Hair Transplant By Dr Koray Erdoğan


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updates ?
It has been 9 weeks and 2 days. I have about 10% of transplanted hair left which I trim off with a hair clipper on zero. I do this so I don't look stupid with half a hairline behind the actual hairline.

No real changes at the moment apart from the fact my native hair is almost long enough to cover the transplanted frontal line. I reckon one more week and it will be all covered, at this point I will let the transplanted hair grow out.

Had my first short (clipped to zero) back and sides hair cut by a barber last Saturday and you cannot notice a thing not even now since it has grown to a 2.

Will post a real up date at 3 months.


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4 weeks post op, never seen so much hair on my hand... Shedding alot.
Thanks for sharing all the details. Please keep them coming. I just had mine done this week and will be watching your posts closely to know what to expect!


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Hey maverick , so rahals office said i have approx 6500 grafts with medium to low density but a good size donor area. im guess beard grafts can also yield 1000 or so , so i would be pretty content with that ! will be going to see him next january .. far away but my budget allows for that haha. 16,000 for 2500 grafts along the hairline. i do have a plan if i recede to lets say a nw6 (which they said would be unlikely) i would probably just leave the mid low crown empty and focus on hairline - mid scalp - high crown and shave the sides with a combined fue+beard grafts. i was curious as to why you think you have 3000 left instead of the 5180 or so he says you have left... i wish i can see exactly how much i have to put my mind at ease but it seems that i have that. do they know how much exactly you have after they opperate ?? thanks and nice result so far


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So many unfinished threads. What's wrong with you people?

Sadly, it sucks people don’t update their prigress threads here much, go check out the forum on hair restoration network under the patient posted results link you’ll find lots there.


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Okay thx. Will definitely go and start my thread in there. Ppl do not comment and finish in here threads. The forum seems to be dead


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I meant not so crazy needs everyday.. And I'm hoping by 35 there should be other treatments.. If not, I'm coming off finasteride and will try things like RU/Brotzu etc. Either way il come off finasteride if I feel it's effecting me too much at later stage.

How much/frequent finasteride are you taking?


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im thinking of stopping finasteride and prepare myself for a hair transplant have got any better i was barely receding when i began i thoght be smart starting early now im thinning and receding on finasteride... anyone with advice i wanna quit finasteride because it aint working that proper almost no sides few minor wouldn't mind to continue finasteride if it actually worked my aim is hair transplant any thoughts my plan is quiting treatments all together and save money for a few transplants course during the next decade starting next year when have £ on the side

any thoughts

thank in advance folk