hair transplant pics from yesterday


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well your grafted hair wont start growing for like 3 months
and then it will usually be another 3 months before anything starts looking good

you may incur some "shock loss" meaning some other non-grafted native hair may fall out due to the shock
the hair normally will grow back

just be sure to take it easy for like 1 week after your surgery
be very careful not to touch your grafts

you may get an itchy sensation
its normal because your grafts are healing

just dont scratch!



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Yeah I did notice the itching today actually, the hardest part is washing it...i have pour water on my head with a cup and can't use my fingers to massage my scalp at all so thats hard for me to get used to. Does it look like mine might grow in a good pattern and get results?


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It was about 3k, I don't want to give the dr's name until I know for sure how it's going to turn out, it's only been 2 days but the redness on the hairline has gone down a lot. Does it look like I might get a good result from it? I'm kinda surprised I haven't had more replies actually.


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the dr. did a good hairline IMO
thats the most important part
the trick is to give sort of an --*-*--*-* pattern
if that makes any sense

but it really hard to tell until like 3 months when the grafted hairs start to grow

but to me it looks like you will do fine
just follow your dr's instructions to a T!!!!!

im serious about this!!!!!
no weight lifting for like 3-4 months!!!!!! seriously!!!!


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BodyDysmorphic said:
im serious about this!!!!!
no weight lifting for like 3-4 months!!!!!! seriously!!!!



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s.a.f said:
BodyDysmorphic said:
im serious about this!!!!!
no weight lifting for like 3-4 months!!!!!! seriously!!!!


strenuous activity "weight lifting" can and does stretch your donor strip in the back of the head
causing a larger and more obvious scar

it also prolongs healing time

i guess your hair transplant surgeon never told you that, but then again you do live in the UK


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Well I thought you were talking about the grafts growing lifting wont harm that after about 1 week. But the scar can still stretch well after 6 months it depends more on the patients characteristics (laxiety).


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1,000 graft strip? Why?

For such a small session i would have gone FUE, but to each their own. Can't tell how this will turn out, but seems like you really had a good amount of native hair. I hope you are on meds and have stabilized the loss.


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Well, I was actually leaning towards the FUE, but after the dr. looked at me and because of the amount of hair that I have still even around the hairline and he drew out a diagram of how the fue would look and he said based on my skin type and hair type he didnt think the fue would be the best for me and he thought he could do a better job of reconstructing a perfect, undetectable hairline witht he linear method, because if he needed to place a single hair or two in certain spots (which he needed to do because he had to work around alot of native hair that I do still have) it would allow him the flexibility to do so, also I needed some hair put in top of my hair in some areas a little past my hairline that he thought again would be easier with the linear method and helping him give me the best result he could, they gave me the same price for both, but he thought for my case and because of the hair I do still have that the strip method would give me the best results.
As far as lifting goes, I did lift about 4 times a week, however I hurt my back in may and had to get an MRI, and I have to see a neurosurgeon in Sept. and I haven't lifted since May, so actually it's good timing for me in that respect because luckily it won't effect that right now. The Dr did warn me about that.
My forehead is swollen like between my eyebrows, it looks like I'm going to morph into a unicorn or something, I hope that goes down soon..the maintenance is hard because i havent been able to comb the hair on top of my head since the procedure and I can't wash it with my fingers, I have to dump water over it with a cup, so that's really weird, I don't get my stitches out until the 10th unfortunately.
The dr said I picked a good time to do it because of the hair I have left that no1 will ever be able to tell I did anything, and that doing it now might've been a good idea to stay on top of it and minimize any future surgery i might've had to do in the future with future loss.
Thank you to those of you who've complimented how my hair the hairline looks, i've been really nervous about it and that put my mind at ease.


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I have no idea what your doctor is talking about. Getting it done now has nothing to do with the necessity for surgeries in the future - hair transplants do not stop future loss.

Also I've never heard of a doctor charging the same for FUE and strip, nor would I expect them to..

Who is your doctor?


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I wasn't implying he meant getting it done now will stop future loss i know it wont and he told me that as well, that's common knowledge, i meant becaise of what i still have it would give me a great undetectable result for now,he even said he wanted to walk instead of run while doing this to take into consideration future loss as well as to work with what i had left, so he very conscious and took my best interest at heart with how he worked on me, and i have a friend who works there who helped me negotiate the price.


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BodyDysmorphic said:
the dr. did a good hairline IMO
thats the most important part
the trick is to give sort of an --*-*--*-* pattern
if that makes any sense

but it really hard to tell until like 3 months when the grafted hairs start to grow

but to me it looks like you will do fine
just follow your dr's instructions to a T!!!!!

im serious about this!!!!!
no weight lifting for like 3-4 months!!!!!! seriously!!!!

Why no weight lifting?


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I don't see how FUE would prevent the Doctor from going in between hairs.


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person said:
BodyDysmorphic said:
the dr. did a good hairline IMO
thats the most important part
the trick is to give sort of an --*-*--*-* pattern
if that makes any sense

but it really hard to tell until like 3 months when the grafted hairs start to grow

but to me it looks like you will do fine
just follow your dr's instructions to a T!!!!!

im serious about this!!!!!
no weight lifting for like 3-4 months!!!!!! seriously!!!!

Why no weight lifting?

any strenuous activity within approx 6 months or so can stretch the donor scar
making it "bigger" and in essence more obvious

i was giving an generalization 3-4 months should be sufficient healing time before hitting the heavies but i think 6-8 months is better


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I had my surgery 16 days ago, and I still have a like, weird numbing pain in the back of my's been there non stop since the surgery. It's hard to explain, it's not a throbbing pain, but just kinda like a numbing shap pain when i touch the back of my head. Is it normal to have this pain for so long? Could I possibly have some kinda nerve damage or something? I'm really starting to get worried.


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jccidol said:
I had my surgery 16 days ago, and I still have a like, weird numbing pain in the back of my's been there non stop since the surgery. It's hard to explain, it's not a throbbing pain, but just kinda like a numbing shap pain when i touch the back of my head. Is it normal to have this pain for so long? Could I possibly have some kinda nerve damage or something? I'm really starting to get worried.
This is wy i would never do a strip, and only fue.. + i wouldnt want the scar...


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jccidol said:
I had my surgery 16 days ago, and I still have a like, weird numbing pain in the back of my's been there non stop since the surgery. It's hard to explain, it's not a throbbing pain, but just kinda like a numbing shap pain when i touch the back of my head. Is it normal to have this pain for so long? Could I possibly have some kinda nerve damage or something? I'm really starting to get worried.

Your nerves have been severed, it s perfectly normal they will repair themselves eventually in the meantime you will feel numbness ect. It could last 1 month, it could last 6months or more.


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They did tell me it's normal, and I'm actually having some regrowth already in 16 days, he said it was like 3 mts ahead of time, so I guess that's good. Do you think I should be concerned about this pain at all?