Hairline tattoo vs transplant?


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Originally Posted by FredTheBelgian

You will find a girlfriend while bald and she will love you for who you are, even with a shiny bald head. Is that what you want to hear?

You sound like a nice guy, and a smart thoughtful guy. But whoooa...

Psilvas post above this one is right on. Including the part about being hit on, do you think he's making it up? As I said, I know plenty of people who shaved their heads and got hit on, got great looking, nice, smart women. And if I lose my hair to a certain point I'll also shave the head and I'm not that worried about it. In the pic you posted of yourself above you look like you could be a good looking dude - with the right attitude. Nothing wrong with your pic.


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" For arguments sake, say money isn't an issue. What would you guys do?"

A tattoo vs real hair, I think real hair wins every time. I have had a hair transplant so having had one can say i would do it over again, and will be getting another procedure. There are few things as nice as seeing new hair grow where you had lost some. A tattoo can fade and I don't think solves the real problem.


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I doubt it's a false positive. And smiles and signs of interest do mean jack.

Based on the way you talk about women, like saying you don't like to talk to them because they lie, I'd say you have some anger issues regarding women.

Guys can lose a lot of points by becoming bald. It wasn't a death sentence because you had compensatory features.

You can develop compensatory features. As a kid, I was bullied. Relentlessly, and for years, by several different kids across grade levels. What I finally ended up doing, after years of it, was copying the attitude and traits of the most popular kid in our class (who, funny enough considering our conversation, actually ended up bald a few years later - but stayed popular). So for example he was funny, I tried to be funny. When someone made fun of him, he laughed it off and it seemed like it didn't bother him - I copied that and it helped a lot. He was cocky, I acted a little cocky. I got contact lenses and changed my clothing style. Doing all this absolutely changed my social standing. Instead of being a "nerd" who would freak out when teased (thus giving ammo to the bullies), I began to attract people socially and by the end of high school had a group of cool friends, and also a pretty girlfriend. I also went to therapy for a few years and that absolutely helped. Perhaps that's something you might also benefit from. I say that as someone who did it himself and benefitted from it.


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The surgery helped you because you - specifically you - couldn't deal with your hair loss any other way. That certainly doesn't mean that another dude in a similar situation who doesn't make the same decision is doomed to not be loved. That's a wholly inaccurate notion, of course. You should only speak for yourself when you say things like that. It's amazing and ironic that you completely disavow the role of confidence in personal attraction, yet you admit that things got better for you when you stopped having panic attacks and depression. And I say to you that dudes who lose their hair yet don't have depression and panic attacks as a result of it can and do still attract women, and yes of course sleep with them. Of course...


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Do you really need a study to know that no woman has "bald" on her prince charming list?

I'll tell you what: shave your head in a NW6 pattern, put make up on the stubble, and then go to a bar and try to get women's interest.

See how well you do, and see how much women don't care about it.

Prince charming is not in a bar either, lol. BTW I agree with you it is important to have the best body possible.


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How would you know? You know every hair loss sufferer personally, and are intimate with them enough to know their internal struggle?

I've met many hair loss sufferers in my life, and even the seemingly toughest one "It doesn't matter, I'll look like Bruce Willis!" Ended up confessing that they cried their eyes out every night before going to bed.

And the four that I know - including a dude who shaved his head for the first time recently - are all OK. I don't doubt that every soul you've met is exactly as you describe. But the people I know, I know, too. Do you doubt my honesty? If you do, so be it. If you don't, then you're wrong. Because they've had plenty of sex as single guys with lots of women, and are now in committed long term relationships with great women, 3 of them got married. So YOU are the one that is claiming to be omniscient and know what's in everyone's minds. I don't doubt how you feel or how the people you know feel. But you are not everyone in the world. There's a guy participating in this very thread who is bald, balder than you are considering that you've had surgery, and very happy and in a happy marriage. With girls hitting on him. Your only response is that he's deluding himself, that the girls he thinks are into him are not actually into him, they do not want to have sex with him. How in the world can you say that? There's a study I posted in this thread showing that girls vary widely in what they're attracted to, and you responded that it shows that women are very specific in what they're attracted to. Like, what? It said the exact opposite. So there are some real, uh, logical gaps here.

