hair transplant at 24 years old


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i just turned 22 right now and i can honestly say my hairloss is very slow however im diffuse and my left temple is receded , is it possible for me to get a hair transplant at the age of atleast 24 im willing to wait 2 years

i just dont see the point of getting one after 30 especially for me , i pretty much dont care if i go bald after 30 to be honest , these are the years i wanna enjoy and its just my temple thats really bothering me so it wouldnt even need a lot of grafts


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When you are 30 you would care if you'll go bald soon or not. If you get a hair transplant on your right temple the rest of your hair behind that temples would keep receding and then it would look weird.

You should wait with a transplant until your hairloss is stabilized for a few years and you are older. Maybe in a few years there'll be a real cure for this thing so it might be worth waiting and keep taking finasteride...


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finfighter said:
So you won't care if your bald at thirty? Dude that's retarded, you will be thirty in eight years, and guess what you will still be the same person when you're thirty that you are now, it's not like the day you turn thirty you stop caring about your physical appearance!

i hear what your saying but by 30 i will probley be married , and have a kid and obviously i will take care of my self but right now is when i feel it will be better if i could fix my temple its really messed up , to live the life before i get commited to someone


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let-it-grow said:
When you are 30 you would care if you'll go bald soon or not. If you get a hair transplant on your right temple the rest of your hair behind that temples would keep receding and then it would look weird.

You should wait with a transplant until your hairloss is stabilized for a few years and you are older. Maybe in a few years there'll be a real cure for this thing so it might be worth waiting and keep taking finasteride...

okk thanks see i didnt know that your hair behind the grafts would keep receding


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king- said:
[quote="let-it-grow":1ho9cxo7]When you are 30 you would care if you'll go bald soon or not. If you get a hair transplant on your right temple the rest of your hair behind that temples would keep receding and then it would look weird.

You should wait with a transplant until your hairloss is stabilized for a few years and you are older. Maybe in a few years there'll be a real cure for this thing so it might be worth waiting and keep taking finasteride...

okk thanks see i didnt know that your hair behind the grafts would keep receding but cant i just keep taking finasteride its doing a good job of stabalizing my hairloss and just get a hairtransplant procedure , i dont get the idea of waiting for me to get a horseshoe pattern since im diffuse and THEN get it when im completly bald [/quote:1ho9cxo7]


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my opinion is to get a hair transplant as you are young, in order not to have your youth destroyed. And to keep treatment for further recession


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that is exactly what i wanna do get a minor hair transplant on my temple and stay on finasteride to stop my hairloss


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king- said:
finfighter said:
So you won't care if your bald at thirty? Dude that's retarded, you will be thirty in eight years, and guess what you will still be the same person when you're thirty that you are now, it's not like the day you turn thirty you stop caring about your physical appearance!

i hear what your saying but by 30 i will probley be married , and have a kid and obviously i will take care of my self but right now is when i feel it will be better if i could fix my temple its really messed up , to live the life before i get commited to someone

And if you're not married with a kid by then?
Seriously if a little temple problem bothers enough at 22 to consider surgery then what will possibly being a NW6/7 do to you?
30 might seem old to you now but let me tell you, it'll come quicker than you think and if you're bothered about your appearance now you'll still feel just the same at 30.


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Listen to SAF man, he's been through this and knows what he's talking about. You say you're diffuse thinning. That means that there is a lot more hair loss in store for you. Remember that finasteride isn't a miracle worker, even if it works well for you it usually stops working after a few years. Then you may end up with hair on your temples and nowhere else which will look silly. You'll then be forced to get more transplants and would likely have wasted a good number of grafts on your temples. It's just a recipe for disaster. If you really want to go the transplant route you should wait till you're at least pushing 30 I would say. Unless of course you go norwood 6 sooner, in which case there is no point in waiting.


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at 24 I think will be ok...I'm in the same situation...just started finasteride...and I'll wait an year for this to see how is working...and then I'll do an hair thinning/loss really bothers me...why do I have to wait? I'm wasting my time and youth...and if I'm taking pills...I have to take it with a look good...that's why everyone wants to take it...and yes...I really know what to expect...a high hairline...with no more density...let's say 35/40 cm2 grafts...depending the hair and skin contrast...I even consider wearing a hair piece...instead of being bald...I just can accept that with any price! and why not taking finasteride for long period? If I don't have sides why not? and I think in the next 10 years there will be for sure another drug for may it will be presented the results of histogen new phase!


