Hairloss is ruining my education!



Ok, to all those who believe I am just joking and hairloss has no impact on my career.

Yesterday i was writing the information management exam. I was optimistic since I was well prepared. I just wanted to write the exam and forget about all that stuff. But since I was scared that I would shed during the exam I put on a baseball hat in order to not see them falling. At least I hoped so...... Then after about 20 minutes: The first one on my desk. I have got no idea how it escaped under my hat but it was there. My motivation was gone, so was my concentration. After about one hour there was another one on the table. Needless to say that I fucked up the exam.......

In a few minutes I am gonna write the business law exam. I am well prepared again. I just had to find another strategy to counter the shed. So I geled my hair. Like that they will stick together and not fall down. At least I hope so! wish me luck!


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Taugenichts said:
Ok, to all those who believe I am just joking and hairloss has no impact on my career.

Yesterday i was writing the information management exam. I was optimistic since I was well prepared. I just wanted to write the exam and forget about all that stuff. But since I was scared that I would shed during the exam I put on a baseball hat in order to not see them falling. At least I hoped so...... Then after about 20 minutes: The first one on my desk. I have got no idea how it escaped under my hat but it was there. My motivation was gone, so was my concentration. After about one hour there was another one on the table. Needless to say that I f***** up the exam.......

In a few minutes I am gonna write the business law exam. I am well prepared again. I just had to find another strategy to counter the shed. So I geled my hair. Like that they will stick together and not fall down. At least I hope so! wish me luck!

This is not real.


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recboi said:
robtak said:
My suggestion for you is to buzz cut hair and get a quality hair piece,
during the evenings,
you can use the FOAM
and during the day,
have a beautiful FULL head of hair.
Before long, you'll be smiling like this guy--> :D

I'll meet with him in Germany in November if he's near Koeln/Bonn/Wuppertal, to see if he's really a body dismorphic type...

I used to be really bad when I was about 20-22, but very valid basis, my hairline was receeding massively. In high school people used to point out my receeding hairline. Everything people pointed out (such as my crooked nose), i developed a complex about, and things people didn't point out, were not an issue.

One friend from high school sent me a can of spray on hair as a joke my freshman year of college. I wore a hat every day of my life from age 19 until about 27, in the latter part to hide by pluggy hair transplants, but ever since the repair work, it isn't that horrible if you don't know what to look for. one time, a gave a friend's drunk friend a lift home from the bar, and he thought I was wearing a hairpiece and tried to yank my hair off. They both confronted me about hair transplant that night. I developed such a complex I scheduled an appointment with MHR, and they used up the last of my donor area and accomplished nothing. Dr. Bernstein made my hair at least presentable with his graft excisions... However, i don't know how I would be had I not had hair transplant, or if I still had plugs. I'd probably be too afraid to leave home, and I certainly wouldn't have a girlfriend because I would feel so bad about myself.

Damn dude, if that ever happened to me I would be traumatized.


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Taugenichts said:
Ok, to all those who believe I am just joking and hairloss has no impact on my career.

Yesterday i was writing the information management exam. I was optimistic since I was well prepared. I just wanted to write the exam and forget about all that stuff. But since I was scared that I would shed during the exam I put on a baseball hat in order to not see them falling. At least I hoped so...... Then after about 20 minutes: The first one on my desk. I have got no idea how it escaped under my hat but it was there. My motivation was gone, so was my concentration. After about one hour there was another one on the table. Needless to say that I f***** up the exam.......

In a few minutes I am gonna write the business law exam. I am well prepared again. I just had to find another strategy to counter the shed. So I geled my hair. Like that they will stick together and not fall down. At least I hope so! wish me luck!

For the 1000th time, hair shedding is NOT an indicator of hairloss.

hair today gone tomorrow

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Nathaniel said:
Taugenichts said:
Ok, to all those who believe I am just joking and hairloss has no impact on my career.

Yesterday i was writing the information management exam. I was optimistic since I was well prepared. I just wanted to write the exam and forget about all that stuff. But since I was scared that I would shed during the exam I put on a baseball hat in order to not see them falling. At least I hoped so...... Then after about 20 minutes: The first one on my desk. I have got no idea how it escaped under my hat but it was there. My motivation was gone, so was my concentration. After about one hour there was another one on the table. Needless to say that I f***** up the exam.......

In a few minutes I am gonna write the business law exam. I am well prepared again. I just had to find another strategy to counter the shed. So I geled my hair. Like that they will stick together and not fall down. At least I hope so! wish me luck!

For the 1000th time, hair shedding is NOT an indicator of hairloss.

excessive hair shedding is...i mean if your constantly noticing hair shedding all around you, all the time, that is not normal.


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great, another lame thread. Yeah, my hairloss impacted my grades too. Just wear a hat or dermmatch, use nizoral, proscar 1/4 (from a local pharmacy), and put apple poly in your shampoo. Use rogain foam if you want, before bed, but other than that, you need to just get on with your life and study and save for HM and not worry so much.

