- You ever thought about TV?


Established Member
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Have you ever thought about advertising on television? This is such a wonderful site with great advice that it's a shame more people don't know about it.
I went through years of snake oil before I stumbled across this site. I feel lucky to know about the Big 3. When I see balding guys in bars or around I want to walk up and give them this website's address.
All I'm saying is that I wish I had found this site years ago.
Anyway, thanks for having such a wonderful resource.


I would presume it costs some major mean green to be seen on the small screen.


Senior Member
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he runs this whole site? i thought he was just a moderator here..if so, good for you


Senior Member
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Yes the site is run by one person in a 1 bedroom apartment. :)

Yes its me. :)

I've thought about how helpful it would be to have a commercial for hairlosstalk out there with the solid facts to mass inform people. Zimmy is right it would take quite a huge budget with zero return.

Since the site is primarily a free information site (over 500 pages of free info) with a tiny store in the back of it, even if we bring in about 100,000 new people to the site, it would only result in maybe 30 new customers.

Those are the typical percentages for the internet. We'd end up spending about $50,000 on a TV commercial and get about $250 in sales from it.

The point isn't that I want sales. Its just that it would be a lot of money spent that we'd know we'd never see again.

If anyone has $50,000 they want to donate, we can definitely put a public service announcement commercial out there and get the word out about the big 3 :)

The Gardener

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I think I have a more effective idea... hire one of those Russian hacker-types to do up one of those trojan horse programs that redirect people's homepages to dot com.

If we can only find a good distribution point for the trojan, then you might get significantly more hits?


Established Member
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I think anyone that cares enough about their hairloss will get online and do a bit of research and probably find this site. We all turned to the 'net for info about it, right? I started with alt.baldspot 5 years ago myself.

Though all the members here, and on other hair loss sites are surely just a teency-weency fraction of all the men in the world who care about their hair loss and have 'net access. Maybe they're just slackers?


Established Member
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Hey, I wish I found this sight sooner!!-I was using Procerin for 5 months before I found out it was a scam!! I wasted all that time!!! I could have been on finasteride!!!

The shedder

Established Member
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I eventually stumbled across this site and am thoroughly impressed. You put other hair loss sites to shame. I also reccomended this site to my freind and he is as excited as I was (am) about the treatments and the endless amount of pages and opinions. GOD BLESS!


me too, before stumbling across the good ship, I was crawling around the various other knocking shops out there, bought a bottle of some stinking cats piss from china or somewhere (purple bottle, gold type, hideous brown liquid, can't recall the name) I rubbed that sh*t into my hair for months!!!! :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2:

Keep it up!

I would certainly be a lot worse off with out this place


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I stumbled across this site one day while sick. I would have never come here had I not been sick for 4 days straight.

I was extremely bored after my third episone of Hogans Heroes, and was looking for before and after pics of Propecia. I came across Martins pics.....

1668 posts later................


Established Member
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I was at hairlossisreversible, thinking the scalp exercise was the only remedy for hairloss until I eventually followed a link and found this site. I think I read 3 months worth of posts, before finally posting myself though. lol I got to vicariously go through the DeD Prez times.


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The first hairloss product I come across was Nisim, it claims to stop hairloss in a week...however I smelt a rat, did a bit of research and come across this site. Thank goodness for that.


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The shedder said:
He has, and I thank him for it often.


Experienced Member
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Interesting thread. New topic, as far as I know.

The only thing I thought was worth mentioning is that because there are so many other shitty sites out there, even when I stumbled onto this one, it wasn't overly apparent that this site was that much better than the others. I mean, click on the wrong thread, and you still get either a bunch of jibberish, or you get info or questions that aren't just what you are looking for. So it still takes some digging around and revisiting to realize that this site is the best. And again, the other sites make you skeptical to begin with.

Peace, and goo luck all.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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Not only is this a nice site, there is also a really great group of people here. It is a pleasure talking to you all.


The Gardener said:
Not only is this a nice site, there is also a really great group of people here. It is a pleasure talking to you all.

I loves you all even the norwood 7`s and 8`s. The norwood 9`s they can f*** off. :lol:

Lets face it there are only 3 main sites on the net for hairloss this one, HLH and Hairiste. Each one has its own merits and outlook however this one leaves the others in the shade with ease of use, professional appearance and most easily accessiblle information. is by FAR the best site for a newbie and also it has the best smilies by a long way.


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elguapo said:
Interesting thread. New topic, as far as I know.

The only thing I thought was worth mentioning is that because there are so many other shitty sites out there, even when I stumbled onto this one, it wasn't overly apparent that this site was that much better than the others. I mean, click on the wrong thread, and you still get either a bunch of jibberish, or you get info or questions that aren't just what you are looking for. So it still takes some digging around and revisiting to realize that this site is the best. And again, the other sites make you skeptical to begin with.

Peace, and goo luck all.
This is good feedback. I think the search box on the main part of the site is a HUGE resource. Type in any topic and I almost guarantee you'll find a helpful article on it in our news center. I think we will make this feature a lot more noticeable in the future versions of the site. I totally agree, the bigger a site gets the more impossible it is to find the specific info you're looking for. Thats why our search is so cool - try it now (not the one above but the one on the home page of the site).


This site is easily the best laid out and quickest to navigate, I should know I've got a mo' fo masters in design, it makes other hair knocking shops look like spralling oldschool bulletin boards

When I first came here many moons ago, the home page took ages, like 2 or 3 minutes to load, but that seems to have been resolved about a year ago. Also the Hairloss logo is a little, how can I put it squeaky? but hey you can't have it all.

Again I can't stress it enough and apologise for repetition but my hair situation would be far worse if it wasn't for this place and all the info I have gathered from the posters here.

I'm gonna cry.... (the bit where you try and catch your breath and cry at the same time) AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....eeeee....aaaaaa

P.S. just remembered the sh*t I was pouring on my poor head FABAO then some letter like D or C or something! The site I bought it from said all kinds of sh*t about it energizing the scalp, jeez what a sucker, mind you the two bottles I didn't use did bring up my 1/10 scale brass shirehorse rather nicley.


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Tynan -

Wait till you see our new design coming soon ;-) ...

You might love it, you might hate it!