If there was no disadvantage in being bald, hair loss wouldn't be a 4.5 billion dollar a year industry. Fact.

Now you're sounding more rational. Yes, there is some disadvantage to being bald, with some women. But with all women? No. Does is mean you can't be loved? No. Does it mean someone can't be physically attracted to you unless they are being tricked or they are actually only interested in money? No. But these are all things you said in this thread.

Confidence and sexual attraction are completely unrelated. You're living in a fairy tale world if you believe otherwise. Your confidence won't save you from your mediocre looks.

There you go again, projecting your own experience to everyone in the world. Again, the 4 bald guys I know, none of them looking like Johnny Depp, have all been with loads of women. They are all cool and confident guys. I have better things to do than lie about such things on "". I'm sure psilva, bald guy in this thread, would agree with that sentiment.

Looks are by far the primary trigger that make women decide instantly if they want to sleep with you. Looks and biological compatibility, which often means the mates share facial structure similarities.

Why are you sure that a shaved head makes a guy unattractive, to all women, full stop? This is a main part of your problem. Some girls are into it, some girls don't care, some girls do care a little but will forget in 3 minutes if a guy is cool and makes her feel good, and some care and won't be into a guy with a shaved head under any circumstances. You think the last of these categories is 99% of women, I get that. But you're wrong.

Again, imagine this conversation between two girls: "I had sex with that guy from the club yesterday!" "You go girl! Was he confident?"

Of course that's not how the conversation would go, and it's almost as silly as your imagined version: "I had sex with that guy from the club yesterday!" "You go girl! Did he have a full head of hair?"


Speak for yourself and your own experience, not for all women and all men. The people I know have had a different experience, the study I posted proves that what attracts a woman to a man physically varies widely. I don't doubt that you have the experience and feelings that you have. But your response to other people saying their experience is different is "lies"... no dude. Sorry.
Looks good!
Read the comments
Read the comments

Do you think all these commenters, male and female, are being politically correct? Ha

and there are a million more such videos


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Dude I'm sorry there's no point in continuing this. I do know my best and former best friends, and I don't think the countless girls commenting on these dudes videos are fake posts for making money. How far are you willing to go in deluding yourself? And I don't think the study I posted in this thread is the opposite of the truth. Rather, its the truth, and reflects what I've seen in 40+ years on this earth.

As for me personally, no I'm not bald, but the hair is going! With the bald spot I currently have, when it's noticed, I'm arguably less attractive to some women than I might be if I shaved my head completely. But I've felt no falloff at all of flirters. I'm married so I won't be testing that out, LOL, but I've dated a lot of women, slept with a lot of women (I say this only to satisfy your desire for stats), and am absolutely sure that if I were single now I could hook up. Because I'd go and make a girl feel attractive and special, make her laugh, portray myself as a fun person to spend time with, and attraction happens. And this is how it goes for lots of dudes who shave their heads, aren't tall, don't have perfectly symmetrical faces - but who are charismatic, and yes, confident. Sorry. And with all due respect.

"Bald is masculine, It is not like the past, Bald is a style now and i know women that prefer bald men. I think so many men that keep a partial bald head of hair look outdated ,old and a turn off, it is amazing how much younger and nice they look when they go with it and shave it all off" - youtube comment (one of a million similar ones)


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True baldness will teach you I guess.

OMG... OK man.

Again, I know plenty of people who are bald and for real have hooked up with lots of girls, I've known lots of girls who are in fact attracted to guys with shaved heads, and it's proven that women's taste varies widely. There are a million comments on youtube, theres a good scientific study, there are couples including guys with shaved heads everywhere (in which you feel that the girl is being "tricked" or only in it for the money). Whatever.

