future.


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Dude, 1 month is NOTHING in terms of seeing results. It takes 6+ months AT LEAST for most people to see results. Some lucky guys see results with a couple months, but that's rare. Go look up the old posts from TheLastHairBender. That guy went from norwood5-6 to norwood2-3 with finasteride and minoxidil. Did it happen instantly? No. He didn't see results until almost a year into his regime.


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Dude, 1 month is NOTHING in terms of seeing results. It takes 6+ months AT LEAST for most people to see results. Some lucky guys see results with a couple months, but that's rare. Go look up the old posts from TheLastHairBender. That guy went from norwood5-6 to norwood2-3 with finasteride and minoxidil. Did it happen instantly? No. He didn't see results until almost a year into his regime.

Thanks. Made me feel a little bit better reading your post. I'll definitely check out TheLastHairBenders progress.