Hairloss but not hairloss?


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I earlier described my situation in this thread viewtopic.php?t=58441 , where i finally decided to go to a dermatologist. I was glad to hear that i couldn't see any signs of hairloss, not templates. And even though i do have thin hairs, i had "impudently dense hair". Of that I do not know :p

I'm 19 years old and very blonde with some curls. Get more curls when wet.

Of course i felt much better and glad to hear that i was most likely to have full headed hair when I am 25 years old, but I do still struggle with a major problem. I loose hair. A lot.

As I said in the other thread, I loose hair very easily. Depending on what night activity I can find from none to 20 hairs on my pillow the next day in various sizes. When i grab my hair it always comes off at least one hair, and if I lean forward and rub my hair it can fall off a lot of hair. I have no idea how many hairs i loose when i shower since I'm very blonde, but if I use a towel where i can count the number of hairs it can easily be up to 40 hairs on the towel. Yesterday i had a shower in the morning and also in the evening with shampoo. When I , at the evening, dried my hair with the towel a second time it got stuck at least 10 hairs. I made rid of all the hairs and rubbed my hair with the towel and again there was at least 10 hairs. This could be repeated four times with the same amount of hairs on the towel. I stopped because i didn't like the sight of it but it felt that if I'd continue that all night long I'd wake up bald :p

When i brush my hair after using the towel it can easily get stucked 20 hairs, and I always notice a couple of hairs on my shirt/jacket.

Basically, i experience a significant amount of hair loss, and it annoys me. even though this has been going on for at least 3 years, it feels that this CAN'T go one forever and not make me go bald!? I can't say whether my hair is thinner or not since 3 years ago, nor if the hairloss has increased or decreased, just that it annoys the hell out of me and I can't take it cool because of it.

I'm very sure that i loose way more than 100 hairs a day. Probably some where between 100-200 a day. Is it possbile to loose a lot of hair and NOT get bald? I've heard that blondes have thinner but more hairs than usual, can this be the case why i loose MORE hair then I should, and cause no problem?

The last year I've been using shampoo almost every day so my hair feel kind of dry now, maybe that aint helping either. Should I try to make it more moisturized and then maybe loose less hairs?

Because even if I've been told by two different dermatologist with a gap of 1,5 years that I am not suffering from hairloss and have quite dense hair, every single hair is very thin, and i beleive that my hair is fragile and can't make several years of hairloss without noticing it?

Or what do you think? What would you recommend me to do? Take better care of my har by not using shampoo to much etc, and stop thinking of it or something else?

Is it possible that I've been loosing more hair then "recommended" for 3 years, but not seen a major difference in my hair, and that proves that it can go on for at least a couple of years morw without any major differences? What is your opinion? I hate to see hairs all over the place and I just want to stop thinking about it.

Thank you every one i really need your help!


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Some people apparently have this.. my mum says she gets this lol, she loses a lot of hair but it just seems to "regenerate" lol

Erm, so you have no loss around the hairline or anything at all?

If I were you like, eat a good diet, maybe take a good multivitamin or one aimed at hair, and try to use a mild SLS-free shampoo, don't overwash or overbrush.

If there's no hairline recession you are prooobably ok, but yeah diet and vits will help to stop the hair breaking and being weak.


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Hoppi said:
Some people apparently have this.. my mum says she gets this lol, she loses a lot of hair but it just seems to "regenerate" lol

Erm, so you have no loss around the hairline or anything at all?

If I were you like, eat a good diet, maybe take a good multivitamin or one aimed at hair, and try to use a mild SLS-free shampoo, don't overwash or overbrush.

If there's no hairline recession you are prooobably ok, but yeah diet and vits will help to stop the hair breaking and being weak.

Wow, I hope I'm just like your mom :p

No, I can't say I have a receeding hairline, you can check my photos in the other thread if you'd like.

I take Panto-3, I don't know if you call it the same in english but it's suppose to be good for your hair and nails. I will start taking Omega-3 along with my other supplements for my work out. Do you think I should pass Creatine, if you of it, since I've heard it could cause hair loss? I've used it several times before without noticing any differences but now that I know I'm sure that I'll start looking for it while starting :p

When you say overwash, how much is overwash? Can i shower my hair every day if I limit the times with shampoo to half?
I'm sure I do overbrush, but if I limit it to after shower and in the mornings, that shouldn't be any problems?

Again, thank you!

Autumn Sundown

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I first joined this site because I was worried about the amount of hair I was shedding. I count about 50-60 hairs in the shower and at least twice that as the day goes on. My mom has the same exact problem though, maybe even worse than I do. I think certain kinds of hair shed more than others.
Think about it, people with more hair have to shed more. My mom and I both have incredibly thick heads of hair, so it only makes sense that we shed more than most other people would.
Just like you, I haven't noticed any hairloss and my hair density is just fine. :)


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Man, that felt REALLY good to hear. Nice to hear that you can loose up to 200 hairs and not me doomed.

I must say that my hair aint thick, every single hair is very thin, though my dermatologist and another guy at a hair clinic told me that my hairs are quite dense.
My mom also had great head of hair, unfortunately she's dead so I can't ask her things I'd like to.