I came to this forum because I'm losing my hair and so I figure, why not try saving it. So I'm using Rogaine as it seems to have minimal side effects. If it doesn't work, it's fine, and to be honest I feel like a bit of a wuss for taking the Rogaine at all and maybe nature should just do what it does and I'll shave at some point. Whatever, again...unlike you I don't think my own personal "hair experience" applies to all dudes so who cares. I commented in this thread because I saw someone post that he was no longer talking to girls out of fear that they were repulsed by him, and I thought that was sad and wanted to provide a little reassurance that he shouldn't feel that way. But your "no one will love you" comments don't help with that.


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You think you have it all figured out? Because you think other bald men are doing great. This is just your perception. You only see what they want you to see. It's different when it happens to you.

My best friend shaved his head a couple of months ago. He looks good. And he is into it. As is his girlfriend. I know you are sure he's in some private shiny-head hell, and his girlfriend is lying (or actually happy about it because it will make him less likely to leave her, in your mind) but whatever. As I said a few other times, I know a few people with shaved heads. I'm sure you're sure that they're all miserable. They aren't. Sorry. They hook up, they laugh, they enjoy life, they don't get hair transplants.

I see that you left me a "reputation comment" here on my profile, "wait until you're bald". I have to admit that I laughed out loud for a few seconds when I read it. Not sure what kind of reaction you thought you'd provoke? Not sure if you're trying to be funny, mean, instructive, or ? I won't respond in kind, whatever.

I also see that you're involved with similar debates with other people in other threads here. Does it not tip you off that your views are extreme on this, that even on a message board filled with people thinking about how to save their hair, you're provoking people to respond to you with statements like

"women find baldness as ugly as we find it, actually id say less, because i see some pretty hot women with bald men."


they mention height but not baldness, so i dont know what you're trying to prove here. if anything it just shows how picky girls could be but yet still fail to mention anything about hair. the way i see it is, no hair is like our version of no tits, idk if i could date a girl with no ***, im a huge *** fan, but i dont really care how big her boobs are."

This is just TODAY, I wonder what kind of wonderment you've provoked with your 4218 posts since 2009. Doesn't the fact that some people actively and vehemently disagree with you prove that you are wrong? After all, if a shaved head were indeed such an absolutely, universally repulsive thing, it would be well known to everyone, especially people here.

But it isnt.

So, now, are you bald? Or as a result of your hair transplant(s?) do you have hair now? I'm curious what perspective you're coming from, currently.


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You know I had fun too when I was bald, I traveled, I hooked up, I laughed. It was the moments I was reminded of my inferiority as a bald man I couldn't stand.

This right here. Why is it so hard for people to understand this? And I can't stand the fact that baldness which is a huge deal in real life is considered a thing you should be 100% okay with, absolutely no middle ground. Even now, when we have a few medications to fight this, people seem to be very angry at them. "How dare they even try? They should completely accept this, there is no other way." It's like they want you to know where your place is.

Meanwhile people go ape **** over extremely minor things.


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I could care less if you get a hair transplant, or if the president does. My point in mentioning it is simply that for the people in my life who shaved their heads, and there are several, a hair transplant was never on the radar. I know you think that they were lying but that's what you think about all feelings about baldness that aren't exactly the same as yours. What I do have a huge problem with is statements like:


You need both (looks and personality) for a healthy long-term relationship. That's why I think these bald men in a relationship are probably getting cucked.Your girlfriend just won't truly love you. And probably even resent you for being bald.

Make me 5"7' and I could kiss goodbye to my dating life, no matter how confident and funny I was.

Lack of hair on your head is an absolute when it comes to looks. It's never considered attractive. (never is a big word, you're smart enough to know better)

All girls who are with bald men are making a compromise. (and you know about all girls how? LOL)

If denying the truth makes you sleep better at night, by all means, don't hesitate. You will find a girlfriend while bald and she will love you for who you are, even with a shiny bald head. Is that what you want to hear?

Penis in the vagina or I don't care about those "girls hit on me and I'm bald!" stories.

True baldness will teach you I guess.

