1 guy from Vlasyproject went for a 7-day "dry fast" (no food and no water, with meditation) - this was spiritually motivated, nothing to do with hairloss) and his hair started to come back.....!! even though he aborted his attempt at day 5 for an excruciating pain and thirst.
He accepted hairloss even though his VP routine was successful, at some point in life we just have to move on, after all, there are more of us with male pattern baldness than those without ?? it is surprising that majority 80% feels inferior to minority...
hairloss should today be "accepted" just like obesity is ....voluptuous women now walk the catwalks..
World's perception of beauty is changing, hopefully bald men will also be seen as beautiful one day... haha
I'm old fashioned and still do prefer to see a full head of hair...