Hairclone Offering Cloned Dp Cell Treatments In 2019?


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What / Who is "ch". Why "follicle banking" is a scam ?
“Ch” is “it”

Scam because a year ago they were providing the service for a fee whereby they would keep the hair and wait for hair multiplication to become a reality.
There have been other scams like this, discussed on the Bald Truth show


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Emailed a partner in California and this is their response. Wow, some big promises here:

Thank you for contacting OC Hair Restoration, where Dr. Ken Williams and his team offer medical, non-medical,
and surgical options for hair restoration at our state of the art medical facility at Canyon Medical Plaza.

We are just letting patients know, that all 35 plus, US locations hope to offer hair cloning harvest of approx. 100 grafts in Q 3 of 2019.
After harvest of tissue here in US at an estimated cost of $3,500+ USD. Tissue will be sent to UK for storage, at estimated cost of $3,500-$4,000, per year.
Still unsure of cost to have transplanted in the UK, estimates at this time of $10,000 USD, per 2000 grafts implanted.

Typical patient may have 3-4 procedures over multiple years. Still many questions that we do not know the answer for yet. Only patients that live in UK are in the clinical studies.
Patients that live in the UK, can go direct to Yes you can go directly to the UK for the harvest and the transplant in one place, hopefully starting in Q1, 2019.
We feel confident that this may treat patients with DUPA diffused unpatterned hair loss The harvest from patients scalp in the US has been delayed due to shipping issues.

We encourage you to visit the web site to sign up for updates, so you will know when and where the locations in the US will be offering harvest of tissue.
Welcome your call to answer your multiple questions.

The strategy of HairClone is to develop the various follicle extraction, cryopreservation/banking, cell expansion, cell delivery processes in parallel. We are not sure how long this may take.
This will create a community of scientists, clinicians and patient/clients dedicated to bringing this revolutionary treatment into clinical practice.

  • Follicle Banking and storage
When developed, patient/clients can pay to have hair follicles extracted, cryopreserved and stored. The cost structure of such banking will be similar to other cell banking services and payment

will be be one-off, annual or monthly depending upon the patient/clients preference.

: Cell treatment

When the process for expansion and re-implantation has been developed by the scientist/clinician/patient partnership, portions of the banked follicles would be dissociated and expanded in culture, transported to the treatment clinic where they would be micro-injected back into the scalp. It is expected that this process will both rejuvenate miniaturising follicles as well as inducing new Follicular structures. This process would be Repeated every 2-5 years as the balding process continues by taking additional portions of the patient’s banked follicles and expanding them.


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So roughly $18k for first year then roughly 18-30k (assuming the baldness keeps progressing) every 2-5 years for all expenses for basically hopefully side free maintenance.
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Imre Attila

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Hey guys, do you think can they do what they say? Anyone here heard anything about them before?


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I don't understand the banking of follicles. Certainly seems like a nice annuity for those guys. in Tsuji concept, donor follicles are collected, directly cultured and implanted at the appropriate point of development. So what's happening here?


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Would anyone be able to clarify, is Hairclone an alternative version of Tsuji (transplantation) or an alternative version of Replicel (injection)?


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Would anyone be able to clarify, is Hairclone an alternative version of Tsuji (transplantation) or an alternative version of Replicel (injection)?
Hairclone injects cells that may rejuvenate and "could" form new follicles supposedly like shideido and Tsuji is implanting hair follicle germs which will sprout whole new hair follicles.


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I dontd understand, first they talk about "2000 grafts per session", which is basically a hairtransplant with cloned hair, then later they talk about injections, which is more like Replicel.

For a Replicel technology the price is horrendously expensive, aside from multiplying the cells they only have to give a couple of injections and yet this is way more expensive than a standard hair transplant? And for a punch biopsy of a 100 follicles they take 3500$? Shiseido talked about 800$ per session.

Can anyone clarify that?

I've written an e-mail to Farjo a couple of days ago concerning this topic, but they haven't answered yet
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I dontd understand, first they talk about "2000 grafts per session", which is basically a hairtransplant with cloned hair, then later they talk about injections, which is more like Replicel.

For a Replicel technology the price is horrendously expensive, aside from multiplying the cells they only have to give a couple of injections and yet this is way more expensive than a standard hair transplant? And for a punch biopsy of a 100 follicles they take 3500$? Shiseido talked about 800$ per session.

Can anyone clarify that?

I've written an e-mail to Farjo a cpuplc of days ago concerning this topic, but they haven't answrwanyet.
Yeah. Maybe buy graft he meant DSC cell? Either way, sounds like they don't have their sh*t together, so I wouldn't pay any attention.

Imre Attila

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How they can be so sure about doing it in 2019? Isn't it weird? Why did no one heard about them before? By the way, if they do what they already said, 2019 might be a new century for baldies. Just reverse my hair back and i will pay whatever it costs.


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How they can be so sure about doing it in 2019? Isn't it weird? Why did no one heard about them before? By the way, if they do what they already said, 2019 might be a new century for baldies. Just reverse my hair back and i will pay whatever it costs.

People need to read properly....They offer the harvest service starting 2019.
So, what they offer is the following:
What you give:
-You pay them 3500$ for extracting some follicle
-You keep paying 3500-4000$ each year for freezing
-You give them some hair
What you get:
- The promise to be first in line when (and if) their treatment is ready for prime time

It does not sound like a hell of a deal.
They are desperate for money. The have 16.67% of their aime of 3 mio pounds (The 16.67% hasen t changed in the last months :( ). Before thinking of letting them now harvest my follicle for a lot of money i would considere to fund them with a few hundred bucks. (which is less money and you still have the feeling you doing something for your hair.)


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What you give:
-You pay them 3500$ for extracting some follicle
-You keep paying 3500-4000$ each year for freezing
-You give them some hair
What you get:
- The promise to be first in line when (and if) their treatment is ready for prime time

Exactly what I was saying.
Very very scammy. And it's not new. I remember reading this on the HairClone website late last year.


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Well I’ve got a consultation in January with Fargo. Their HQ is literally 2mins walk from my apartment.
I can ask him about this when I see him.


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theyre looking to crowdfund 300k? They cant raise that tiny amount of investment capital for a promising technology? Smells like what i just stepped in this morning.