hair transplant at 24 years old


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ya...ok...if you have money to pay something like 10$ for a graft go head...with americans...they are indeed good...but you can get great results with less money...I'll never give something like 20000$ for a small way...if i'll have those money I'll get a car...and I'll do also an hair transplant...:) and why men between 23-25 should not have an hair transplant...the next year I'll do it and I'll be 24...why shouldn't do this?I think that's depend on every person...wea are different and hairloss too...I have a diffuse thinning in front of scalp... never had a serious shed....I never had shed more than 25 hairs...right now with the donor I have I can even recreate the entire crown and hairline and vertex...i started also the what do I have to wait...I want to be again happy...I have also one month with 1.25 proscar...and no sides at what would you do in my place?


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ok...I agree that you are older than me...and you know better than me ...but I just can not live in this way...with things getting worse...I met a wonderful girl...and I can not stayed with her because all the time I was thinking about my f*****g I lost her...I tried also shaved look...and damn...i'm another man with shaved look...i'm like the guy from Lord of the rings ...who's saying my precioussssssss:)...If i was like the main character from Prison break...yea...then I'll be happy saying f*** this hair and i'll do that kind of tatoo simulating hair....and living and enjoying the rest of my life...but I'm not that guy...and the bald look is unacceptable for me...not because i don't like it...just because it doesn't suit me at ears and nose and shape of the head is not for this I have to do something...and I don't know what...but...I think this summer I'll get a good wig and I'll quit also finasteride and everything and I'll accept wearing that on my head...and maybe I'll forget about this f*****g illness...for me is very serious...and really affects me...I just can not live in this way any more...and still the things are not so bad...i was thinking suicide...because my life is not the same...and i don't see any optmistic perspective...the hair multiplication will not be available not for me maybe...and...a cure for loss...nooo waaaayyyyy....nobody has this better to let the sufferings to spent the last money on their desperation on products and to solve the financial problem for others...and is also sad for see that your dad at let's say 60 will have more hair that I have...any way this summer I have to do something...i'm seriously think at something because I can not live feeling this way...I've began to develop an obsession...i have started to look at people's hair on the street...which is weird...

I'm really happy because I've found a forum like this...and seeing people having this problems like mine...the looks like is the right place to discuss this...I can not speak about this with my friends because obviously they don't lose their hair at this age...I can not speak even with my father...because he tells me that I have to accept is nothing significant...seems like nobody understand's why I said that I have to do something this summer...dunno what...but I have to change my fate...


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and do you say about the guy who's 23 and recently have made his hair implant? what about thylax? what about wesley that started hair restoration at 25? and some others guys and they all looked worse than me regarding hair least the are delaying the situation I'm in...and they are living their lives...their best years...what advice would you give them now after they had the procedures done?life is wonderful when you are proud with your person...


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i would advise strongly only fue
the graft survival would not be far from that of a fut when its done by a skilled clinic...

also i see that under my scar from my first FUT the grafts are weaker then the grafts above , the next clinic that did my fue did say the same thing : the grafts under the scar are much weaker , we will extract most of it above the scar....

so i think i lost some donor for future hair transplant's due to strip/fut

i would say that i would only advise hair transplant's to people that has good results on fina within the year , so you know that the male pattern baldness responds verry good on the meds, and then go for a hair transplant , what the age would be, sinds you have also people that bald verry slowly , but on 19-20 year males that bald verry fast and dont respond well to fina, hairloss slowed bit , but still goes on , i would not recommend a hair transplant
there still hope , i got a pdf of a technic that give regrowth in the area of the donorgrafts , PM me you email and i send it....


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yea...I'll try..still consider wearing a wig and f*** my hair...i've seen some wigs...that looked very good...and...sometimes in the future I'll consider an hair transplant or...maybe another treatment will be available!


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i think that a wig is the last resort.....
just follow procedure
first meds , then hair transplant (if needed) and a wig if everything else fails....

the key (this is the most important thing in all the male pattern baldness cases) :


hair wil never grow in 2 months , it needs 6 - 8 - 12 months.....
so with everything its the same thing : waith 1 year before you see the final result , counts for hairmeds, and also for hair transplant's....
just a wig is instant, but to be honnes, who wants fake hair on the head ? its hot in the summer, the fear that it could come lose every day , how do you tell your futur girlfriend , must i go on , its nice to know that with wigs you can have nice hair again , but i would explore first other solutions before doing this.... your young and your hair will get better , in at least 6 months.... so be patient.... theres nothing that can rush hairgrowth/hair-regrowth....


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the fact is every time I look into my mirror I become nervous...and I don't like to wait...and I know the pattern of my I'll probably be a bald guy at 30 years...even I don't even f*****g hair doesn't regenerate any more...this week I'm trying to have a consultation with one of the doctors of Hattingen hair clinic...not for implant just to tell what is best for me...anyway...wearing a wig doesn't bother me...and what If I 'll tell a girl that I have a wig...If she likes me...she will like also in that way...nobody's perfect...and if she doesn't like me...go hell you girl you're not the only one on this earth! and that thing doesn't fall so easy it has sticky tapes very resistant and you can have a shower...with or practicing plan is just to wear this and continue also medication for a while...till something better will come up!


