Hair Transplant Suggestions Needed (pics Attached)


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Hello everyone, need help regarding hair transplant.
I started losing hair since past two years. I had full head 4 years back (I am 32). I don't want to use drugs for lifetime.. Like minoxidil or finasteride. Looking for a hair transplant instead.
I am attaching my pics.. Kindly let me know if I am a good candidate for hair transplant... Thank you in advance.


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You are a bad candidate for surgery unless you're willing to go through multiple surgeries, specifically because you're a diffuse thinner (you'll be completely bald within 4 years) and you're not on medication.

If you're prepared for and have the funds for multiple surgeries, then go for it, but you're not going to be fixed by 1, or likely even 2 surgeries, transplants take 8 months to really kick in and look good, and by then you'll have lost another 10% of your hair (which already is badly diffused). You'll be chasing your losses for at least 3 or 4 years if you go down the transplant route, and dealing with potential shock loss to existing hair, leaving you worse off than before the first transplant.

Just get on finasteride and nizoral 2%, and only then consider doing a transplant focusing on the frontal and midscalp area for your first. You'll inevitably need multiple surgeries with your diffusing and level of loss though.


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Thanks for your reply. I understand that. I consulted a surgeon, she said you need around 2k grafts for first. And then take finasteride. And later if you lose more, you will need another session. She also said... A single session anyway does not give full head. Most people need multiple sessions... I am scared of finasteride sides.. So don't want to take it for life time.... Or should I wait another few years and then go for transplant..?


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Thanks for your reply. I understand that. I consulted a surgeon, she said you need around 2k grafts for first. And then take finasteride. And later if you lose more, you will need another session. She also said... A single session anyway does not give full head. Most people need multiple sessions... I am scared of finasteride sides.. So don't want to take it for life time.... Or should I wait another few years and then go for transplant..?

Considering your losses you'd be best off going for a large FUT session on your first run through, densely packed at the front and going lower towards the back. Much more than 2000 grafts.

If you don't mind playing catchup with future transplants and you have the money to pay for good surgeons then do so, but getting on finasteride is ideal to counter potential shock loss of hairs in the short term. Also look on the forums for high quality doctors that are recommended by people here, most are garbage. Hasson + Wong is a good clinic for one.

You won't get finasteride sides, the people who do are the people who think they would before getting on the drug. Get on it with maybe a low dose like 0.25mg and have a positive attitude, and you'll be fine.


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I don't agree on finasteride point. I have seen people here complaining a lot about finasteride. It's not only psychological as you mentioned.


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It looks to be too early for a hair transplant for you, what are you expecting them to do? It's either go on finasteride or slowly lose more hair. I am sure some hair transplant doctors will work on you though for the money, just be prepared for a rough ending.


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It looks to be too early for a hair transplant for you, what are you expecting them to do? It's either go on finasteride or slowly lose more hair. I am sure some hair transplant doctors will work on you though for the money, just be prepared for a rough ending.
I want frontal hair back... I lost my hairline... Are able to appreciate that I lost hair on front... Also have less hair on crown?


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They could lower your hairline but that procedure is risky, I would picky a hairline doctor that is one of the best for that. i would not mess with the crown as the chance of shock loss is there. The problem is since you won't go on finasteride the new hairline will become separated as your hairline behind it continues to recede.


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They could lower your hairline but that procedure is risky, I would picky a hairline doctor that is one of the best for that. i would not mess with the crown as the chance of shock loss is there. The problem is since you won't go on finasteride the new hairline will become separated as your hairline behind it continues to recede.
Thanks for you reply. I can use it for short term along with minoxidil.. Then discontinue finasteride and continue with minoxidil and nizoral 2%?


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Or I will have another session few years later to cover rest of my head... Maybe 3/4 years later?


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Or I will have another session few years later to cover rest of my head... Maybe 3/4 years later?

For a diffuser, minoxidil isn't going to be a huge amount of good. It's also a lot less effective than finasteride. I actually got sides from minoxidil that made me have to discontinue it, but the finasteride is fine. I think once you start finasteride, you won't want to stop.

Your best bet is a front and midscalp area transplant for now (maybe 3500 grafts) and then keep up with the finasteride. probably in another few years you'll want another to do a touch up and hit the crown.


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For a diffuser, minoxidil isn't going to be a huge amount of good. It's also a lot less effective than finasteride. I actually got sides from minoxidil that made me have to discontinue it, but the finasteride is fine. I think once you start finasteride, you won't want to stop.

Your best bet is a front and midscalp area transplant for now (maybe 3500 grafts) and then keep up with the finasteride. probably in another few years you'll want another to do a touch up and hit the crown.

why you only taking 0.25 finasteride?


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why you only taking 0.25 finasteride?

Was scared of sides, so I started on 0.25mg and it's working fine so I'm sticking to it. Been only 4 months and the tiny bald patch on my crown is already filled in, my parents say it looks better than it has in 12 months. No improvement in the frontal area but I'm getting a transplant in the next 3 weeks so I don't mind particularly.

The studies suggest it should block about 80% as much DHT as 1mg anyway.


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Was scared of sides, so I started on 0.25mg and it's working fine so I'm sticking to it. Been only 4 months and the tiny bald patch on my crown is already filled in, my parents say it looks better than it has in 12 months. No improvement in the frontal area but I'm getting a transplant in the next 3 weeks so I don't mind particularly.

The studies suggest it should block about 80% as much DHT as 1mg anyway.

you getting fut? whats your Norwood now?


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Norwood 3 with a weakening forelock. Bit of diffusing all around behind but not noticeable when dry. An FUE with Erdogan, 3200-3600 grafts.

well good luck with it mate

are you cool with taking finasteride long term?


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well good luck with it mate

are you cool with taking finasteride long term?

As of yet no issues, so that is the plan. Prepared for more transplants down the track if need be, plus I feel like SMP to create the illusion of more density with long hair as well as beard transplant is an option to fill in density if my donor ever runs out.


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As of yet no issues, so that is the plan. Prepared for more transplants down the track if need be, plus I feel like SMP to create the illusion of more density with long hair as well as beard transplant is an option to fill in density if my donor ever runs out.
See the attached image.... He is also a diffused still transplant worked so good?!


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See the attached image.... He is also a diffused still transplant worked so good?!

There was a result from Civas on this forum the other day where 3700 grafts covered the entire balding area with good density (better than that photo) on a norwood 5. I think the things to remember for a diffuser getting a transplant is to get a doctor who is experienced with it, get on finasteride, and be aware that more transplants in the future may be necessary.


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Thanks for your reply. I understand that. I consulted a surgeon, she said you need around 2k grafts for first. And then take finasteride. And later if you lose more, you will need another session. She also said... A single session anyway does not give full head. Most people need multiple sessions... I am scared of finasteride sides.. So don't want to take it for life time.... Or should I wait another few years and then go for transplant..?

2k grafts and THEN take finasteride??? Jesus Christ man, can't you see the holes in this advice?? What if finasteride doesn't work for you? You're completely fucked. you get a transplant now, there is a 95% chance you will completely f*** your life. TRY MEDICATION FIRST.

If you get hair transplanted into all your other hair, be prepared to lose your hair... be very prepared. It's happened to me and just about every other diffused thinner I've talked to that's had hair transplanted in between native hair. Just f*****g say good bye to it.

DO NOT DO THIS. WORST IDEA EVER. If ANY transplant surgeon accepts you, please let us know their name so we can expose them for the butcher they are.