Hairclone's cell expansion service available in 2021


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So they have tested sh*t so far.

What are they going to test in 2021 exactly? Cell expansion? What does it even mean? Expand what kind of cells? And use them for what?
Like every other haircloning company basically.

My understanding is that they will extract 50 +- grafts from the donor zone. Make a dermal papilla cell based therapy (by cloning the cells?). Then cryopreserve them. After 3 years or when needed they will call upon them to make another DP cell based therapy (DP cell injection?).


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Oh boy, so much time lost speculating both ways:
-"Iz good"
-"No, no good"
-"Ya, iz good I tell you"
-"No, no good, u wrong"
-"I tell u iz good"


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Hairclone CEO Paul Kemp has recently said to FT that: "We are continuing to work closely with the Cell Therapy facility in Newcastle to transfer our manufacturing process to GMP and are still on track to be able to offer a cell expansion service to clinicians for use in the UK in 2021 though as I have stressed we can’t market this as a treatment nor claim any efficacy. It is entirely a decision between patient and clinician whether they feel this would address a "Special Clinical Need.”

On their FAQ site they have written: "We hope that around the end of 2020 (now adjusted to 2021) HairClone will be able to offer a “Cell Expansion Service” to clinical partners for use in the UK."

Thoughts? Does anyone know what this "Cell expansion service" mean? I haven't found any info on this at all.
is it somehow similar to the "regenara activa " shitty procedure available now?


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wait is this a study or a service
Kind of a hybrid. Their CEO Paul Kemp said that they are doing this to find out how good it works.


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Tell me a single test, on human or on animal, that "HairClone" have done.
Read what I said.

Forget about HairClone. I’m talking about Paul Kemp the man behind it and Intercytex who did exactly that.

Just Google intercytex human trails.

I’d rather back the team with the man who has been involved in a human trail than the team that, how did you put it... have done some good research and writing on the subject.


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At the end of the day I don’t give a f*** WHO does it but WHEN.

I want this yesterday


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Lol does it mean they hope to have the cure for 2022 ?

I mean, if I understood correctly, I can't believe in that, just a way ton attract investors.
anyways, sounds good that they're still on it at least!


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I mean, if I understood correctly, I can't believe in that, just a way ton attract investors
As if investors weren't having due-diligence... if only tweets had an impact on their decision

"Hopefully" makes it sound 2023 and we have 0 information about the efficacy of the treatment so until they feed us with some solid scientific studies, I will disregard these guys


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That is very good and informative.

It looks like something to add soon.

I feel like this is the exact reason I sacrificed "ma dick" for a little while and hoped on finasteride. It would be much easier to maintain existing hair than to bring back dead hair.


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Wow, we went from a "5years away" to a "1year away" speech

We've had this "1 year away" game going on for a long time already. Follica, in the 2016/2017 half-year report, was suppose to come out in 2018. Shiseido, in 2017, was supposed to be released in 2018. Angela Christiano said last November they hope to use it on people this year. Dr. Rassmann in his blog recently went from "6 years" for development of his mole treatment to potentially releasing a cure in 1 year. Tsuji said they'd be available in 2020. It's just an endless marketing game, and Hairclone was originally supposed to provide cell expansion this January, 8 months ago.