Like they were sad that I didn't look that inferior to them anymore. This is also bald men's purpose, to make full heads feel superior. (omg)

Take all my belongings and put me on the street to start over in exchange of a full head of hair anytime.

Baldness will haunt you for the rest of your life

and finally:

What about the bald veterans here? Or even the new members that have experienced true baldness? They all agree with me. Because they've been through true baldness.

This is a biggie. My friend, virtually all dudes who shave their heads do not ever post in an online hairloss forum. Obviously "bald veterans" like you, or freaking out newbies posting here for support, are the most likely people to HATE it, who CAN'T HANDLE it. But in society there are people everywhere who are fine with it, including a dude in this very thread. And several my friends. And plenty of people posting in youtube and commenting on their posts - which you are sure are all invalid, faked. Right dude. They are all fake people. Fake accounts of fake girls were created to make fake posts about how they are attracted to fake guys with shaved heads. On youtube videos by individuals with no opening ads to generate revenue. Selling no products. OK, well, maybe Google itself is creating hundreds of fake women to comment about shaved heads because they have a conspiracy against bald people. Yeah, that must explain it. All shaved head people are in denial, lying, or don't even really exist, except those on It's all about your personal experience and those who seek this forum out, you represent all of society. Not the 99% of dudes with shaved heads who don't ever visit this website. All evidence to the contrary is fake. OK I got it! Thanks



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Obviously "bald veterans" like you, or freaking out newbies posting here for support, are the most likely people to HATE it, who CAN'T HANDLE it.
You could use this bull**** logic to trivialize everything. Having depression? **** you, it's your fault for not handling it. You're short or ugly or have any other legit problem people face every day? **** you, deal with it.


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Not what I'm saying at all, not trivializing. What I'm saying is that the people who find this place are obviously the people most likely to be care strongly about it. And so it's not necessarily representative of the views and attitudes of everyone in society. Your feelings are valid, but they are also your own. Whats bull**** is to say that they apply to everyone, and if you think otherwise youre being conned or lying.


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Then you can bring out the trumpets and brag about how tough you are compared to us weak balding men.

You need to learn humility, and you should just admit that you don't know (yet).

Dude: please get a grip. I don't give a **** what you do with your head. But you didnt start this thread. A 22 year old kid did, who hasn't been with a girl in 6 months, who has completely stopped talking to them out of fear. And your response is:

Your girlfriend won't truly love you

Take all my belongings and put me on the street to start over in exchange of a full head of hair anytime.

That's OK? Good guidance?


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Yes, my kingdom for a full head of hair. I'm not ashamed to say it, and I'm sure a lot of people here share that idea.

I think you may be right, here. "Take all my belongings and put me on the street to start over in exchange of a full head of hair anytime." might be a common sentiment, here.

I know you are speaking sincerely. But I think you're the one without compassion in this situation. Someone comes here obviously in a lot of mental distress, a huge amount, and your response is say yes, bug out, you can't be happy or loved the way you are. No girl will love you and you are unattractive, period. And that's just wrong, who are you to say that to someone.


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I was happy and loved to an extent when I was bald. But something was always missing.

Moments that were supposed to be completely blissful were not, because there was this voice in the back of my head reminding me I was bald.

And when the voice got quiet at some moments, it was people who made sure I remembered my place in society as a bald man.

Well, F those people!! They are idiots!! Get some new people!! I assure you that everyone is not like that. And I know we differ there.

Regardless though you're still talking about yourself, not at all referring to the kid in distress who posted this thread who has completely stopped talking to girls and feels like girls will think he looks repulsive. I maintain that reinforcing and doubling down on his obvious pain is wrong. Even if your main advice is to get a transpant, which is fine, you don't need to reinforce truly miserable feelings by telling him he's unattractive, to everyone, and anyone that likes him will be settling for him, and he'll never truly be loved or attractive. How could that possibly be right in this situation.


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Your "story" is to tell him that he's right, that he looks repulsive and won't be loved. That a girl would be interested in him only for the money. Is this a story?