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thylax said:
my opinion is to get a hair transplant as you are young, in order not to have your youth destroyed. And to keep treatment for further recession

Your statement almost made me jump out my f*****g window after i claw out my own eyes. How about getting a hair transplant before you realize your a bad canidate, make the worst the mistake of your life and not only have your youth destroyed but the rest of your life? How about that?

Your response is going to be something like " Well what if you determined you were a good canidate and went on drugs to rpevent further recession"

I could respond again,but im tired of all that. Good luck.


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yea...if you're not responding at can not do anything...just wear a wig or hairpieces...i've seen that is very natural now and undetectable...maybe you just didn't use real meds...just generic...or you should have tried with avodart...


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yea...the fact is that you're skilled doctors from usa...are only usig strip dunno why! maybe it's easier to cut a piece of skin...and put the assistants to make grafts...and to implant there you need...and after that they give a bill with 10000$:) fue is much better...and for young people this real europe...fue is the power:)


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Yeah, I would only do FUE, a million sessions if I had to. I don't care but I can't end up with that scar.


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andrei_eremenko said:
yea...the fact is that you're skilled doctors from usa...are only usig strip dunno why! maybe it's easier to cut a piece of skin...and put the assistants to make grafts...and to implant there you need...and after that they give a bill with 10000$:) fue is much better...and for young people this real europe...fue is the power:)

HAHAHA.. What? Lol. no. Get your ignorance out of here.

1. Some of the best FUE doctors are in america. Dr. Umar is by far THE best FUE hair surgeon in the world, hes in california. Dr.Wolf, Dr. Cole, Dr. shapiro, Dr. Feller all are in North America and are some of the best in the world at FUE.

2. FUE is not nessecarily better than strip. There are limitations to FUE. FUE does not have as much graft survival rate and higher transectrion rate. FUE is probably best if you have 2000 grafts or less ever in your entire life. There also is a limit to how much you can realistically extract in the donor region per surgery as well. Strip can yeild much higher amount grafts.

3. FUE leaves a mark, and can be quite obvious even at buzz lengths of a 2 guard or less. Its not a miracle procedure. Anyone telling you otherwise is a f*** and should die.

4. FUE is usually more expensive than strip, actually a lot more.

5. you just said in europe, fue is the power. Actually after reading that last sentence I realize your whole statement was a sarcastic remark.

6. Young people 25 and under should not be getting transplant. 25-30 should be a case by case basis, and strick rules should be developed.


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Innermind said:
andrei_eremenko said:
yea...the fact is that you're skilled doctors from usa...are only usig strip dunno why! maybe it's easier to cut a piece of skin...and put the assistants to make grafts...and to implant there you need...and after that they give a bill with 10000$:) fue is much better...and for young people this real europe...fue is the power:)

HAHAHA.. What? Lol. no. Get your ignorance out of here.

1. Some of the best FUE doctors are in america. Dr. Umar is by far THE best FUE hair surgeon in the world, hes in california. Dr.Wolf, Dr. Cole, Dr. shapiro, Dr. Feller all are in North America and are some of the best in the world at FUE.

2. FUE is not nessecarily better than strip. There are limitations to FUE. FUE does not have as much graft survival rate and higher transectrion rate. FUE is probably best if you have 2000 grafts or less ever in your entire life. There also is a limit to how much you can realistically extract in the donor region per surgery as well. Strip can yeild much higher amount grafts.

3. FUE leaves a mark, and can be quite obvious even at buzz lengths of a 2 guard or less. Its not a miracle procedure. Anyone telling you otherwise is a f*ck and should die.

4. FUE is usually more expensive than strip, actually a lot more.

5. you just said in europe, fue is the power. Actually after reading that last sentence I realize your whole statement was a sarcastic remark.

6. Young people 25 and under should not be getting transplant. 25-30 should be a case by case basis, and strick rules should be developed.

Easy tiger.