zak84 said:bruce, x, other regulars, have you had much success regrowing your hairline with minoxidil?
nomad said:Newbies, this is a long game. Don't expect to see yourself ahead right out of the gates. It may take 4-6 months before you see any real results, so all I can say is don't quit and just keep to your regimen. I will attest to the fact that being committed to your regimen is very crucial. I HAVE seen the results, and all the hard work is worth it. I am so much further along today than I was 6 1/2 months ago. It's great. You cannot half *** this, or just try stuff out for a month. It does not work like that. I am just trying to help here, and give some encouragemnt to stick to your guns fellas.
zak84 said:does anyone have pictures? and bruce, do you think im where you were at when you were 21 as far as my hairline goes? i cant see me being much better than you are now, i just want to make a decision on whether i should get some grafs to move my hairline up a bit, then just keep using propecia, ill probably try the 2 minoxidil bottles I have left and if i dont have any regrowth from that, i'll just get the minor surgery
Cassin said:Got a dumb question that I can't find the answer to. Might be so obvious that they don't even say it. Does 1 oz of minoxidil mean a one month supply?
zak84 said:i'm not taking stabs and i'm not saying anyone is lying, im asking if anyone have any pictures that show good regrowth, i dont want my hairline receding at all, im doubting minoxidil could do that.