Hairline shedding 3 weeks on foam - PICS

Hans Gruber

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it loos bad but i had the same thing,foam shed almost everything i had that was gonna shed,but it all came back thicker :)

foam shed was one month exactly into treatment,liquid was about 3 weeks ..............came back both times


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bright12 said:
seriously, how could foam be any different than the liquid. ask yourselves that question, it's all the same ingredients.

Although I'm sure there are many theories floating about on the net as to why the foam is not as effective as the liquid....From what I have read, the main theory is that the foam does not absorb in the scalp as effectively as the liquid.

Do a search on google and look at all the people that had greats results with the liquid, then switched to foam and had poor results (though I can appreciate there are many people out there that have had the opposite effect too.)

My only advice to treeshrew is to experiment with different treatments (obviously only those that have proven results and safe!!) and see what works best for you.


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I personally feel the foam is some seriously powerful sh!t and can cause major sheds.

I too have suffered the dreaded foam shed, I rode it out and things picked up months later, but then they started again and did NOT pick back up. This stuff appears to be as big a roller coaster as dutasteride!


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treeshrew, how are you doing now? update? still on the foam?


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treeshrew said:
After being on propecia for 2 months with no sides I decided to add foam to the mix on the hairline.

I've been applying once a night every day for exactly 3 weeks. I realize the before and after pictures are from different angles and different lighting, but should give you an idea of the shed I'm experiencing.

As you can see in the after picture the shedding is effecting the hair behind the hairline.

I ----really----- hope this is a typical foam shed and not permanent. But, oh well, I guess I would have lost it anyway.

comments welcome.


AFTER (3 weeks of foam)

Damn, that looks to be a devastating shed! :shock: But its to late to turn back now, if you stop its likely you will never regain that hair, but if you continue it should come in stronger. A lot of patience is required. Take it from me ive been on foam for 1.5 years.

But I couldnt also help but notice in the pictures your showing different sides of your temples. In the before you show the right and in the after its the left.....How do we know the left wasnt this bad to begin with if you dont have pics of it? :dunno: Because we know for a fact temples often recead at different rates. This could be a lets beat up foam thread.

Pics can be decieving, personally i think the before pic is your good side and the after pic is your bad side. You can clearly see in the after pic the right side is stronger than the left.

But having said that I still think you suffered a shed, but probably not as bad as everyone is making out.


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I have no good/bad side, they are both the same - just poor choice of pictures. I have new ones I will post when I get home from work.

Yes, I am still on the foam applying once nightly. End of April will be 2 months exactly on foam (3 months on finasteride).

Overall I feel like I have still lost ground - but definitely no faster then would be natural progression. I'm hoping the foam has knocked out what I was going to lose anyway and now I will either stabilize or start to see some regrowth.

Since starting the big 3 my hair overall has really thickened up and looks way healthier - the temples are still in bad shape but no worse then before I started on meds.

pics to come!

p.s. metalhead have you ever posted pics on this forum? i'd be curious to see.


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Hmm I still think your left temple looks worse. Looks like someone took a bite out of your hairline! :shock:

I would love ot post pics but I would not feel comfortable doing that now given my infamy on this board. :devil: So I will prob start a new alias soon so I can get some serious opinions on my hair, because im interested in a hair transplant for my temples.


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If you do want some serious opinions about you're hair just post the pictures,don't go making a new alias to do so thats stupid..yeah you do get some negative feed back with some of you're posts but when it comes to judging you're hair I'm sure most people will give you their honest opinions,i would.


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Metalheaddude, I am sure everyone will give you an honest opinion about your hair situation. Most people may have bashed you for some of your crazy threads or opinions but I think you will still get an honest opinion when it comes to your hair without having to change your screen name. I would post my hair pics but I do not have much loss to show so why should I even bother. Not only that it would make some people on here envious and feel worse, so I do not want to do that to my fellow forum members. But if you do have something to be concerned about I am sure you will get some sympathy votes if you post some pics of your hair loss.


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here are two more pics.

Dec 2007, before starting any treatments

Yesterday, 3 months propecia, 1.5 months min foam 1x/day on hairline


Overall I feel that propecia has significantly thickened up my crown/midscalp area and combined with foam has maintained the hairline. It's still early, and I'm happy to just stabilize where I am. I know the big 3 is a roller coaster and I am prepared to ride it out no matter what.


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Treeshrew, you are definitely showing great results. I know what you mean by rollercoaster ride. I think now I am going into my shed months again of my hairline. I do have hair growing( looks like I had a transplant) in my juvenile hairline but they are whispy fine hairs.


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treeshrew said:
here are two more pics.

Dec 2007, before starting any treatments

Yesterday, 3 months propecia, 1.5 months min foam 1x/day on hairline


Overall I feel that propecia has significantly thickened up my crown/midscalp area and combined with foam has maintained the hairline. It's still early, and I'm happy to just stabilize where I am. I know the big 3 is a roller coaster and I am prepared to ride it out no matter what.

Wow, amazing results! :bravo:

Hopefully things get even better for you..