My dad is the one making me worry, but at the same time calm.
He isn't completely bald, I'd say he's a NW4 without hair on the top (except for the hair transplanted) but his hairs are, like mine, very thin so it still looks very thin.
Since my mom got much thicker hair, I kind of figured it can't at least be worse then my dads since both my grandfathers, 80+ and 70+ have full head of hair. The fact that he lost his hair at an early stage made me worried a bit. He started to loose his hair exactly at my age so that makes me extra worried. And since i hit puberty one year later than he did I afraid that I will loose my hair within a year. I figured that if I can make another two years without any significant or visible hairloss, like the past two years, not only would I be very glad to be 22 with no hairloss, I would hope that I passed the "risky age", the age when my dad lost his hair.


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Well, for starters, stop washing your hair everyday with shampoo, 2 times a week max. No wonder its falling out when your doing that everyday for over a year. And if you really have to find very neutral one. Also if your gonna mad towel your hair after its wet, when the hair is at its weakest, ofcourse its gonna fall off. Let it dry naturally.

What you are doing here:

When i grab my hair it always comes off at least one hair, and if I lean forward and rub my hair it can fall off a lot of hair. I have no idea how many hairs i loose when i shower since I'm very blonde, but if I use a towel where i can count the number of hairs it can easily be up to 40 hairs on the towel. Yesterday i had a shower in the morning and also in the evening with shampoo. When I , at the evening, dried my hair with the towel a second time it got stuck at least 10 hairs. I made rid of all the hairs and rubbed my hair with the towel and again there was at least 10 hairs.

is just bad for your hair. stop touching it.


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Sebastien said:
Well, for starters, stop washing your hair everyday with shampoo, 2 times a week max. No wonder its falling out when your doing that everyday for over a year. And if you really have to find very neutral one. Also if your gonna mad towel your hair after its wet, when the hair is at its weakest, ofcourse its gonna fall off. Let it dry naturally.

What you are doing here:

When i grab my hair it always comes off at least one hair, and if I lean forward and rub my hair it can fall off a lot of hair. I have no idea how many hairs i loose when i shower since I'm very blonde, but if I use a towel where i can count the number of hairs it can easily be up to 40 hairs on the towel. Yesterday i had a shower in the morning and also in the evening with shampoo. When I , at the evening, dried my hair with the towel a second time it got stuck at least 10 hairs. I made rid of all the hairs and rubbed my hair with the towel and again there was at least 10 hairs.

is just bad for your hair. stop touching it.

If the person produces excessive sebum, then you should wash your at least every 2 days, otherwise the grease will make your hair appear thin.


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Sebastien said:
Well, for starters, stop washing your hair everyday with shampoo, 2 times a week max. No wonder its falling out when your doing that everyday for over a year. And if you really have to find very neutral one. Also if your gonna mad towel your hair after its wet, when the hair is at its weakest, ofcourse its gonna fall off. Let it dry naturally.

What you are doing here:

When i grab my hair it always comes off at least one hair, and if I lean forward and rub my hair it can fall off a lot of hair. I have no idea how many hairs i loose when i shower since I'm very blonde, but if I use a towel where i can count the number of hairs it can easily be up to 40 hairs on the towel. Yesterday i had a shower in the morning and also in the evening with shampoo. When I , at the evening, dried my hair with the towel a second time it got stuck at least 10 hairs. I made rid of all the hairs and rubbed my hair with the towel and again there was at least 10 hairs.

is just bad for your hair. stop touching it.

Yes, I have stopped washing my hair every day. I only do it every other day maximum. Though I kinda feel my hair loses less hairs when using shampoo, why is that?
And why shouldn't I "mad towel"? I tried not use towel nor brushing before and it felt like all the hairs that should have come off fell during the day, was aweful to see...

But is it THAT bat to brush your hair after showering? My hair gets curly and illogical when not brshing and it looks like sh*t.

So, decrease amount of days with shampoo, use conditioner, try to blowdry instead of mad towel dry the hair (is blowdrying it better then using towel?) and brush it when dry. Plus adding Panto-3, Omega-3 and Zink.
That should make my hair feel a little better ey?


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Yeah I think it will. Be carefull with blowdrying though, on wet hair it causes damage to the hairs itself.

My advice is: wake up in the morning, shower or wash your hair. Let it dry naturally and then blowdry it. If you find it hard to style when your hair dries naturally try to buy a blowdryer with a brush attached to it. Makes it really easy! Atleast it's what I do.


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Sebastien said:
Yeah I think it will. Be carefull with blowdrying though, on wet hair it causes damage to the hairs itself.

My advice is: wake up in the morning, shower or wash your hair. Let it dry naturally and then blowdry it. If you find it hard to style when your hair dries naturally try to buy a blowdryer with a brush attached to it. Makes it really easy! Atleast it's what I do.

No wonder my hair looks like sh*t when I treat it like sh*t. Shampoo every day, mad towel and brushing when wet and always touch my hair...
The problem is that I, 8 times out of 10, shower in a public gym. If I'd shower my hair, dry it gently with a towel and just let it be I'd make a fool out of my self on my way home on the subway. As I said, my hair is thin so when wet and curly it does NOT look too cool ;P

What if I'd dry it gently with a towel, and then blow dry it but keep a distance to the blowdryer and the brush it through?
I mean that can't be too bad?


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What if I'd dry it gently with a towel, and then blow dry it but keep a distance to the blowdryer and the brush it through?
I mean that can't be too bad?

this is silly. you could abuse that crap of your hair and it's not going to make any difference in the progression of genetic hairloss.

losing hair is perfectly normal and not a great indicator of the progression of how you are balding.

i lived with a girl that would constantly clog the shower drain because she lost so much hair in the shower. she was definitely not balding.