I can tell you, gaining 10 pounds of muscle won't improve your looks much unless it is a lean 10 pounds, and if you had a moderately low body fat to begin with.

Losing 10 pounds will not help you much unless it is mostly fat, not muscle.

But if you do either of these, even 5 pounds, and were relatively slim to begin with, it looks fantastic. I see it on myself. Your body can dramatically make up for hair loss. Just wear the clothes to show it off, and wear a hat, and you are set.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
Nathaniel said:
Taugenichts said:
Ok, to all those who believe I am just joking and hairloss has no impact on my career.

Yesterday i was writing the information management exam. I was optimistic since I was well prepared. I just wanted to write the exam and forget about all that stuff. But since I was scared that I would shed during the exam I put on a baseball hat in order to not see them falling. At least I hoped so...... Then after about 20 minutes: The first one on my desk. I have got no idea how it escaped under my hat but it was there. My motivation was gone, so was my concentration. After about one hour there was another one on the table. Needless to say that I f***** up the exam.......

In a few minutes I am gonna write the business law exam. I am well prepared again. I just had to find another strategy to counter the shed. So I geled my hair. Like that they will stick together and not fall down. At least I hope so! wish me luck!

For the 1000th time, hair shedding is NOT an indicator of hairloss.

excessive hair shedding is...i mean if your constantly noticing hair shedding all around you, all the time, that is not normal.

We are talking about Taugenichts here.


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Shave your head so you won't see any more hair on your desk. That's what I am about to do. Shave my entire head. That's a big decision for me, I will have to say goodbye to my hair for my entire life. But at the same time it will be the start of the acceptation of my hairloss. For now, I juste laft when I'am drunk, I have no more fun in my life. I found life to be hard and cruel toward me but, I guess this is just a hard pass.

Ok, to all those who believe I am just joking and hairloss has no impact on my career.

Yesterday i was writing the information management exam. I was optimistic since I was well prepared. I just wanted to write the exam and forget about all that stuff. But since I was scared that I would shed during the exam I put on a baseball hat in order to not see them falling. At least I hoped so...... Then after about 20 minutes: The first one on my desk. I have got no idea how it escaped under my hat but it was there. My motivation was gone, so was my concentration. After about one hour there was another one on the table. Needless to say that I f***** up the exam.......

In a few minutes I am gonna write the business law exam. I am well prepared again. I just had to find another strategy to counter the shed. So I geled my hair. Like that they will stick together and not fall down. At least I hope so! wish me luck!


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I wouldn't say shave but cut it much shorter, I used to wear my hair long and now is really short on the sides and a bit longer on top and it looks pretty good also.. the best part is that you might not feel as much depressed about it, but it depends on your level of loss I guess. Shorter you won't see as many hair falling off.
I can relate with feeling depressed, people who never felt like that just can't.
imo hairloss alone isn't reason enough to feel THAT bad but I understand your difficulty concentrating and such. Depression keeps you from thinking about anything else. You should try to focus on positive things, like friends, family, your abilities, looks and stuff like that.


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DON'T listen to all these internet tough guys with the "stop whining". WHine all you want. Losing your hair is devestating. ANd its devestating BECAUSE it DOES make a difference in your life. YOur hairloss will drive away babes, clients, jobs....its a happens and you have to be ready for it.



ONe. Baldness today is FAR FAR FAR more excepted than it was 20 or 30 years ago. Ever see the bands in the 80's?? Hair bands. Hair, and lots of it, was what was in. Only psychos shaved their heads. NOt so today. YOURE LUCKY, in that way. So as sucky as it seems, shave it off and move on. If you have a nice shaped head, all the better, BUT shaving is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE.

Two. ANd this is a biggie....A BIGGIE. When you are young, chicks dig looks. THats it. WHen we get older, looks stop being so important.....its still somewhat important, but down the list. As we grow older, women start to like two things....MONEY AND POWER. These two HOMERUN attributes are magnified by CONFINDENCE. Baldness is something that is a KILLER when you and women are young..... but it loses its power when we get older. So, this business about not doing good in school??


Make money, shave your head, realize that you hairloss means very little and go on with your life.................BUT.......



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You're 4 years too late boss. Taugenichts has probably long since topped himself by now.


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Dudemon: Attraction is never a choice someone makes. What we are attracted to is more or less genetically programmed in us from birth.

Some women will not have a problem with bald men, and some will have. There is nothing we can do to change that.

As for the bald men thing, I believe that most women can overlook a man´s lack of hair, IF he looks good in the face from the start. I mean, all bald men are not on the same position in the attraction scale, just because theyre all bald.


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dudemon said:
^^ And these would be the same women who said they would date a bald guy like (insert movie star here). :mrgreen: I know this is how most women are! They contradict themselves, plain and simple.

This is not meant to be a rant, but its interesting that many girls Ive heard who says bald men are hot (always mentioning Freddie Ljungberg or Vin Diesel, ALWAYS), still have boyfriends with a perfect straight hairline.Its very interesting to say the least.