Not everyone on the forum has the same circumstances in whatever area you look at, you don't know what I do or why I still post on here at times - but I am not consumed by hair or anything mate. I do find certain things petty on here hence I don't partake in most discussions and generally do not read up on here anymore. I can count a few well balanced individuals that I like talking to truly. I don't really care how you interpret that and I am not doing it to belittle you, it's how I feel, nothing to do with my level of education, restoring my hair or generally moving on in life, but everything to do with mindset.
Just lol what a cop out at the bit in if only someone who does hair for a living knows about hair. On other hair forums there are tons of guys that actually know more than doctors or a member we had on here once who knew about experimental treatments in detail that no else knew or someone who interpreted medical studies in a better way that even left the doctor who reviewed the studies in a bit of shock. They certainly weren't asking silly questions, only detailed ones which is a sign of many things really
Nothing passive aggressive, it's your body, just that doing some reading and having knowledge is common sense over being spoon fed. Most people prefer to truly know the info they have is accurate over being fed low IQ stuff which may or may not be accurate and could lead to errors in the future. Because otherwise you really won't know what's going on and that is apparent by the hairline you put up, the fact you weren't sure about recession etc.