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i dont think that the glue that keeps the wig on your head will be good for your original hair , maybe you speed up even the hairlossproces even more....

but if you really want instant hair , i think that theres no other solution then to shave of you original hair on top and glue a wig on...
keep in mind that normally a verry natural wig is not so cheap and it does not last for years... there many that you need to change every month, these are the most natural ones , with injected hairs in microskin , so you glue a kind of plastic cover with injected hair on your head , that would not be my choise , maybe just if i'm allready a norwood 6 i would consider this.... sinds my donor could not support a completely bald zone on top with hair transplants... but wigs are for me the last resort , i rather waith 1 year but have natural hair , i would be to ashame to tell that i'm running with a hairpiece on my head , hair transplant's are weird for some people , and there girls that find a operation for more hair on top allready a sign of lack of confidence , cant imagine what they would think if they know its a wig , it would be even worse
if even the wig gets lose , the rumor would spread fast : theres the guy that weares a wig , its fake hair... for me that would be me worst nightmare :(


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f*** them all and shallow girls! a good wig it can be like a brand new looking jacket...I believe that I know my go bald...maybe very I'll better learn to handle the situation from now on...and in time will be some other solution...nobody have to know that you're wearing that on your head...and I was thinking that I can not take those meds for my entire life...maybe I'll keep my hair but the overall health will be I said...If i'm happy with my look wearing a wig...nothing in this world can make me feel bad...some others guys don't have hands....or legs...and they need to wear something to replace what is so wrong in wearing a wig...or If you'll have a girlfriend that you love her...but suddenly for I don't know what reason she will lose her hair? you'll brake the relationship? or are you trying to help her? and there are also a lot of girls...that are doing lips and tits surgeries...and some others...why ? just because they want to look much better...wearing a wig or having a hair implant is not for my just because I can not life without that part of body...and because the bald look doesn't suits me...because if was too look like like the main character from prison break...damn! I will be more happy loosing hair than having it! but I'm not kike that guy...anyway I think in 4-5 years something better will come regarding meds and technique of replacement or regeneration of let's keep a little bit of optimism...because histogen looks to work and in 2-3 years will be available...aderan has started pahse 2 of hair regeneration in a largest area in who knows maybe in 10 years will have better opportunities!


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i waith also for histogen to come on the market with a brand new produkt , but problem is that i does not regrow every lost hair , so i would take meds until i can switch to every year a injection with histogen....
keeping now what you have with fina will be better then to quit meds , just quit fina when histogen gets out...

and for wigs, they deliver beautifull density , far beyond limit of hairtransplants , if everything fails in the future theres a verry big chanse i would get them 2 , but for now i will see how far i get with meds and hairtransplants (personal decision) anyway , i wish you goodluck in your wig-hunt , as far as i know there special departments on hairforums for this , and there locations where you can buy them cheaper then from a professional wig-dealer , so do your homework and you wil get good results....


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yea...about meds I'll take it everyday...since I don't have any sides...on finasteride...I'll keep taking that untill something better will come up...and even that for a while I will forget about hair because wearing of the wig...about prices...I have found 2 producers one in usa and one in germany..,.both have the same prices almost 300$ for a wig...
regarding histogen ...not only that maintain but thicker the hair and in one year there was also a good regrowth.hope that this will come up sooner!


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keep in mind that histogen wil be patent , so there will be nog generic versions
and if it comes out it wel be verry expencive , and you need it every year...


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I know but there are a lot of people with balding/thinning people...and if they put a price let's say 1000$ for an injection...they will have just some customers...I think they will do that for a large area of customers that can afford to pay for it and to see benefits continnously...and the income will be much better...


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1000 dollar would be cheap....
think that prp allready cost 500 euro for 1 session prp and you need minimum 1 session every 6 months

i think histogen wil be even expencive or even higher , but customers they will still have , hairloss is a big industry and a new revolutionair product will be even hotter for al the balding people , so i presume it would be at least 1500 euro every year...

but it all depends if all the trails are a succes , then also the fda trail , i think its at least 4 - 5 years waithing for us...
for now i just stick with dutasteride and asc till something better comes out , lets hope its histogen

before its fda approvel they cant sell to anyone.... so theres no fast way to get it


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wesleyBelgium said:
keep in mind that histogen wil be patent , so there will be nog generic versions
and if it comes out it wel be verry expencive , and you need it every year...

You may not need it every year. that has not been determined. The only thing that was found is that hair continued to grow up to one year... only because thats all they documented.


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it does not halt the dht attacks on your hair , so the proces wil restart again , also i think they will set up a price in order of the performance/results
a injection that last 2 year , that will be more expencive then they sell every year the injection , with hairloss its all about $$