And I'm sorry about how people have reacted around you by the way, yeah it sounds awful. They were wrong though. FWIW from what I can see in your photo I think you look good. Ain't lyin!

And I think my friends who have shaved heads look good too, I really do. I think it looks cool and kind of badass. I think it would look cool with a goatee or beard.

- - - Updated - - -

Yetti: This is a biggie. My friend, virtually all dudes who shave their heads do not ever post in an online hairloss forum.

TD500: Guess you never seen slybaldguys lol.

FredThe Belgian: Haha! He has a lot to learn.

OK, so "he" (I) went to slybaldguys. What I found is a site with very little traffic, not millions of posts and members. Of course, what I said above, that virtually all dudes who shave their heads do not ever post in an online hairloss forom, stands very strongly.

And for whatever it's worth I liked the site, seems like a positive and friendly place.


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I've had a frank chat with two women now, one in early 20's and another in late 30's. I can totally trust whatever they told me is truth. My research (if I can call it that) has shown no-one is wrong in this debate and no-one is totally right either. I asked about 1) pure physical relationship (one night stands, no commitment fun) and 2) relationships. Here's what I found in summary:

Younger the women, the more importance looks hold to them for pure s£x and for relationships. Everyone knows this but there is more:

For young women for pure physical relationship on one night stands it is all about looks. But it is down to both physical attraction and their reputation with their friends and society. The relative importance of these differs between girls and what type they are, what society/groups they live in etc. However, looks are a hygeine factor and not a motivating factor. This means looks should not be bad that they are laughed about but once it passes a threshold of good looking the importance of this diminishes and other factors start coming into being. Think of it as a screening factor. E.g. a greek god handsome guy with killer looks but arrogant behaviour will lose against a good looking guy with a great sense of humour, charming and gentleman traits. A visibly bald guy will probably fail the screening for teenage or early 20 girls but some do pass successfully:
- for some girls, even hot girls, because everyone is different
- if they have other assets or are good looking and charming despite their baldness
- if they have excelled and seen in high esteem by society
- if the girl has some issue with her own looks or has a wrong perception of herself (some girls and hot for some men but think they are ugly or non-sexy). Girls have wrong perception about what men think hot as guys have about girls. More so the younger they are.

For young women for a proper relationship looks only remain a screening factor. Above the pass percentage (which varies with girls), looks can actually be detrimental. An average girl would always worry about and feel inferior and insecure with a handsome hunk. In relationships it is very important for them to feel s£xy and important themselves and be pampered and cajoled. Above the pass percentage, it is about guy's confidence, nature, how he talks and makes women feel, success in other things etc.

For older women for pure physical relationship on one night stands it cannot be about looks. Reason is that a mature woman would typically not have s£x without knowing the person for some time and knowing them well. They would create a first impression of the guy which is about looks but that would taper off and give way to the way the person talks, behaves, charm, modesty, success, etc. It is still a hygeine factor but baldness for most women at this age is not a great deal unless they are the New York bankers' wives types.

For older women for a committed relationship looks hardly matter unless someone is v ugly. Even in that case they would tend to participate and play godmothers and try to make it something which should not affect the guy. For s£x baldness hardly matters but obesity (if the woman is ok) is a turn off. Some women get turned off by body hair etc but then obviously they get used to it in a committed relationship. In a committed relationship it is more about 'am i turning him on' than about 'is he turning me on' to get them wet.

In general a man's looks can be enhanced or reduced greatly by how successful and charming and good natured and nice talker they are. It is incredible these things actually subconsciously make a man better or worse looking in their minds. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder really applies to women it seems. For guys, generally we would agree on girl's hotness on a 1-10 scale irrespective of how they conduct or behave.


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^ My coping mechanism radar just went through the roof. No matter how much you like and trust these women, never listen to what they say.

This is all anyone needs to read. You should put it at the top of every post you make and also in your signature so people know where you're coming from and can decide in advance whether or not it's even worth taking the time to finish reading.