HairMax Density Activator and Kourosh DHT Blocker

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Hi. I found these two treatments on Get Your Treatments page. I think they've been added recently.

Are they legit?


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was wondering the same thing, how does the kourosh dht blocker work? Does it bind to the hair follicle like topical spironolactone to block dht? also does hairmax density activator work the same way? Could the owner of the hairlosstalk site please wxplain


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"Azelaic Acid, Zinc Sulfate, Vitamins B6
The synergy of these 3 ingredients reduces Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to nearly Zero in the scalp. This combination is as effective as Propecia for hair restoration without the side-effects."

I'd steer clear. Stick to tried and tested


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surely to make such bold claims there must be some reasoning behind them and they must get results or they would never retain customers and make money?


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My Regimen
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Numerous trolling / scoffing / mocking posts have been removed from this thread for the benefit of proper education of future web visitors. If you do not know what you're talking about, its usually best not to comment at all.

First off: Revivogen also contains Azelaic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Zinc. That being said, this product is simply provided for those customers out there who are looking for a topical Azelaic Acid option to add to their regimen. Azelaic Acid has been believed for over 10 years to reduce DHT levels in the scalp. The well-known Dr Lee sold various versions of such a product for well over 10 years and published numerous articles stating its ability to reduce DHT 98% in the scalp.

There definitely are some who feel that its ability to inhibit 5-ar in the scalp is very limited or nonexistent (Bryan Shelton for one), and that it is only useful as an acne treatment. The simple fact is that nobody knows for sure, but if you're looking for an additional treatment to possibly help, this is a lot better than the obvious snake oils that pervade this market. While some may disagree with Dr. Lee's conclusions, we have always looked to him as one of the only voices in the hair loss world that knew what he was talking about.

More importantly: Our users are entitled to evaluate all the possible adjunct products available out there, and make informed decisions on their own. We will always advocate a foundation regimen of FDA approved, clinically backed products. But it would be naive and somewhat ignorant to claim that adding others as supplemental treatments is a complete waste of time. We have never "Preached" that logic and never will. See : Revivogen, Tricomin, Folligen, Crinagen, etc etc etc. All unproven but containing ingredients that have potential to help.

As for the product description on this particular product, we will be updating it to be much more clear that users should only use it as a possibly helpful *additional* treatment, after establishing a clinically proven regimen first. I thank all of you for bringing the verbiage to my attention. I'm not happy with the grandiose sounding claims, and we have never "rolled that way", so the wording will be more realistic sounding. The person who set up the product on the store was told to use any verbiage from the manufacturers website and apparently they've only written 1 small paragraph. The new store design is nearly finished, and it will appear there.

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